10g AS installation with linux |
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 |
Part I: Installing Linux ---------------------------- This Minimum Hardware Configuration For Linux Server: • 800MHz Pentium III CPU • 1GB of RAM (Minimum) • Hard Disk – 40 GB ((IDE, SCSI, or FireWire) with at least 10GB of free space. • One 100Base-T Ethernet adapter A fresh install of OS (Linux ) is Desired (as opposed to an upgrade), that the server will be dedicated to Oracle, and that no other operating systems or data are on the server. RHEL4 Installation Oracle Database 10g Release 2 is certified to run the base release of RHEL4 (Advanced Server and Enterprise Server) without updates. Steps: --------- 1. Boot the server using the first CD. o You may need to change your BIOS settings to allow booting from the CD. 2. The boot screen appears with the boot: prompt at the bottom of the screen. o Select Enter to continue with a graphical install on the console. o The installer scans your hardware, briefly displays the Red Hat splash screen, and then begins a series of screen prompts. 3. Language Selection o Accept the default. 4. Keyboard Configuration o Accept the default. 5. Welcome Screen o Click on Next. 6. Disk Partitioning Setup Note: Improperly partitioning a disk is one of the surest and fastest ways to wipe out everything on your hard disk. If you are unsure how to proceed, stop and get help, or you will risk losing data!
Minimum Partition Requirements ------------------------------------- The 9GB disk on the first controller (/dev/sda) will hold all Linux and Oracle software and contains the following partitions: 100MB /boot partition 1,500MB swap partition—Set this to at least twice the amount of RAM in the system but to no more than 2GB. (As 32-bit systems do not support swap files larger than 2GB.) 8,192MB for /usr 1024 MB for /tmp 256MB for /boot 1024 MB for /home 512MB for /opt 512MB for /var OR 15,630 MB(15GB) for root partition—This partition will be used for everything, including /usr, /tmp, /var, /opt, /home, and more. Boot Loader Configuration
7. Network Configuration o It is usually best to configure database servers with a static IP address. To do so, click on Edit . o A pop-up window appears. Uncheck the Configure using DHCP box, and enter the IP Address and Netmask for the server. Be sure that Activate on boot is checked, and click on OK . o In the Hostname box, select manually and enter the hostname. o In the Miscellaneous Settings box, enter the remaining network settings.
8. Firewall Configuration o For the purposes of this installation, no firewall is configured. Select No firewall o Select Disabled on the "Enable SELinux" drop down list. o Click on Proceed when the "Warning - No Firewall" window appears.
9. Additional Language Support o Accept the default.
10. Time Zone Selection o Choose the time settings that are appropriate for your area. Setting the system clock to UTC is usually a good practice for servers. To do so, click on System clock uses UTC.
11. Set Root Password o Enter a password for root, and enter it again to confirm. Note: If you need more than 2GB of swap space, create multiple swap partitions.
12. Package Installation Defaults o Select Customize software packages to be installed. o Select Install Everything o Click on Next to proceed.
13. Installing Packages o Software will be copied to the hard disk and installed. Change disks as prompted.
14. Congratulations o Remove the installation media from the system, and click on Reboot.
15. The system automatically reboots and presents a new welcome screen. o Click on Next.
16. License Agreement o Read the license agreement. If you agree to the terms, select Yes, I agree to the License Agreement and click on Next.
17. Date and Time o Set the Date and Time. o If you want to use an NTP server (recommended), select Enable Network Time Protocol and enter the name of the NTP server.
18. Display o Accept the defaults or change as required.
19. Red Hat Login o Enter your Red Hat Network login and password or create a new one.
20. System User o Create an account for yourself. o Do not create an account for oracle at this time.
21. Additional CDs o Click on Next.
22. Finish Setup o Click on Next.
23. A graphical login screen appears.
24. Congratulations! Your RHEL4 software is now installed. Verifying the Installation Required kernel version: 2.6.9-5.0.5.EL This kernel, or any of the kernels supplied in updates, works with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 .
Check your kernel version by running the following command: #uname -r 2.6.9-11.ELsmp Once you've completed the steps above, all of the packages required for Oracle Database 10g Release 2 will have been installed. Verify this using the example below.
Required package versions (or later): ----------------------------------------- • binutils- • compat-db-4.1.25-9 • control-center-2.8.0-12 • gcc-3.4.3-9.EL4 • gcc-c++-3.4.3-9.EL4 • glibc-2.3.4-2 • glibc-common-2.3.4-2 • gnome-libs- • libstdc++-3.4.3-9.EL4 • libstdc++-devel-3.4.3-9.EL4 • make-3.80-5 • pdksh-5.2.14-30 • sysstat-5.0.5-1 • xscreensaver-4.18-5.rhel4.2 • libaio-0.3.96 • openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.2
To see which versions of these packages are installed on your system, run the following command: # rpm -q binutils compat-db control-center gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-common \ gnomelibs libstdc++ libstdc++-devel make pdksh sysstat xscreensaver libaio openmotif21 Check for any uninstalled RPMs Some RPMs need to be upgraded For RPM installation # rpm –ivh For RPM Update # rpm –Uvh
If any of the package versions on your system are missing or the versions are earlier than those specified above, you can download and install the updates from the Linux Portal (rpm.pbone.net/). # rpm –Uvh # for Updating Installed RPM to the required version.
Part II: Configuring Linux for Oracle ------------------------------------------- Now Linux software is installed, we need to configure it for Oracle. The steps required to configure Linux for Oracle Database 10g Release 2. Verifying System Requirements To verify that your system meets the minimum requirements for an Oracle Database 10g Release 2 database, log in as root and run the commands below.
To check the amount of RAM and swap space available, run this: # grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo MemTotal: 1034680 kB # grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo SwapTotal: 1534196 kB The minimum RAM required is 1024MB, and the minimum required swap space is 1GB. Note: Swap space should be twice the amount of RAM for systems with 2GB of RAM or less and between one and two times the amount of RAM for systems with more than 2GB.
The Minimum Space Requirement for Oracle DB 10g R2 • 2.5GB for the Oracle Database 10g Release2 Software • 1.2GB for the database. • The /tmp directory needs at least 400MB of free space.
To check the available disk space on your system, run the following command: # df -h [oracle@oneman ~]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/hdc7 4.9G 485M 4.1G 11% / /dev/hdc1 291M 16M 260M 6% /boot /dev/hdc2 79G 6.3G 69G 9% /d01 /dev/hdc9 26G 8.4G 16G 35% /d02 none 497M 0 497M 0% /dev/shm /dev/hdc3 15G 218M 14G 2% /home /dev/hdc6 9.7G 56M 9.1G 1% /tmp /dev/hdc5 12G 5.8G 5.3G 53% /usr
Create the Oracle Groups and User Account Oracle AS 10gR2 Comprising of two tiers 1. Infra Tier ( Infrastructure ) • Database • HTTP Server • OC4J • OID
2. Middle Tier • Application Server • Discoverer • Portal • Forms • Reports • OC4J • HTTP Server
So We need to Create 2 User Accounts ( For Infra & Middle Tier) Create the Linux groups and user account that will be used to install and maintain the Oracle Database 10g Release 2 software. The user accounts will be called orainfra, and oramid the groups will be oinstall and dba. Execute the following commands as root: # groupadd oinstall # groupadd dba # useradd -g oinstall -G dba orainfra # id orainfra uid=500(orainfra)gid=502(oinstall)groups=502(oinstall),503(dba)
Set the password on the orainfra account: # passwd orainfra Changing password for user orainfra. New password: Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. # useradd -g oinstall -G dba oramid # id oramid uid=501(oramid) gid=502(oinstall) groups=502(oinstall),503(dba) # passwd oramid Changing password for user oramid. New password: Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Creation of Directories ----------------------------- Now create two directories to store the Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Infrastructure and the Middle Tier. Note: The following directories are being created in the root filesystem. This is done for the sake of simplicity and is not recommended as a general practice. These directories would normally be created as separate file systems.
Issue the following commands as root: --For Infra Tier #mkdir -p /u01/OraHome_1 #chown -R orainfra:oinstall /u01/OraHome_1 #chmod -R 777 //u01/OraHome_1 --For Middle Tier #mkdir -p /u01/OraHome_2 #chown -R oramid:oinstall /u01/OraHome_1 #chmod -R 777 //u01/OraHome_1
Configuring the Linux Kernel Parameters Linux allows modification of most kernel parameters while the system is up and running. There's no need to reboot the system after making kernel parameter changes. Oracle Database 10g Release 2 requires the kernel parameter settings shown below. The values given are minimums, so if your system uses a larger value, don't change it. Run the Following Commands as Root # cat >> /etc/sysctl.conf <> kernel.sysrq = 0 > kernel.shmmax = 4294967295 > kernel.shmmni = 4096 > kernel.sem = 256 32000 100 142 > kernel.msgmnb = 65535 > EOF
Note: If you're following along and have just installed Linux, the kernel parameters will all be at their default values and you can just cut and paste the following commands while logged in as root. To Refresh the Keranel Issue the following Command. # /etc/sysctl -p
Part III: Installing Oracle Infrastructure ------------------------------------------------- Installing Oracle Infrastructure Log in using the orainfra account. # su - orainfra Mount the CD to the desired point, if not Automatically mounted Start the Oracle Universal Installer. $ /Media/Cdrecorder/runInstaller

1. Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials o Inventory Directory: /u01/oraInventory o Operating System group name: oinstall o Click on Next Click Here 2. Select Installation Path

o Installation Directory: /u01/OraHome1 Change the Path to /u01/OraHome_1 Select Oracle Application Server infra Structure

o Installation Type: Identity Management and Metadata Repository (3.63GB)

Follow the Instructions Carefully from the GUI (like running /u01/OraHome_1/root.sh after logging on as root )
o Incase any Error then resolve it by doing necessary action (For Eg. Any Kernel Parameter is not configured properly will result in error). Note: If any error occurs then resolve it first and click Back rather than Retry.

o Incase any Error then resolve it by doing necessary action (For Eg. Any Kernel Parameter is not configured properly will result in error). Note: If any error occurs then resolve it first and click Back rather than retry.

o Confirm that all the kernel parameters memory and swap space are configured properly before continuing.
Select the Required components from the list o OID o Oracle Application SSO o Oracle Application Server Delegated Administration o Oracle Applications Server Directory Integration

Note: High Availability and Replication is selected based on the requirement.
Port Configuration

o Go for Automatic ones
Namespace in Internet Directory

o Go for the Suggested namespace (ie, the Default)
Database Configuration Options

o Specify the Database name and SID o Specify the Oradata Directory for File location
Change the DB name Specify the Location Specify Database Schema Passwords

o Select Use the same password for all accounts or can give separate passwords for each schema depends on requirement. o Enter Password and Click NEXT Confirm the Passwords Specify Instance name and ias_admin Password

o Instance Name: o Specify ias_admin Password o Then click NEXT

o Click Install to start the installation of the Listed Products o On successful Installation close the Window by clicking exit.
Part IV: Installing Oracle Application Server -------------------------------------------------- Installing Oracle Infrastructure -------------------------------------- Log in using the oramid account. # su - oramid Mount the CD to the desired point, if not Automatically mounted Start the Oracle Universal Installer. $ /Media/Cdrecorder/runInstaller

2. Select Installation Path

o Installation Directory: /u01/OraHome_2
Select Oracle Application Server infra Structure

Installation Type: Business Intelligence and Forms (1.90GB)

o Select Business Intelligence and Forms and then click NEXT Pre-RequisiteChecks

o Incase any Error then resolve it by doing necessary action (For Eg. Any Kernel Parameter is not configured properly will result in error).
Note: If any error occurs then resolve it first and click Back rather than Retry.

o Confirm that all the kernel parameters memory and swap space are configured properly before continuing. Then click NEXT
Select the Required components from the list o Oracle Application Server 10g Portal o Oracle Application Server 10g Wireless o Oracle Application Server Discoverer o Oracle Applications Server Personalization o Oracle Applications Server Forms Services o Oracle Applications Server Report Services

Then Click Next

o Specify the Port Configuration Options as Automatic
Registering with Oracle Internet Directory

o Specify Hostname o Specify Port (389 for Normal and 686 for SSL) Note: 1. Hostname can be obtained by the following command # hostname Csdtest.oneapps.com 2. Port no can be obtained by the following command # vi /OraHome_1/install/portlist.ini Specify the Hostname & Port No Then Click Next Specify OID Login

o Go for the Default name o Specify password for the same o Then Click NEXT Then Finalize the setting same as for Infra Tier Except the instance name (Specify different Instance name for Middle Tier)
Configuring Bash_profiles -------------------------------- FOR INFRA TIER o Switch to orainfra user # su – orainfra o Edit the Following Parameter in the bash_profile
# vi .bash_profile
ORACLE_HOME= export ORACLE_HOME PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin export PATH ORACLE_SID= export ORACLE_SID= unset USERNAME Then Run the same by the Following command # . .bash_profile
FOR MIDDLE TIER o Switch to oramid user # su – oramid o Edit the Following Parameter in the bash_profile
# vi .bash_profile
Then Run the same by the Following command # . .bash_profile POST INSTALLATION ACTIVITIES INFRA Tier Starting Services Start the Listener Start the Database Start all the services of Oracle Process Management Notifications (opmnctl) Start the services of Enterprise Manager Control (emctl).
# su - orainfra # lsnrctl status / start # sqlplus “ / as sysdba” ( if connected to an Idle Instance then issue STARTUP command) # opmnctl startall / status # emctl start / status iasconsole # emctl start / status dbconsole
Note: 1.If some components of opmnctl is not coming up (down) then issue the following command to bring it alive. # opmnctl startproc ias-component = 2. Start the service in the Given Sequence.
MIDDLE Tier -------------- Starting Services Start all the services of Oracle Process Management Notifications (pmnctl) Start the services of Enterprise Manager Control (emctl). # opmnctl startall / status # emctl start / status iasconsole # emctl start / status dbconsole
Note: 1.If some components of opmnctl is not coming up (down) then issue the following command to bring it alive. # opmnctl startproc ias-component = 2. Shutdown the services in the Reverse Order i.e, First stop all the services of Middle Tier # emctl stop iasconsole # opmnctl stopall Then, Do the same for Infra Tier and Shutdown the Database and Stop the Listener. |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 3:43 AM   |
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Name: Senthil Kumaran
Home: Oslo, Oslo, Norway
About Me: I'm working as a oracle applications dba(Apps DBA OCP) and fusion middleware.This views are my own only and not neccessary to match with others
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