Enabling SSL for E-Business suite in 11i |
Monday, June 16, 2008 |
Enabling SSL for E-Business Suite ==============================
url - https://visclone.oneapps.com ip - application version – database version – Referred metalink document - 123718.1
Common setups: -------------- Set this following settings in application user .bash_profile. #su – apple #vi .bash_profile SCRIPT_TOP=/u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/scripts/ visclone_visclone/ APACHE_TOP=/u01/oracle1/visora/iAS/Apache/ OPENSSL_TOP=/u01/oracle1/visora/iAS/Apache/open_ssl OPENSSL_CONF=/u01/oracle1/visora/iAS/Apache/open_ssl/ bin/openssl.cnf
Save and quit. :wq
Provide certificate for HTTP Server: ------------------------------------ Creating work directory to keep private key as well as certificate files. #mkdir /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs # mkdir /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache Sub-directories: # mkdir /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt # mkdir /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ssl.key
Edit the following value in .xml file. #vi /u01/oracle1/visappl/admin/visclone_visclone.xml
Checking the value of RANDFILE in OPENSSL_CONF, It should be RANDFILE = $ENV::HOME/.rnd
Creating server PEM-encoded private key file -------------------------------------------- #cd /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ Execute this following command , cd $OPENSSL_TOP/bin openssl genrsa -des3 -out apache_1024.key 1024 it will ask to enter the PEM pass phrase:oneapps123 (to avoid confusion give common password for all).
Go to file $OPENSSL_CONF, And edit the follow line dir = ./demoCA as dir = . /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ (Specify directory which is created to keep the private and certificate files) Generating certificate signing request(CSR) ------------------------------------------- #cd /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ Execute following command, cd $OPENSSL_TOP/bin openssl req -config $OPENSSL_CONF -new -key apache_1024.key -out apache_1024.csr
It will ask following details,
Enter the PEM pass phrase :oneapps123 Country Name(2 letter code) :IN State or Province Name :Karnataka Locality Name (e.g., City) :Bangalore Organization Name :oneAPPS Organizational Unit Name :httpserver Common Name :vis.oneapps.com(hostname) E-mail Address :kumaran@oneapps.com
Remaining you can skip. Submitting certificate request(CSR)to ------------------------------------- certificate authority(CA) -------------------------
Go to the website www.verisign.com and search “trial certificate”.Just register for trial certificate and finally it will ask you to submit your CSR, copy the apache_1024.csr #cat /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ apache_1024.csr
And paste in verisign site.(copy full content of the file, Don’t skip anything) And click submit. You will receive the certificate with in a hour.
Creating the server PEM-encoded certificate file ------------------------------------------------ Do the pre-requisites which is mentioned in e-mail, you need to follow only the first step(ROOT CA certificate) In first link you will get the ROOT CA certificate copy and save in a.cer format in your local machine. Steps for Microsoft browser --------------------------- 1.open internet explorer->tools->internet options-> content->certificates->import->next->select file types all, select a.cer->open->next->select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of the certificate->OK->finish->Yes. Steps for firefox browsers: --------------------------- 1.open firefox->tools->options->Advanced->veiw certificates ->Authorities->import->a.cer->open->check trust this CA to identity websites->Ok. Then, Copy the certificate which you received in your e-mail and save it as a apache_1024.crt. then ftp to server $ ftp Username:apple Password:apple ftp>bin ftp>hash ftp>cd /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ ftp>put apache_1024.crt
Creating the file of PEM-encoded Server ---------------------------------------- Certificates(ca.crt) --------------------
From your local machine, Open internet explorer.Go to File->open->browse file apache_10247.crt ->click OK. In certificate window click ->certification path on the first line->then view certificate->details->copy to file->next->select Base-64 encoded X.509->next-> enter name as ca->export->close. From your local machine, ftp username:apple password:apple ftp>bin ftp>hash ftp>cd /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ ftp>put ca.crt
Copy server key and certificate : ---------------------------------
In server machine, #cd $ COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache # cp apache_1024.crt $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ ssl.crt/server.crt # cp apache_1024.key $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ ssl.key/server.key # cp $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt # cp ca.crt $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt/ ca.crt
Certificate provisioning for Forms 6i Server: ---------------------------------------------
Create wallet directory. #mkdir $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/forms/ #su – apple #cd $ORACLE_HOME/ #xhost + #export DSIPLAY= #echo $DISPLAY(check display) #export THREADS_FLAG=native #cd bin/ #owm In wallet manager,Newselect No for prompt->create wallet password->(oneapps123)->Ok->Yes. (A empty wallet created..) it will ask the following details. Common Name :vis.oneapps.com Organizational unit :Forms Organization :oneAPPS Locality/City :Bangalore State Province :karanataka Country :IN Key size :512
->Ok. It will show the message certificate was created submit Certificate Authority.Select wallet and check auto login check box is checked.Save in the location $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/forms
Submitting Certificate Request(CSR)to Certificate ------------------------------------------------- Authority(CA): --------------
Goto www.verisign.com and search for “trial certificate”. Copy and paste the .csr from the wallet to verisign and submit. Creating the server PEM-encoded certificate file ------------------------------------------------
Do the pre-requisites which is mentioned in e-mail, you need to follow only the first step(ROOT CA certificate) In first link you will get the ROOT CA certificate copy and save in a1.cer format in your local machine. Steps for Microsoft browser. 2.open internet explorer->tools->internet options->content-> certificates->import->next->select file types all,select a1.cer->open->next->select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of the certificate-> OK->finish->Yes. Steps for firefox browsers: 2.open firefox->tools->options->Advanced->veiw certificates-> Authorities->import->a1.cer->open->check trust this CA to identity websites->Ok.
Once you received the certificate save as forms_512.crt and ftp to server, ftp username:apple password:apple ftp>bin ftp>hash ftp>cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/forms ftp>put forms_512.crt ftp>bye
Import User certificate in to Wallet Manager: ---------------------------------------------
In wallet manager OperationsImport user certificates-> check radio for select file contains the certificate-> Ok. Give full path of certificate file where stored, /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/forms/ Highlight the forms_512.crt->Ok.(see the message at bottom certificate successfully imported).
Got the error! User certificate import has failed because the CA certificate doesn't exist. Do you want to import a CA certificate now? Yes->check the radio button for select the file that contains the certificate->/u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/forms/ and highlight the file CA_root.cer->Ok.
Configuring SSL with HTTP server --------------------------------
Make the changes in .xml file http to https #vi /u01/oracle1/visappl/admin/visclone_visclone.xml %s_url_protocol %s_local_url_protocol %s_webentryurlprotocol %s_frmConnectMode %s_apps_portal_url %s_webssl_port keep as 443(default) %s_active_webport 443 %s_webport 443 "s_forms60_wallet">/u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/ forms
#vi /u01/oracle1/viscomn/html/bin/appsweb.cfg connectMode=https Edit scripts in the following location, #cd $SCRIPT_TOP/adfractl.sh f60ctl start port=$FORMS_PORT mode=https exe=f60webmx > $FRMLOG 2>/dev/null #SCRIPT_TOP/adfrmctl.sh f60ctl start port=$FORMS_PORT mode=https exe=f60webmx > $FRMLOG 2>/dev/null
Through OAM->sitemap->autoconfig>configuration wizard-> forms listener servlet ->enable OAM->sitemap->autoconfig->configuration wizard-> ssl->enable
Edit the file, #vi $COMMON_TOP/portal/visclone_visclone.xml/aplogon.html a href="https://visclone.oneapps.com/oa_servlets/AppsLogin" target=_top (remove the web listener port)
Clear the cache in this location, #sh $SCRIPT_TOP/adapcctl.sh stop (root user) #cd $COMMON_TOP/_pages #rm –f * #sh $SCRIPT_TOP/adapcctl.sh start (root user)
Bounce all services once. If Apache is not starting try to start as a root user. And check the error for Apache logs. So now you can use https instead of using http. In next post i'll update concept of https and its advantages. |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 10:46 PM   |
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Name: Senthil Kumaran
Home: Oslo, Oslo, Norway
About Me: I'm working as a oracle applications dba(Apps DBA OCP) and fusion middleware.This views are my own only and not neccessary to match with others
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