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    11g top new features
    Wednesday, August 6, 2008
    Oracle Database 11g Top New Features

    1) Automatic Diagnostic Repository [ADR]

    2) Database Replay

    3) Automatic Memory Tuning

    4) Case sensitive password

    5) Virtual columns and indexes

    6) Interval Partition and System Partition

    7) The Result Cache

    8) ADDM RAC Enhancements

    9) SQL Plan Management and SQL Plan Baselines

    10) SQL Access Advisor & Partition Advisor

    11) SQL Query Repair Advisor

    12) SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) New

    13) DBMS_STATS Enhancements

    14) The Result Cache

    15) Total Recall (Flashback Data Archive)

    Note: The above are only top new features, there are other features as well introduced in 11g which will be included subsequently

    Oracle 11g Database DBA New Features with brief explanation

    # Database Capture/replay database workloads :
    This allows the total database workload to be captured, transferred to a test database
    create from a backup or standby database, then replayed to test the affects of an upgrade or
    system change. Currently, these are working to a capture performance overhead of 5%,
    so this will capture real production workloads

    # Automatic Memory Tuning:

    Automatic PGA tuning was introduced in Oracle 9i. Automatic SGA tuning was already
    introduced in Oracle 10g. But In 11g, all memory can be tuned automatically by setting one
    parameter. We can literally tell Oracle how much memory it has and it determines how
    much to use for PGA, SGA and OS Processes. Maximum and minimum thresholds can be set

    # Interval partitioning for tables :

    Interval partitions are extensions to range partitioning. These provide automation for
    equi-sized range partitions. Partitions are created as metadata and only the start partition is
    made persistent. The additional segments are allocated as the data arrives. The additional
    partitions and local indexes are automatically created.

    # Feature Based Patching:

    All one-off patches will be classified as to which feature they affect. This allows you to easily
    identify which patches are necessary for the features you are using. EM will allow you to
    subscribe to a feature based patching service, so EM automatically scans for available
    patches for the features you are using

    # RMAN UNDO bypass :

    Rman backup can bypass undo. Undo tablespaces are getting huge, but contain lots of
    useless information. Now rman can bypass those types of tablespace. Great for exporting a
    tablespace from backup.

    # Virtual columns/indexes :

    User can create Virtual index on table. This Virtual index is not visible to optimizer, so it will
    not affect performance, Developer can user HINT and see is Index is useful or not.Invisible
    Indexesprevent premature use of newly created indexes

    # New default audit settings :

    Oracle database where general database auditing was "off" by default, logging is intended
    to be enabled by default with the Oracle Database 11g beta secure configuration. Notable
    performance improvements are planned to be introduced to reduce the performance
    degradation typically associated with auditing.

    # Case sensitive password :

    Passwords are expected to also become case sensitive This and other changes should result
    in better protection against password guessing scenarios. For
    example, in addition to limiting the number of failed login attempts to 10 (default
    configuration in 10gR2), Oracle 11g beta’s planned default settings should expire
    passwords every 180 days, and limit to seven the number of times a user can login with an
    expired password before disabling access.

    # Faster DML triggers : Create a disabled trigger; specify trigger firing order

    # Fine grained access control for Utl_TCP:

    in 10g all port are available, now it is controlled.

    # Data Guard supports "Flashback Standby"

    # New Trigger features

    # Partitioning by logical object and automated partition creation.

    # LOB's - New high-performance LOB features.

    # New Oracle11g Advisors

    # Enhanced Read only tables

    # Table trigger firing order

    # Enhanced Index rebuild online : - Online index build with NO pause to DML.

    # No recompilation of dependent objects:- When

    A) Columns added to tables
    B) Procedures added to packages

    # Improved optimizer statistics collection speed

    # Online index build with NO pause to DML

    # Read only table :-

    alter table t read only

    alter table t read write

    Oracle 11g Database SQL/PL-SQL New Features

    Fine Grained Dependency Tracking:

    In 11g we track dependencies at the level of element within unit. so that these changes have
    no consequence

    • Transparent performance improvement
    •Unnecessary recompilation certainly consumes CPU

    create table t(a number)

    create view v as select a from t

    alter table t add(Unheard_Of number)

    select status from User_Objectswhere Object_Name = 'V'
    - -----

    No recompilation of dependent objects when Columns added to tables OR Procedures
    added to packages

    > Named and Mixed Notation from SQL:

    select fun(P4=>10) from DUAL

    In 10g not possible to call function in select statment by passing 4th parameter,
    but in 11g it is possible

    > PL/SQL "continue" keyword - It is same as we read in c/c++ loop

    > Support for “super”: It is same "super" in Java.

    > Powerfull Regular Expression:

    Now we can access data between TAGS like data between tags .........

    The new built-in REGEXP_COUNT returns the number of times the pattern is matched in the
    input string.

    > New table Data Type "simple_integer"

    > SQL Performance Analyzer(SPA) :

    It is same as Database replay except it not capture all transaction.The SQL Performance
    Analyzer (SPA) leverages existing Oracle Database 10g SQL tuning components. The SPA
    provides the ability to capture a specific SQL workload in a SQL Tuning Set, take a
    performance baseline before a major database or system change, make the desired change
    to the system, and then replay the SQL workload against the modified database or
    configuration. The before and after performance of the SQL workload can then be compared
    with just a few clicks of the mouse. The DBA only needs to isolate any SQL statements that
    are now performing poorly and tune them via the SQL Tuning Advisor

    > Caching The Results with /*+ result_cache */ :

    select /*+ result_cache */ * from my_table, New for Oracle 11g, the result_cache hint caches
    the result set of a select statement. This is similar to alter table table_name cache,but as you
    can adding predicates makes /*+ result_cache */ considerably more powerful by caching a
    subset of larger tables and common queries.

    select /*+ result_cache */ col1, col2, col3 from my_table where colA = :B1

    > The compound trigger :

    A compound trigger lets you implement actions for each of the table DML timing points in a
    single trigger

    > PL/SQL unit source can exceeds 32k characters

    > Easier to execute table DDL operations online:

    Option to wait for active DML operations instead of aborting

    > Fast add column with default value:

    Does not need to updateall rows to default value.

    Oracle 11g Database Backup & Recovery New Features

    * Enhanced configuration of archive deletion policies Archive can be deleted , if it is not
    need DG , Streams Flashback etc When you CONFIGURE an archived log deletion policy
    applies to all archiving destinations, including the flash recovery area. BACKUP ... DELETE
    INPUT and DELETE... ARCHIVELOG use this configuration, as does the flash recovery area.
    When we back up the recovery area, RMAN can fail over to other archived redo log
    destinations if the flash recovery area is inaccessible.

    * Configuring backup compression:

    In 11g can use CONFIGURE command to choose between the BZIP2 and ZLIB compression
    algorithms for RMAN backups.

    * Active Database Duplication:

    Now DUPLICATE command is network aware i.e.we can create a duplicate or standby
    database over the network without taking backup or using old backup.

    * Parallel backup and restore for very large files:

    RMAN Backups of large data files now use multiple parallel server processes to efficiently
    distribute theworkload for each file. This features improves the performance of backups.

    * Improved block media recovery performance:

    RECOVER command can recover individual data blocks.
    RMAN take older, uncorrupted blocks from flashback and the RMAN can use these blocks,
    thereby speeding up block media recovery.

    * Fast incremental backups on physical standby database:

    11g has included new feature of enable block change tracking on a physical standby
    This new 11g feature enables faster incremental backups on a physical standby database
    than in previous releases.because RMAN identifywe the changed blocks sincethe last
    incremental backup.

    11g ASM New Features

    The new features in Automatic Storage Management (ASM) extend the storage
    management automation, improve scalability, and further simplify management for
    Oracle Database files.

    ■ ASM Fast Mirror Resync

    A new SQL statement, ALTER DISKGROUP ... DISK ONLINE, can be executed
    after a failed disk has been repaired. The command first brings the disk online for
    writes so that no new writes are missed. Subsequently, it initiates a copy of all extents
    marked as stale on a disk from their redundant copies.
    This feature significantly reduces the time it takes to repair a failed diskgroup,
    potentially from hours to minutes. The repair time is proportional to the number of
    extents that have been written to or modified since the failure.

    ■ ASM Manageability Enhancements

    The new storage administration features for ASM manageability include the following:

    ■ New attributes for disk group compatibility
    To enable some of the new ASM features, you can use two new disk group
    compatibility attributes, compatible.rdbms and compatible.asm. These
    attributes specify the minimum software version that is required to use disk
    groups for the database and for ASM, respectively. This feature enables
    heterogeneous environments with disk groups from both Oracle Database 10g and
    Oracle Database 11g. By default, both attributes are set to 10.1. You must advance
    these attributes to take advantage of the new features.

    ■ New ASM command-line utility (ASMCMD) commands and options

    ASMCMD allows ASM disk identification, disk bad block repair, and backup and
    restore operations in your ASM environment for faster recovery.

    ■ ASM fast rebalance

    Rebalance operations that occur while a disk group is in RESTRICTED mode
    eliminate the lock and unlock extent map messaging between ASM instances in
    Oracle RAC environments, thus improving overall rebalance throughput.
    This collection of ASM management features simplifies and automates storage
    management for Oracle databases.

    ■ ASM Preferred Mirror Read

    When ASM failure groups are defined, ASM can now read from the extent that is
    closest to it, rather than always reading the primary copy. A new initialization
    parameter, ASM_PREFERRED_READ_FAILURE_GROUPS, lets the ASM administrator
    specify a list of failure group names that contain the preferred read disks for each node
    in a cluster.

    In an extended cluster configuration, reading from a local copy provides a great
    performance advantage. Every node can read from its local diskgroup (failure group),
    resulting in higher efficiency and performance and reduced network traffic.

    ■ ASM Rolling Upgrade

    Rolling upgrade is the ability of clustered software to function when one or more of
    the nodes in the cluster are at different software versions. The various versions of the
    software can still communicate with each other and provide a single system image.
    The rolling upgrade capability will be available when upgrading from Oracle
    Database 11g Release 1 (11.1).

    This feature allows independent nodes of an ASM cluster to be migrated or patched
    without affecting the availability of the database. Rolling upgrade provides higher
    uptime and graceful migration to new releases.

    ■ ASM Scalability and Performance Enhancements

    This feature increases the maximum data file size that Oracle can support to 128 TB.
    ASM supports file sizes greater than 128 TB in any redundancy mode. This provides
    near unlimited capacity for future growth. The ASM file size limits are:

    ■ External redundancy - 140 PB
    ■ Normal redundancy - 42 PB
    ■ High redundancy - 15 PB

    Customers can also increase the allocation unit size for a disk group in powers of 2 up
    to 64 MB.

    ■ Convert Single-Instance ASM to Clustered ASM

    This feature provides support within Enterprise Manager to convert a non-clustered
    ASM database to a clustered ASM database by implicitly configuring ASM on all
    nodes. It also extends the single-instance to Oracle RAC conversion utility to support
    standby databases.

    Simplifying the conversion makes it easier for customers to migrate their databases
    and achieve the benefits of scalability and high availability provided by Oracle RAC.

    ■ New SYSASM Privilege for ASM Administration

    This feature introduces the new SYSASM privilege to allow for separation of database
    management and storage management responsibilities.
    The SYSASM privilege allows an administrator to manage the disk groups that can be
    shared by multiple databases. The SYSASM privilege provides a clear separation of
    duties from the SYSDBA privilege.

    For complete list of 11g ASM New Feature, You can refer the following

    Note 551205.1 11g ASM New Features Technical White Paper

    For Complete list of 11g New Features, You can refer to the following link

    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 9:49 AM  
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