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  • Enabling SSL for E-Business suite 11i
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    Query to kill inactive sessions
    Thursday, June 26, 2008
    Query to kill inactive sessions:
    SELECT 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '||''''||sid ||','|| serial#||''''||' immediate;'
    FROM v$session
    WHERE status ='INACTIVE';

    Save this query output as .sql format. Then connect to sql prompt and execute this .sql file. It'll kill
    all inactive sessions.

    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 9:15 PM   0 comments
    Installing 11g(11.1.0) database on Redhat Linux 4
    Operating System:
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

    Database Version:
    Oracle 11g Release 1

    You can download the oracle 11g r1 software in the below link

    Download link:

    Pre-Installation Tasks:
    Creating OS User account and group:
    $groupadd dba -creating OS group
    $useradd -g dba oracle -creating OS user and assigning to group
    $passwd oracle -- set password for that OS user.

    Checking physical RAM size:
    $ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
    Make it sure that physical memory size should be 1GB. And it shouldn't less than 900M.

    Checking SWAP size:
    $ grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
    Note:swap should be double of memory

    Checking space in “/tmp”
    $ df -k /tmp

    Checking available free space on the system:
    $ df –k

    Checking the Software Requirements:
    Checking linux version:
    $ uname –a

    Checking required packages:

    OS command to check RPMS are installed or not:
    Execute as root user
    # rpm –q libaio-devel-0.3.105-2
    # rpm –q unixODBC-devel-2.2.11
    Like this check all rpms.

    Like this check for all the above RPMS.

    If any rpms are missing download it from

    Installing/Upgrading RPMS:
    Login as the ROOT user
    # rpm –ivh unixODBC-devel- --to install
    # rpm –Uvh unixODBC-devel- --to upgrade

    Creating Directories for installation:
    Base Directory and Oracle Home
    Do it as oracle user,
    #mkdir /u01 -- Base directory
    # mkdir /u01/app/oracle/product/11.0.1 -- ORACLE_HOME
    # mkdir –p /u02/oradata -- DATA_TOP

    If you create these directories as a oracle user, the owner of that directory
    is oracle only. If you do it as root user you need to change the ownership and
    permissons to oracle user for that directory.

    # chown –R oracle:dba /u01/app/oracle/product/11.0.1
    # chown –R oracle:dba /u02/oradata

    Changing permissions:
    # chmod –R 755 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.0.1
    # chmod –R 755 /u02/oradata

    Configuring Kernel Parameters:
    Check the current parameters and values in /etc/sysctl.conf

    fs.file-max = 76800
    kernel.shmall = 2097152
    kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
    kernel.shmmni = 4096
    kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
    net.core.rmem_default = 4194304
    net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
    net.core.wmem_default = 262144
    net.core.wmem_max = 262144

    if any of these entries are missing just add it. Before that take a ackup of that file
    #cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.confbkp

    Changing current values of the kernel parameters:
    # /sbin/sysctl -p

    Ckeck the following lines in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
    Before editig take a backup of that file.

    # cp –p /etc/security/limits.conf /etc/security/limits.confbkp

    And add this lines in /etc/security/limits.conf if its not existing,

    oracle soft nproc 2047
    oracle hard nproc 16384
    oracle soft nofile 1024
    oracle hard nofile 65536

    Add or edit the following line in the /etc/pam.d/login file,
    if this lines are not exist:
    Before editing that file take a backup.
    # cp –p /etc/pam.d/login /etc/pam.d/loginbkp

    session required /lib/security/
    session required

    Check Oracle User’s Environment:
    $ vi .bash_profile

    Remove the oracle environments. If you set already.
    (if u created a new user no need to check this .bash_profile)

    Set DISPLAY variable, if its not set
    $ echo $DISPLAY - to check display has set or not
    $ DISPLAY=:0.0 - if its returning this we need to set Display using
    the below command,
    $ set DISPLAY=(ipaddress of your server):0.0
    $ export DISPLAY

    Then type, as root user and check xlcock also
    # xhost +
    # xclock (should display the clock window)

    Starting installation:
    Login as oracle user
    Su – oracle
    Go the directory where Oracle software is copied
    or if its cd or dvd, mount the device and run runinstaller

    $ cd /u01/software
    Unzip the dump,
    $ unzip

    Go to Disk1, Then run runinstaller


    For sample screen shots just check this link
    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 4:32 AM   0 comments
    Basic commands to check system statistics

    $ /usr/sbin/prtconf |grep -i "Memory size"
    $ swap -s
    $ df -k
    $ /usr/local/bin/top
    $ vmstat 5 100
    $ sar -u 2 100
    $ iostat -D 2 100
    $ mpstat 5 100

    Prtconf command will show how much Physical Memory

    Swap command will provide us with the usage of swap space including the RAM.

    Df command will indicate how much space is free in each mount point and also
    provides information about swap space(s).

    Top command wil provide the above information plus information about top CPU
    consuming processes, CPU usage in the system, etc.

    Vmstat will provide information about process run queue, memory usage,
    paging and swapping and CPU % usage in the server.

    Iostat provides IO usage by Disk, CPU % usage, etc. depending on the options

    Mpstat will provide CPU usage stats for a Solaris server with 1 or more CPUs.

    So, the below OS commands also will give the same output related to this command outputs.

    HP-Unix 11.0:

    $ grep Physical /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
    $ df -k
    $ sar -w 2 100
    $ sar -u 2 100
    $ /bin/top
    $ vmstat -n 5 100
    $ iostat 2 100
    $ top


    $ /usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem
    $ /usr/sbin/lsps -s
    $ vmstat 5 100
    $ iostat 2 100
    $ /usr/local/bin/top # May not be installed by default in the server


    $ dmesg | grep Memory
    $ vmstat 5 100
    $ /usr/bin/top
    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 3:18 AM   0 comments
    Increasing the number oacore process type(JVM) and required memory
    Tuesday, June 24, 2008
    How to increase the number oacore process type(JVM) and required memory:
    Name of the file: opmn.xml
    Location in R12:$INST_TOP/apps/SID_HOSTNAME/ora/10.1.3/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
    Location in 11i:$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf

    In this document i'm telling you how to increase JVM in R12.
    Go to $INST_TOP/apps/SID_HOSTNAME/ora/10.1.3/opmn/conf/

    Take a backup of opmn.xml file before editing,

    A)Open the opmn.xml file and go to line no-128 and increase

    numprocs=”4” -- (for 8 cpus)

    If you have 6 cpus in server you can increase this JVM upto “3”.
    So depends on the cpu configuration you increase can it.

    B)Now we have increased the number of JVM only we need to increase the memory
    for JVM.
    In the same file go to line no-114

    FROM:-server -verbose:gc -Xmx512M -Xms128M -XX:MaxPermSize=160M - XX:NewRatio=2

    As per the metalink document 362851.1 need to increase

    Xms128M to Xms256M

    Here nproc is number oc4j instance.
    So to know how much memory has to increase multiply Xms with nproc.
    Xms X nproc = max memory
    And make sure that your application tier memory having that much free size.

    Now I have 4 nproc and 256 for Xms, So I need to increase Xmx512 to Xmx1024

    server -verbose:gc –Xmx1024M -Xms256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:NewRatio=2

    For reference:
    Xms x nproc = max memory.

    The max allocation of memory to the oc4j memory allocated by the Xmx parameter

    Nprocs is the number of ocj4 instances

    multiply the two together you will get the max memory given to OC4J support

    Note: Don’t run autoconfig bounce the all application tiers.
    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 10:31 PM   0 comments
    Enable/Disable restrict session of Apache
    Wednesday, June 18, 2008
    Enable restrict mode of Apache
    1. Login to your applications tier as application user and source the
    environment file if it is not set in user bash profile.
    2. Stop your all application tier services by running from
    $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME. And check if any application services by using
    ps -ef|grep applmgr
    3. Run the script ' -script=ChangeApacheMode' from the $FND_TOP/bin
    4. Then it'll prompts for the following inputs:

    a). full path for the Applications Context file
    b). Enter the mode for Apache. Type 'Restrict'
    c). Confirmation of whether you have stopped your applications tier

    5. Once you enter the above details, the configuration script
    a). sets the respective context variables in the context file required to
    configure the Restricted mode
    b). instantiates the configuration files for the HTTP Server and OC4J in
    the ..
    6. Restart all application services on the applications tier.

    Whenever the users try to access the Applications home page, they get redirected
    to the downtime page generated when you schedule downtime.

    Disable restrict mode of Apache
    1. Login to your applications tier as application user and source the
    environment file if it is not set in user bash profile.
    2. Stop your all application tier services by running from
    $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME. And check if any application services by using
    ps -ef|grep applmgr
    3. Run the script ' -script=ChangeApacheMode' from the $FND_TOP/bin
    4. Then it'll prompts for the following inputs:

    a). full path for the Applications Context file
    b). Enter the mode for Apache. Type 'Normal'
    c). Confirmation of whether you have stopped your applications tier

    5. Restart all application services on the applications tier.
    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 1:51 AM   0 comments
    Schedule downtime in R12
    1. Log in as sysadmin and go to OAM-->Site Map-->Maintenance-->Manage Downtime


    2. Then click Schedule Downtime. Here you can schedule the down time. Also in

    this window you can edit or cancel the downtime. Then click the submit button.

    Then whenever users are logging in, it'll show the warning message in login page.
    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 12:14 AM   0 comments
    Cleaning concurrent manager tables
    Tuesday, June 17, 2008
    Cleaning concurrent manager tables.

    Copy and save this below script from first REM up to end REM statement as
    a sql script. Connect as apps/apps and execute this script to clean the concurrent manager tables.


    REM cmclean.sql
    REM Clean out the concurrent manager tables
    REM Usage: sqlplus @cmclean
    REM $Id: cmclean.sql,v 1.4 2001/04/07 15:55:07 pferguso Exp $
    REM +=====================================+

    set verify off;
    set head off;
    set timing off
    set pagesize 1000

    column manager format a20 heading 'Manager short name'
    column pid heading 'Process id'
    column pscode format a12 heading 'Status code'
    column ccode format a12 heading 'Control code'
    column request heading 'Request ID'
    column pcode format a6 heading 'Phase'
    column scode format a6 heading 'Status'



    WARNING : Do not run this script without explicit instructions
    from Oracle Support

    *** Make sure that the managers are shut down ***
    *** before running this script ***

    *** If the concurrent managers are NOT shut down, ***
    *** exit this script now !! ***


    accept answer prompt 'If you wish to continue type the word ''dual'': '

    set feed off
    select null from &answer;
    set feed on

    REM Update process status codes to TERMINATED

    prompt --------------------------------

    prompt -- Updating invalid process status codes in FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES
    set feedback off
    set head on
    break on manager

    SELECT concurrent_queue_name manager,
    concurrent_process_id pid,
    process_status_code pscode
    FROM fnd_concurrent_queues fcq, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp
    WHERE process_status_code not in ('K', 'S')
    AND fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id
    AND fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id;

    set head off
    set feedback on
    UPDATE fnd_concurrent_processes
    SET process_status_code = 'K'
    WHERE process_status_code not in ('K', 'S');

    REM Set all managers to 0 processes

    prompt -------------------------------

    prompt -- Updating running processes in FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES
    prompt -- Setting running_processes = 0 and max_processes = 0 for all managers

    UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues
    SET running_processes = 0, max_processes = 0;

    REM Reset control codes

    prompt ----------------------------------

    prompt -- Updating invalid control_codes in FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES
    set feedback off
    set head on
    SELECT concurrent_queue_name manager,
    control_code ccode
    FROM fnd_concurrent_queues
    WHERE control_code not in ('E', 'R', 'X')
    AND control_code IS NOT NULL;

    set feedback on
    set head off
    UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues
    SET control_code = NULL
    WHERE control_code not in ('E', 'R', 'X')
    AND control_code IS NOT NULL;

    REM Also null out target_node for all managers
    UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues
    SET target_node = null;

    REM Set all 'Terminating' requests to Completed/Error
    REM Also set Running requests to completed, since the managers are down

    prompt ------------------------------------

    prompt -- Updating any Running or Terminating requests to Completed/Error
    set feedback off
    set head on
    SELECT request_id request,
    phase_code pcode,
    status_code scode
    FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
    WHERE status_code = 'T' OR phase_code = 'R'
    ORDER BY request_id;

    set feedback on
    set head off
    UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
    SET phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'E'
    WHERE status_code ='T' OR phase_code = 'R';

    REM Set all Runalone flags to 'N'
    REM This has to be done differently for Release 10

    prompt ------------------------------------

    prompt -- Updating any Runalone flags to 'N'
    set serveroutput on
    set feedback off
    c pls_integer := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    upd_rows pls_integer;
    vers varchar2(50);
    tbl varchar2(50);
    col varchar2(50);
    statement varchar2(255);

    select substr(release_name, 1, 2)
    into vers
    from fnd_product_groups;

    if vers >= 11 then
    tbl := 'fnd_conflicts_domain';
    col := 'runalone_flag';
    tbl := 'fnd_concurrent_conflict_sets';
    col := 'run_alone_flag';
    end if;

    statement := 'update ' || tbl || ' set ' || col || '=''N'' where ' || col || ' = ''Y''';
    dbms_sql.parse(c, statement, dbms_sql.native);
    upd_rows := dbms_sql.execute(c);
    dbms_output.put_line('Updated ' || upd_rows || ' rows of ' || col || ' in ' || tbl || ' to ''N''');


    prompt ----------------------------------

    prompt Updates complete.
    prompt Type commit now to commit these updates, or rollback to cancel.
    prompt ----------------------------------


    set feedback on

    REM <= Last REM statment ------------------
    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 10:51 PM   0 comments
    To find patchset level in apps.

    1. Here's the script. Copy this script from $Header up to
    end of the script and ftp to your sever. Ftp this file as a application
    user and save it.

    # $Header: 4.41 2008/07/23 14:06:01 Steve.Andrew ftp_site $
    ## - used to compare applptch.txt to patchset listings from ARU.
    ## - Cuurently Supports 10.7 - 11.5.10, R12.0.0
    ## - Added R12 Support 2/12/07
    ## Usage: connect=apps_login/pw
    ## [ad_bug_date="DD-MON-YY"] (11i/R12 only)
    ## [htmlout=file_name] [applptch=applptch_file.txt]
    ## [htmlout11i=file_name]
    ## [htmloutR12=file_name]
    ## [nca=y] (for 10.7NCA Middle-tier)
    ## [silent=y] default is n [available=metalink]
    ## connect=apps/apps@connection (11i/R12 only)
    ## [ad_bug_date="DD-MON-YY"] (11i/R12 only)
    ## [patch_list=ad_applied_patches|your_file.csv]
    ## default is to use: ad_bugs table
    ## It is alot faster to go against ad_applied_patches
    ## but this only works if you are NOT using admrgpch to
    ## merge patchsets. Also, if providing your_file.csv
    ## the format is:
    ## short_name, possible_patchset_number
    ## (The short_name is not used but a value is required)
    ## available=metalink - defaults to all patchsets even
    ## if not available for download from metalink.
    ## Optionally only run Report:
    ## connect=apps/apps@connection report=applied_patches
    ## i.e. Sample Usage:
    ## $ connect=apps/apps
    ## $ connect=apps/apps patch_list=ad_applied_patches
    ## $ connect=apps/apps@VIS1157 ad_bug_date="01-FEB-02"
    ## default for 11.5.5-11.5.9=01-JAN-02 11.5.10=01-OCT-03
    ## $
    ## $ applptch=/tmp/applptch.txt
    ## $ connect=apps/apps debug=y
    ## $ connect=apps/apps available=metalink
    ## (Limits Available Listing)
    ## $ -h|?|help (for Help)
    ## $ upgrade=. or upgrade=/tmp (puts in tmp)
    ## WARNING:
    ## If you use it be careful to first BACKUP your $HOME/.netrc
    ## The program should not touch that file, as long as you are not
    ## running from the $HOME directory.
    ## if problems: Please run with debug=y appended and email me
    ## debug.txt
    ## Note1: The connect string is required if > 11.5.4 or the latest AD
    ## patch has been applied. (See README.txt on ftp site)
    ## Note2: The applptch= is not required if your APPL_TOP is set. The
    ## program will find it based on the standard locations.
    ## If you use the htmlout= option, the program will generate an
    ## html file format that can be redirected to a web location so
    ## that the tool can easily make the report available to your
    ## Enterprise.
    ## Note3: Optional CUST_TEMP variable can be used to set the TEMP out
    ## directory where temp files are created as the program runs.
    ## Note4: Product HZ not currently showing in the report. If you want it
    ## you can add: HZ to the APPLFULL or APPLSHAR env. variables before
    ## running the program. - Should have a table fixed for this...
    ## Note5: If having a "Arg list too long" problem on AIX, try: aix=y option
    ## This will run slower, but should eliminate the
    ## ./ line 1136: /bin/grep: cannot execute [Arg list
    ## too long]
    ## Note6: Generally should work on any platform with ksh or sh. Recently fixed
    ## a PSEUDO products sh problem. 4.23 No other known issues currently
    ## with shells.
    ## Author: Steve Andrew Written: April 10, 2000 Updated: DEC 20, 2005
    ## 8/7/00 - Added 11i Support, Base Patchsets (11.5.1) still a bit confused
    ## appears that several patchsets "A" are applied by the 11.5.1
    ## upgrade
    ## 1/11/01- Modified significantly from used with the web
    ## only version. This is used as a standalone script or can
    ## be built from a web front-end to add the dynmamic data
    ## to it from ARU. A cron generates this info. via sqlplus
    ## 3/23/01- Adding htmlout=file option to build the output in html format
    ## if desired. Also added silent=y
    ## 5/09/01- Martin Fitzgerald from Consulting contributed the Report_11i.txt
    ## report which is more detailed for 11i.
    ## Also limited the General report(Report.txt) to only show the
    ## APPLFULL and APPLSHAR products IF these variables are set.
    ## Also updated the Header to reflect IF APPLFULL was used to
    ## Limit the Product Patchset listing.
    ## 5/31/01- Removed Martin Fitzgerald Name from Report_11i.txt per request.
    ## 6/26/01- Added support for 11.5.4 including the 1154_Base.txt file which
    ## includes the baseline listing of all the patchsets from the README.
    ## Version: 2.0
    ## 10/3/01- Adding support for 11.5.5 or latest AD patch where patches have
    ## been moved into the RDBMS in tables AD_BUGS etc...
    ## Version: 2.1
    ## 10/24/01 Checking for presents of typeset command in the shell and
    ## warning if not present. This command is used in the Report_11i.txt
    ## but does not cause the report.txt report to fail.
    ## - Not fixed yet, but run
    ## ksh on Solaris and it will work.
    ## 10/25/01 - Fixed by removing typeset -l and using tr to force
    ## APPLFULL/APPLSHAR products to all lower case.
    ## Version: 2.2
    ## 11/2/01 - Found problem with some Versions in Header of applptch.txt
    ## added some traps to skip if version has 11.x.x\r\n
    ## - case statement 11.x.x*) fix.
    ## Version: 2.3
    ## AIX had a grep buffer overrun when > 2k size a fix was to put the
    ## string in quotes before calling a grep see: AIX
    ## 1) Install X11.dt.rte on AIX (this gave me /usr/dt/bin/dtksh
    ## version 93 of ksh)
    ## 2) I modified your script (just a little)
    ## add: #!/usr/dt/bin/dtksh (as the first line of the script)
    ## 3) Running the script then no longer had the
    ## ./[57]: 0403-029
    ## Tip: To check the current shell version: Esc Cntrl-V
    ## Version: 2.4
    ## Added some MKS specific error dif. commands who am i vs. whoami
    ## andtput fails to work. Also checking for the /tmp directory
    ## and making sending message to create if not present
    ## - on current drive when running on NT.
    ## Also worked out the sqlplus connection issues on NT via MSK for
    ## the new AD_BUGS. Documentation added to help on how to run it
    ## under NT/MKS. (Env sourcing etc..)
    ## Version: 2.5
    ## Added a feature to be able to run against 10.7 NCA (nca=y)
    ## Fixed a problem running against 10sc files.
    ## Version: 2.6
    ## Added support for 11.5.6 which only shows up on Oracle Internal
    ## OHS Systems because fnd_product_groups does not get updated when
    ## the 11.5.6 ERP or CRM Patch is applied. The 11.5.6 Patchsets
    ## Baseline is created as /tmp/1156_Base.txt
    ## Also secured the sqlplus password from ps snoops
    ## Version: 2.7
    ## Added ability for 11i installs using the database to store patch
    ## history to search just the patches applied(ad_applied_patches)
    ## instead of all included bugs(ad_bugs) see: option patch_list=
    ## Version: 2.8
    ## Updated to handle the new AD_BUGS structure that is no longer using
    ## APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME . Found problem with a customer doing a 10.7
    ## upgrade to 11i. The existing apps installs seem to still have the
    ## table, but it would no longer be up-dated either.
    ## Version: 2.9
    ## Updated to handle the new 11.5.7 Maintainence Pack or patchsets
    ## Version: 3.0
    ## Fixed 8.05 sqlplus background connection with a space in front of here now.
    ## Fixed DOMAIN error when on NT no /etc/resolv... file.
    ## Found a way that some aru's without actions were not showing the patch in patch.csv
    ## when using the applptch.txt file. Fixed by appending an grep begin aru"
    ## Version: 3.1
    ## Added tool version to Report Header, Help, etc.
    ## Version: 3.2
    ## Apparently introduced a problem in the Generation of the Patch.csv in the 3.0
    ## revision when customers are using applptch.txt.
    ## Has to do with appending: grep "begin aru bug" $applptch .. not just "begin bug"
    ## Currently investigating further..
    ## Fix: Needed to remove a space in the Patch.csv output Short,Bug not Short, Bug
    ## Version: 3.3
    ## Added more patchsets to the ARU generated 11i_patchsets.txt file so that to fix a
    ## problem in the "Installed Version" and possibly "Running Version" of the Report_11i.txt
    ## Also changed the header from: "Installed Version" to "Baseline Version" to make it clearer.
    ## Version: 3.4
    ## Added the Family Packs listing as a separate section to the Report.txt report. Also enhanced
    ## the explanation on the report about patchsets included in Family packs and the Distribution
    ## of such.
    ## Version: 3.5
    ## Added 11.5.8 Support, ie. uses: /tmp/1158_Base.txt to establish the baseline for 11.5.8
    ## Also need to fix the APPLFULL and APPLSHAR to come from the database once AUTOCONFIG
    ## is enabled since the env variables are not set any more...once AUTOCONFIG is setup.
    ## => KNOWN ... issue, not fixed yet. Workaround, set them yourself! APPLFULL and APPLSHAR
    ## select fav.application_short_name Short, fpi.status Status
    ## from fnd_application_vl fav, fnd_product_installations fpi
    ## where fav.application_id = fpi.application_id and
    ## fav.application_short_name NOT like 'SYSADMIN' and
    ## fpi.status != 'N'
    ## order by 2,1;
    ## Version: 3.6
    ## Added new 11.5.7 Baseline and fixed APPLFULL and APPSHAR for autoconfig cusomters
    ## ie. The program builds and sets the APPLFULL and APPLSHAR env from database tables.
    ## see: Set_APPLFULL_APPLSHAR_from_DB
    ## Also enhanced Report.txt to use the FULL Baseline patchsets listing as the
    ## Report_11i.txt does. This limits the person from having to look at the Basline
    ## release patchsets to build their true baseline.
    ## Appended the 11.5.7 patchsets not included in ad_bugs but in the
    ## fnd_installed_products table to the 1157_Base.txt file. This is a merge of
    ## the html Release Notes and that tables listing. Still appears some products
    ## proper true baselines are missing. ie. ad is not in either location.
    ## Speeded up the Report.txt file using a diff -c ... may cause problems on some
    ## Unixs if that option isn't present. If so use old way or: new_compare=n option
    ## Version: 3.7
    ## Modified the Patch.csv list to include ad_applied_patches as well as ad_bugs.
    ## Also limit the ad_bugs part of the listing for 11.5.7 and 11.5.8 to only bugs added
    ## after 01-JAN-2002. This solved an NT bug that ran out of memory. This also
    ## solved the extremely LONG running problem due to ad_bugs being ~40k records
    ## when released with 11.5.7 and 11.5.8 (bugs logged on this).
    ## This is still showing ~26000 bugs with 11.5.8, and they end ~Oct 29,2002 if I
    ## want to change the sql to exclude them to make the query faster. The only
    ## advantage is that is may show some patchset history ... but not really required
    ## since I have merged the 1158_Base.txt with html release note and
    ## fnd_product_installations patchset listings.
    ## Cleaned up some of the format issues on the Report_11i report as it goes to screen
    ## and file. Have not tested changes for NT which ignores these screen output attr.
    ## Version: 3.8
    ## Added option for CUST_TEMP variable to point at the OUT_DIR or temp files
    ## directory. If not set, the program still defaults to /tmp. Also purged some tmp files
    ## that were not being removed. The only files that should be left at this point would
    ## be the reports that get created in the current directory and any supporting ARU
    ## data files. ie. /tmp/11i_patchsets.txt & /tmp/115X_Base.txt files.
    ## Also cleanup the files not used for their install: 10.7, 11.0, or 115X in OUT_DIR.
    ## Still leave all the 115X_Base if an 11i install. They are used.
    ## Version: 3.9
    ## Fixed OFA => FA when using fnd_applications_vl, and added a date > option for ad_bugs
    ## as a work-around for an NT customer have variable limits with MKS
    ## Date: 1/30/2003
    ## Version: 4.0
    ## 1) New Option: override_appsversion=11.5.[x] where customer can overide the default
    ## Lookup of their core apps version(FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS) used for the baselines.
    ## 2) Included Patches Applied from: ad_patch_driver_minipks, translated but numbers from
    ## ARU listing 11i_patchsets.txt, then append to the Patch.csv as part of customer applied.
    ## Date: 2/3/2003
    ## Version: 4.1 - see bug: 2743473, Issue - 4. (Issues - 1 unix env doesn't match prod tables.,
    ## Issue - 3 (OFA=>FA) Not-a-bug)
    ## 4.02) was not showing up in the Report_11i.txt report, only the Report.txt report.
    ## FIXED. Has to do with examples like: Family Pack: 11i.FIN_PF.C(2380068) which
    ## included 11i.AP.J (2375849) which only shows up in ad_patch_dirver_minipks.
    ## Bug: Left out a comma when appending the patchsets from: Applied_Ad_Minipks.csv
    ## to Patch.csv - Note: The date format is dif. in field one as a way to tell them
    ## appart.
    ## Bug 2743473, Issue - 2 - HZ product not showing up. Fixed with a Work-Around by
    ## setting the UNIX env either APPLFULL or APPLSHAR to have HZ in them. This will
    ## merge it into the list created from the database tables. FND_APPLICATION_TL etc.
    ## OPEN ISSUE: Should not the HZ "Trading Partners" patchsets be part of AR since
    ## their objects appear to be owned by AR. - Check with: MineOdok (internal AIM..)
    ## Date: 2/7/2003
    ## Version: 4.2
    ## still relates to bug: 2743473, Issue - 4.
    ## (Issues - 1 unix env doesn't match prod tables.,
    ## Had a code logic problem in checking for "HZ " vs "HZ" in the grep
    ## - so adding HZ only worked if it had a space at the end. Fixed!
    ## Date: 2/10/2003
    ## Version: 4.3
    ## Relates to bug: 2743473, Issue - 4.
    ## (Issues - 1 unix env doesn't match prod tables.,
    ## Changed to HARD-CODE "HZ" into the APPLFULL listing
    ## until we get this fixed internally. Philippe G. has the bug...
    ## - Means it will just show up in the Products FULL listings reports.
    ## - No need to Add it to the unix applfull or applshar before running.
    ## Date: 2/10/2003
    ## Version: 4.4
    ## The SHARED FULL Products where not showing up with
    ## a system that had sqlplus settings odd. Fixed by
    ## changing the SQL to make SHORT_NAME STATUS be on one line.
    ## Date: 7/22/2003
    ## Version: 4.5
    ## Added support for 11.5.9
    ## Date: 9/29/2003
    ## Version: 4.6
    ## Added support for AIX "Arg list too long" problem
    ## Work-Around: aix=y on command line and writes array to file
    ## instead of using the faster in-memory way.
    ## Date: 9/29/2003
    ## Version: 4.7
    ## Financials Family Pack 11i.FIN_PF.D 2629235 was released
    ## with 11.5.9 and is not showing up. This was because DEV
    ## removed it from ARU database and it no longer shows up in
    ## the 11i_patchsets.txt nightly output. It is in the 1159_Base.txt
    ## SOLUTION: Append a record to the 11i_patchsets.txt as
    ## follows:
    ## fin_pf 11i.FIN_PF.D 2629235 14-MAY-01 Patchset Closed Not_Distributed
    ## I did this in the ARU Data sql, not in my code. No change in this code.
    ## Date: 1/06/2004
    ## Version: 4.8
    ## Financials Family Pack 11i.FIN_PF.D 2629235 NOT showing up
    ## This is because the report_11i.txt did a grep -v Closed on the
    ## Family Packs _pf. Hope this doesnt show Family Packs with Higher
    ## value that WONT be available. Put in fix, removed the grep -v Closed
    ## Date: 05/10/2004
    ## Version: 4.9
    ## Had another AIX issue where the new shell still didnt fix
    ## the memory problem noted in the help. Added a work-around with
    ## the aix=y option in the Run_SQL procedure.
    ## $ EscCnrl-V -> Generates the version:
    ## $ Version M-11/16/88i
    ## Date: 06/17/2004
    ## Version: 4.10
    ## 11.0.X runs the Report_11i.txt and shows errors Sun/Hp at least
    ## < if [ "${R11i:=YES}" = "YES" ]; then
    ## --- > Changed and added in the database section R11i=YES
    ## > if [ "${R11i}" = "YES" ]; then
    ## Date: 10/20/2004
    ## Version: 4.11
    ## Modified Report.txt and Report_11i.txt to only show Metalink
    ## available patchsets in the "Latest Available" category, this
    ## means that if they dont have "By_Metalink" in the distribution
    ## column, they will only be used to get baselines, and check applied
    ## but will not show up on the Latest Available areas of the reports.
    ## This was reported as a problem when lots of 11.5.10 patchsets
    ## were being created but not on metalink, just before 11.5.10 rel.
    ## Once 11.5.10 is out, most of those patchsets will have a dist.
    ## of Metalink, but currently caused some confusion on the report.
    ## For code change locations see: FIX LATEST AVAILABLE
    ## Date: 11/29/2004
    ## Version: 4.12
    ## Removed support for: 10sc, 10.7 and 10.7NCA.
    ## PS: Plan to add: 11.5.10 support soon in 4.13
    ## Date: 01/03/2005
    ## Version: 4.13
    ## Added back support for: 10.7 and 10.7NCA.
    ## Added: 11.5.10 support as planned.
    ## Date: 03/03/2005
    ## Version: 4.14
    ## 1) Found problem with connect=apps/xxx when an applptch.txt file
    ## is present. It was using the applptch.txt file. Setup_Env()
    ## 2) Added option to show only LATEST AVAILABLE: on metalink
    ## (see: 4.11 change), with: latest=metalink else it now shows
    ## the latest available followed by the status REL-SOURCE.
    ## 3) Also added: Pseudo Products to the Reports which are products
    ## not in the FND_ tables.
    ## 4) Added fix for AIX Memory issue which doesnt require the
    ## aix=y flag any more. Send Variable data for file instead
    ## Date: 03/24/2005
    ## Version: 4.15
    ## 1) Found problem with PSEUDO products in if someone
    ## sets a dif. default OUTPUT directory than /tmp.
    ## ie. CUST_TEMP=/myhome assumed /tmp/11i_patchsets.txt
    ## Date: 03/29/2005
    ## Version: 4.16
    ## ADDED OAM so to PSEUDO PRODUCT Listing
    ## Date: 03/31/2005
    ## Version: 4.17
    ## 4.16 didnt work as expected and changed it AND TESTED
    ## the change this time. OAM showed up in the PSEUDO PRODUCTS
    ## list on the Report.txt and OAM.G showed as applied.
    ## Date: 04/07/2005
    ## Version: 4.18
    ## Still had an awk variable problem with AIX and some
    ## hard coded references to /tmp have been removed so that
    ## CUST_TEMP can be used at command line or set first.
    ## Date: 04/18/2005
    ## Version: 4.19
    ## If not passing connect= on command line R11i=YES wasnt
    ## getting set. Problem happend from a code change above.
    ## Date: 04/19/2005
    ## Version: 4.20
    ## Added Test upgrade=. or upgrade=/tmp to update from ftp
    ## site automatically.
    ## Date: 07/27/2005
    ## Version: 4.21
    ## Fixed NT memory problems shell cant fit large variable
    ## strings with MKS like AIX see aix fixes.
    ## Date: 09/26/2005
    ## Version: 4.22
    ## Back Fixed the 10.7 data files not showing up.
    ## Date: 12/20/2005
    ## Version: 4.23
    ## Had a /bin/sh vs /bin/ksh problem on Solaris with
    ## PSEUDO Products not working. Added: tmpPSEUDOBack tmp
    ## file to fix loop export variable shell issu.
    ## (ARU Changed data structure which effected short name
    ## during this same time frame)
    ## Date: 01/03/2006
    ## Version: 4.24
    ## Thanks to added code changes
    ## that dramatically increased the speed of the application.
    ## PS: Have continuted to put off database version that
    ## runs in seconds because OAM has in the past said there
    ## version would include patch history. Still considering!
    ## Email me if this is a priority for you. Would use xml
    ## dataload, then select patchxml_list minus
    ## select your applied query. Runs very fast.
    ## Date: 02/23/2006
    ## Version: 4.25
    ## Added DNA to FULL Products for SHARED to show correctly
    ## Date: 10/30/2006
    ## Version: 4.26
    ## Updated to point to new ftp site and updated the auto
    ## upgrade to:
    ## Date: 11/14/2006
    ## Version: 4.27
    ## Change suggested by:
    ## dif. syntax for uname on Cygwin, workaround see OS1
    ## Date: 11/15/2006
    ## Version: 4.28
    ## Found problem with uname -o syntax on Sun from above
    ## Reworked and added fix for CUST_TEMP being null on cygwin
    ## and corrected DOMAIN instead of workgroup on NT
    ## Date: 11/17/2006
    ## Version: 4.29
    ## Added support for htmlout11i=Path for the Report_11i.txt to
    ## be output to html as well as htmlout for Report.txt.
    ## Also fixed another problem with CUST_TEMP
    ## Date: 02/12/07
    ## Version: 4.31
    ## Started working on R12 support and broke something and needed
    ## to move OUT_FILE variable above moved Get_DB_Apps_Version.
    ## Date: 02/12/07
    ## Version: 4.32
    ## First working version of R12. May need some changes.
    ## Date: 02/14/07
    ## Version: 4.33
    ## Added to R11i section, after moving it above in 4.32
    ## to support R12, missed for 11i and caused no APPLFULL and
    ## APPLSHAR variables to be set for 11i
    ## Date: 05/09/07
    ## Version: 4.34
    ## BASELINE.txt file ended up with more than just the baseline
    ## so some people wanted to use the BASELINE.txt file for other
    ## purposes. fix created a BASELINE.tmp for the purposes my code
    ## needed it.
    ## Date: 06/04/07
    ## Version: 4.35
    ## Added Applied_Patches reports: Applied_Patches_11i.txt or
    ## Applied_Patches_R12.txt in on R12 - They get created by
    ## default and put in the same directory as the patchset
    ## reports.
    ## Date: 11/27/07
    ## Version: 4.37
    ## Problem when 11i.ADX.F 3453499 has been applied, but the
    ## 11i.ADX.E.1 patch showed as the active because it has a higher
    ## bug number. Odd situation, so I just hard coded a fix.
    ## Date: 11/28/07
    ## Version: 4.38
    ## Added message: {product} has no patchsets!
    ## for Products like IZU that have not released patchsets.
    ## Date: 01/07/08
    ## Version: 4.39
    ## Trapping ORACLE_HOME not set in Run_SQL to be easier for people
    ## that have not setup the env. instead of bunch errors to the screen.
    ## Date: 02/06/08
    ## Version: 4.40
    ## Fixed odd error when applptch.txt file is missing for 10.7/11.0.X
    ## like a fresh install. fix: add on command line:
    ## version=10.7.0|11.0.1(2,3) and it will not prompt for
    ## database user password. Use to assume if no applptch.txt, its 11i/R12.
    ## Also, Debug function was failing if OUT_DIR was not set, so default
    ## to current directory "." before checking for CUST_TEMP env. setting.
    ## Date: 02/06/08
    ## Version: 4.41
    ## Had a bad sql column in Applied Patches report for

    ## ### HELPFUL PROGAM TIPS #####################################
    ## 10sc patch file has no version info ... only word "Applied at start..."
    ## Applied B765114: Patch succeeded. Time is Mon Aug 09 05:25:18 PM
    ## Applied B777860: Patch succeeded. Time is Mon Aug 09 08:01:53 PM
    ### Note: I will assume 11.5.2 will look the same... for version
    ### 11.5.1 update
    ## %%% applptch file format 11.5.A
    ## CURRENT_RELEASE: 11.5.1
    ## RELEASE_CHANGE_DATE: Tue Jun 06 2000 10:23:24
    ## FILE_CHANGE_DATE: Mon Jul 17 2000 16:35:36
    ## WHY_FILE_CHANGED: aru 1256034D
    ### 11.02 Example Header
    ## %%% applptch file format 11.0.A
    ## CURRENT_RELEASE: 11.0.200
    ## RELEASE_CHANGE_DATE: Tue Jul 13 1999 10:34:42
    ## FILE_CHANGE_DATE: Tue Feb 15 2000 10:16:38
    ## WHY_FILE_CHANGED: aru 973520D
    ## a 10.7 16.1 NCA Example:
    ## CURRENT_RELEASE: 10.7.0

    ## Make files created easy to overwrite... rw-rw-rw- to support
    ## multiple unix ids.
    umask 000

    TOOL_VERSION=`head -1 | awk '{print $4}'`
    export TOOL_VERSION

    OUT_DIR=.; export OUT_DIR

    Setup_Env ()
    ## Procedure: Setup_Env ()
    ## Called to setup all the env variables ...
    ## Variables Used to Process this script:

    if [ ! -r "$ORACLE_HOME" ];then
    echo "ERROR: cannot read ORACLE_HOME or not set."
    echo "SOLUTION: Set ORACLE_HOME and retry. "
    echo " ie. ORACLE_HOME=/u/ohome;export ORACLE_HOME"

    if [ "${TERM}" = "" ];then
    TERM=vt100; export TERM

    # NT is Windows_NT -- needed to trap some MKS commands
    OS=`uname -a | awk '{print $1}'`
    # Slightly dif. syntax for uname on Cygwin, workaround:
    # it uname returns: CYGWIN_NT_5.0 userName xxx
    OS1=`echo "${OS}" | grep "CYGWIN"`
    if [ "${OS1}" != "" ];then

    # ALLOW Customizied OUT_DIR option if env variable: CUST_TEMP is set,
    # else use: /tmp.
    if [ -r ${CUST_TEMP:=X} ];then
    echo "OUT_DIR using CUST_TEMP for temp files. Set to: $CUST_TEMP"
    elif [ -r /tmp ]; then
    OUT_DIR=/tmp; export OUT_DIR
    echo "OUT_DIR set to: $OUT_DIR by default (set CUST_TEMP if you want to customize this)"
    echo "There is no /tmp directory on this drive/partition. Please create it and re-run."
    echo "Neither OUT_DIR ( $OUT_DIR ) nor (CUST_TEMP ) were set. "
    echo "Default is /tmp if cannot read CUST_TEMP."
    echo "SOLUTION - Either create /tmp and make it writable or set CUST_TEMP variable to "
    echo "point at a writable directory."

    ## OUT_DIR and OUT_FILE
    ## - moved OUT_FILE before any RunSQL Calls - V 4.31 fix.
    OUT_FILE=junk$$; export OUT_FILE

    if [ "${OS}" = "AIX" -o "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ];then
    export aix

    if [ "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ]; then
    # DOMAIN=`domain` cygwin failed with this syntax
    DOMAIN=`ipconfig /all | grep -i "Primary Dns Suffix" | awk '{print $12}'`
    DOMAIN=`grep domain /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'`
    export DOMAIN

    MACHINE=`uname -a`
    export MACHINE

    ## Applptch.txt Raw Data Files

    # BaseLine Patchset Listings for 11i
    # ... Shared Settings Report.txt and Report_11i.txt


    if [ "${connect}" = "" ]; then

    if [ "${applptch}" = "" ];then

    ckVersion=`echo "${version}" | egrep '10.7|11.0'`
    if [ -r $APPL_TOP/admin/${TWO_TASK:=$ORACLE_SID}/applptch.txt -a "${ckVersion}" != "" ]; then
    ## 11.0.x and 11.i Location
    elif [ -r $APPL_TOP/applptch.txt -a "${ckVersion}" != "" ]; then
    ## 10.7 and back
    elif [ "${ckVersion}" != "" ]; then
    ## Just create a dummy one
    echo "" > dummy_applptch.txt
    ## Appears that the AD patch has been applied or we are on >= 11.5.5
    ## or there is a Problem : Need connect=apps/apps@${TWO_TASK} for sqlplus
    ## to get the applied bug list and build Patch.csv
    Need_Login_And_Password=True; export Need_Login_And_Password
    Need_Database_Patch_List=True; export Need_Database_Patch_List
    echo "Connection needed when using 11.5.5 or greater."
    echo ""
    echo "Please Enter username/password@connect_string"
    echo "ie. (apps/apps@VIS): \c"
    read connect

    Need_Database_Patch_List=True; export Need_Database_Patch_List
    echo "Connecting to database with parameters passed using tool version: $TOOL_VERSION"
    Debug "CONNECTION: $connect"

    if [ "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" = "True" ];then
    echo "Getting Appsversion Version from the Database"
    echo " ... DETERMINED DB VERSION: $AppsVer"
    CHK11i=`echo "${AppsVer}" | grep "^11."`
    CHKR12=`echo "${AppsVer}" | grep "^12."`
    if [ "${CHK11i}" != "" ];then
    R11i=YES; export R11i
    Debug " ... setup for R11i"
    PATCHSET_LIST=${OUT_DIR}/11i_patchsets.txt; export PATCHSET_LIST
    if [ "${CHKR12}" != "" ];then
    R12=YES; export R12
    Debug " ... setup for R12"
    PATCHSET_LIST=${OUT_DIR}/R12_patchsets.txt; export PATCHSET_LIST

    REPORT=Report.txt; export REPORT
    REPORT_FILE=`echo "$REPORT" | awk -F"/" '{print $6}'`
    PATCH_LIST_FILE=`echo "$PATCH_LIST" | awk -F"/" '{print $6}'`

    # Clearing Report File from Last Run
    echo > $REPORT


    # Mail and Output Options

    if [ -r /usr/ucb/whoami ]; then
    # SUN is here usually all other /usr/bin/whoami
    USER=`/usr/ucb/whoami`; export USER
    elif [ -r /usr/bin/whoami ]; then
    USER=`/usr/bin/whoami`; export USER
    # For NT and MKS to work
    USER=`who am i`

    EmailSubject=${EmailSubject:="Mailer - Run by: $USER"}
    HTMLTitle=${HTMLTitle:="Web Based uSOB Title by Steve"}

    ## NOTE: Need to call this before PSEUDO PRODUCT WORK
    ## to get at the XXX_pathcsets.txt files


    ## PROBLEM: This file ( R12_patchsets.txt, 11i_patchsets.txt) does not
    ## exist until calling Build Patch List. ( Added above)

    if [ "${R12}" = "YES" ];then

    ## NOTE: I need to fix to support R12 PSEUDO Products
    # select product_name, product_abbreviation, pseudo_product_flag,
    # application_short_name, product_family_abbreviation
    # from ad_pm_product_info
    # where pseudo_product_flag = 'N'
    # order by 2

    # MOVED from Get_Version to Setup
    # Build APPLFULL and APPLSHAR env variables and export the products installed and shared.
    FULL="$APPLFULL"; export FULL
    SHAR="$APPLSHAR"; export SHAR


    sed 1,5d ${OUT_DIR}/R12_patchsets.txt | egrep -vi '_PF' | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u | tr '[a-z][a-z]' '[A-Z][A-Z]' > ${OUT_DIR}/allprods.txt

    elif [ "${R11i}" = "YES" ];then

    # LEFT OUT WHEN ADDING Support for R12

    export FULL

    # ADDED OAM so to PSEUDO PRODUCT Listing
    # MISTAKE: REMOVE THE OAM from HERE, is should find it in below...
    # Real Problem was a few lines down I was removing metalink distributed patchsets...
    export SHAR


    sed 1,5d ${OUT_DIR}/11i_patchsets.txt | egrep -vi '_PF' | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u | tr '[a-z][a-z]' '[A-Z][A-Z]' > ${OUT_DIR}/allprods.txt


    if [ "${R12}" = "YES" -o "${R11i}" = "YES" ];then

    while read i
    if [ "${i}" != "" ];then
    FOUND=`echo $ALL_PSEUDO_PRODUCTS | grep "${i}"`
    if [ "${FOUND}" = "" ];then
    # echo "Could not find: $i"
    # echo "Not found: $i"
    echo "$PSEUDO" > $OUT_DIR/tmpPSEUDO$$
    done < ${OUT_DIR}/allprods.txt

    if [ -r ${OUT_DIR}/tmpPSEUDO$$ ];then
    PSEUDO=`cat $OUT_DIR/tmpPSEUDO$$`
    export PSEUDO
    rm ${OUT_DIR}/tmpPSEUDO$$

    if [ -r ${OUT_DIR}/allprods.txt ];then
    rm ${OUT_DIR}/allprods.txt
    Debug "Pseudo Products: $PSEUDO"
    Debug "ERROR finding Pseudo Products if on 11.5.X else 11.0 or 10.7 ignore message."

    export PSEUDO



    Get_Arguments ()
    ## Procedure: Get_Arguments ()
    ## Parses the command line and sets the name=value pairs as unix varialbes.
    ## Variables Used to Process this script:

    Debug "Start of Get_Arguments"

    ## Procedure Get_Arguments also checks for help Display Full Help if Needed...
    if [ "$Args" = "help" -o "$Args" = "?" -o "$Args" = "-h" -o "$Args" = "-?" ]; then

    ## Parse command line option pairs and assign
    ## Currently Not Exporting the variables..
    ## program db=FND_CON allows for if $db not null do x
    for CurArg in `echo "$Args"`
    # echo "Current: $CurArg"
    NameVar=`echo "$CurArg" | awk -F"=" '{print $1}'`
    ValueVar=`echo "$CurArg" | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'`
    eval `echo "$NameVar=$ValueVar"`
    Debug "GetArguments Command Line: $NameVar=$ValueVar"

    Debug "End of Get_Arguments"

    # Runs and Exits :
    # Usage: upgrade=./ or upgrade="/tmp/"
    if [ "${upgrade}" != "" ];then


    Full_Help ()
    ## Procedure Name: Full_Help
    ## Provides on-line help with the right options. ? help as
    ## parameters passed.
    ## Note: Exits program after being called.

    echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Check Applied Patchsets Tool -
    ## Name: Version: $TOOL_VERSION
    ## By: Last Modified: Nov 09, 2007
    ## Written: 6/22/99
    ## Usage: connect=Apps_login/pw
    ## [ad_bug_date="DD-MON-YY"] (11i/R12 only)
    ## [htmlout=file_name] - Report.txt converted to html
    ## [htmlout11i=file_name] - Report_11i.txt to html
    ## [htmloutR12=file_name] - Report_R12.txt to html
    ## [applptch=applptch_file.txt]
    ## [silent=y] default is n
    ## connect=apps/apps@connection (11i/R12 only)
    ## [ad_bug_date="DD-MON-YY"] (11i/R12 only)
    ## [patch_list=ad_applied_patches|your_file.csv]
    ## default is to use: ad_bugs table
    ## It is alot faster to go against ad_applied_patches
    ## but this only works if you are NOT using admrgpch to
    ## merge patchsets. Also, if providing your_file.csv
    ## the format is: short_name, possible_patchset_number
    ## The short_name is not used but a value is required.
    ## Report Applied Patches Only:
    ## $ ./ connect=apps/apps report=applied_patches
    ## Note: Gets generated automatically during normal runs
    ## -h|?|help (for Help)
    ## Additional Parms:
    ## If 11i and latest AD Patchset E or F
    ## or > 11.5.4
    ## connect=apps/apps@connection
    ## [patch_list=ad_applied_patches|your_file.csv]
    ## default is to use: ad_bugs table

    Purpose: To Aid in analysis of the latest available patchsets in relationship
    to all patchsets that have been applied. If patches in the db the
    program uses ad_bugs & ad_applied_patches table or applptch.txt file.
    ## Usage: /bin/sh or /bin/ksh both have been tested.
    11i Usage when latest AD patchsets (E or more) have been applied
    or > 11.5.4

    $ ./ connect=apps/apps
    $ ./ connect=apps/apps patch_list=ad_applied_patches
    $ ./ connect=apps/apps@VIS1157 ad_bug_date="01-FEB-02"
    $ ./
    $ ./ applptch=/tmp/applptch.txt
    $ ./ connect=apps/apps debug=y (email steve this if problem )
    $ ./ connect=apps/apps available=metalink
    (Restrict to Metalink Available patchsets)

    # All other Oracle Applications Installs
    $ ./
    defaults to \$APPL_TOP/admin/\$TWO_TASK/applptch.txt or equiv

    $ ./ applptch=/tmp/my_applptch.txt

    # New Test Feature: (Feedback welcome =
    # - ftp itself for you with latest version)
    # - be sure to backup your \$HOME/.netrc before testing this option.
    # $ upgrade=. or upgrade=/tmp

    1) Get to the drive where the appl_top is.
    C:> D:
    Make a tmp directory on that drives root.
    D:> mkdir tmp (this is where the patchset lists get created)

    2) cd to the APPL_TOP path and
    then execute the envshell to setup the env variables.
    D:\\> cd D:\\\apps\\\visappl
    D:\\\apps\\\visappl> envshell
    -> A new window spawns with the correct env settings, use it for step 3
    3) Start the MKS SHELL,
    D:\\\apps\\\visappl> sh
    4) Run the patchsets program from the APPL_TOP/admin/$ORACLE_SID directory
    $ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/VIS
    $ ./ applptch=applptch.txt

    1) Install X11.dt.rte on AIX (this gave me /usr/dt/bin/dtksh
    version 93 of ksh)
    After the update from IBM, then the Esc Control-V should
    show at least: Version M-11/16/93i
    2) Modified the script:
    add: #!/usr/dt/bin/dtksh (as the first line of the script)
    3) Running the script then no longer had the
    ./[57]: 0403-029

    IF AIX GIVES: [Arg list too long], try Work-Around in V. 4.6 release:
    ## Date: 9/29/2003
    1) aix=y [then normal arguments...]
    NOTE: Removed the need for aix=y V. 4.14.

    AIX Summary: You will very likely need the aix=y option and the new shell.
    V. 4.14 - Fixed so that it should work without the new shell or the aix=y

    WARNING: Relationship between patchsets and family packs:
    The report may say that the highest patchset installed is: B, but if a
    Family Pack was installed that includes that Product, then the Family Pack
    could have a higher version of that particular product. The program should
    pick up patchsets applied by Family Packs.

    If the most recently available patchset is not available on metalink
    for download, then you can run the report with available=metalink to limit
    the available patchsets to those that are on Metalink.

    Note: Family packs are generally used to bundle many patchsets today and
    this is the way that you can get the latest available patchsets. There
    are also new Consolicated Updates (CU) that have recently been created.
    There is a Consolidated Update for all the products:
    there is a one for the ATG product family:
    4017300 - 11.5.10 Consolidated Update (CU1) for ATG Product Family.
    ATG currently plans to release CU2, and not and more ATG_PF Family Packs
    for code updates. If you have any questions on this, please log a SR.

    NOTE: TXK patches are delivered by 11i.ATG_PF.? RUPxyz and no longer as
    patchsets, but as one off rollups. ie. Only TXK.A and TXK.B were
    delivered as patchsets.

    - For more information on this program, get the latest version, Note: 139684.1
    and find examples of its use you can go to the following: (Internal)
    or (External)
    " | more

    Debug ()
    # Debug output to file and screen
    # $1 = Message or set DebugMessage=, then call Debug
    # echo "USING: $OUT_DIR"
    TIMESTAMP=`date | sed 's/ /_/g'`
    if [ "$DebugMode" = "y" -o "${debug}" = "y" ]; then
    # echo "------------------Debug RUN: `date`" >> $OUT_DIR/Debug_patchsets$$.log
    if [ "$DebugMessage" != "" ]; then
    echo "DEBUG, ${TIMESTAMP} ==> $DebugMessage" | tee -a $OUT_DIR/Debug_patchsets$$.txt
    if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    echo "DEBUG ${TIMESTAMP} ==> $1" | tee -a $OUT_DIR/Debug_patchsets$$.txt

    Get_Latest_Patchsets ()
    # Usage: upgrade=. or upgrade="/tmp"

    HOME=`pwd`; export HOME

    echo "Checking for update from oracle-ftp"

    if [ "${skipnetrc}" = "y" ]; then
    echo "Manual update should have been made to netrc"
    if [ -r .netrc ]; then
    echo "You will have to manually update your .netrc file"
    echo "machine login anonymous password"
    echo "machine login anonymous password" > .netrc
    chmod 600 .netrc

    ## OCTOBER: 30, 2006
    ## Moved FROM:
    ## TO:
    ftp << ZZ

    cd /support/outgoing/PATCHSET_COMPARE_TOOL
    get $OUT_DIR/

    NEW_VERSION=`head $OUT_DIR/ | grep Header | awk '{print $4}'`

    if [ "${REAL_HOME}" != "${HOME}" ];then
    rm ${HOME}/.netrc
    HOME=$REAL_HOME; export HOME

    echo "Info: "
    echo "#######################################"
    echo " Current_Version: $TOOL_VERSION"
    echo "Downloaded version: $NEW_VERSION"
    echo "#######################################"

    if [ "${TOOL_VERSION}" != "$NEW_VERSION}" ];then
    cp ./ ./
    cp ${OUT_DIR}/ ${upgrade}/
    echo "New Version ($NEW_VERSION) was put in place ${upgrade}/"
    echo "The versions were the same so, no changes were made."



    Get_DB_Apps_Version ()
    ## Added Special OverRide_AppsVersion= for a customer who had upgraded to
    ## 11.5.7 but system still showed 11.5.3 --
    if [ "${override_appsversion}" != "" ];then

    set head off
    set feedback off
    select release_name from fnd_product_groups"
    # Returns: ie. 11.5.4
    AppsVer=`cat $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt | egrep '11|12' | sed 's/ //g'`

    BaseAppsVer=`echo $AppsVer | awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2"."$3}'`
    export AppsVer BaseAppsVer


    Build_Applied_Patches_Report ()
    # Requested Report to show applied patches

    if [ "${BaseAppsVer}" = "12.0.0" ]; then

    # echo " ... R12.0.0 patch report to after 01-DEC-05 and not include 3140000 and 4440000"

    REM Applied_Patches_R12.sql - used to create R12 Applied_Patches_R12.txt
    set feedback off
    set linesize 80
    set pagesize 9000

    column patch_name head Bug format a8
    column Product format a7
    column trackable_entity_abbr head Track_Ent format a9
    column baseline_name head Baseline format a8
    column codelevel head CodeLevel format a10
    column patch_type head Patch_Type format a11
    column last_update_date head Applied format a10

    SELECT 'R12 Applied Patches Report by Date ran on: '|| sysdate Report FROM dual;

    SELECT distinct ap.patch_name,
    decode(ab.application_short_name, null,
    ate.abbreviation, ab.application_short_name) Product,
    ab.trackable_entity_abbr, ab.baseline_name BaseLine,
    'R12.'||ate.abbreviation||'.'||ate.codelevel CodeLevel,
    ap.patch_type Patch_Type, ap.last_update_date Applied
    FROM applsys.ad_bugs ab, applsys.ad_applied_patches ap,
    applsys.ad_patch_drivers pd, ad_trackable_entities ate
    WHERE ab.bug_number = ap.patch_name
    and ap.applied_patch_id = pd.applied_patch_id
    and ab.trackable_entity_abbr = ate.abbreviation
    and ab.aru_release_name != '11i'
    and ap.last_update_date > '01-JAN-07'
    ORDER BY ap.last_update_date desc;

    column abbreviation head Product format a7
    column name head Product_Name format a38
    column type head Patch_Type format a14
    column codelevel head CodeLevel format a10
    column baseline head BaseLine format a8

    prompt Current Product Family Code Levels and Base Line

    select abbreviation, name, codelevel, baseline
    from ad_trackable_entities where type = 'product_family'
    order by type desc, 1;

    prompt Current Product Code Levels and Base Line

    select abbreviation, name, codelevel, baseline
    from ad_trackable_entities where type = 'product'
    order by type desc, 1

    echo " ... Running Applied_Patches_Report.sql R12 sql: Applied_Patches_R12.sql"
    echo "${SQL};" > Applied_Patches_R12.sql
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt ];then
    cp $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt Applied_Patches_R12.txt
    echo " ... Created Patches Applied Report: Applied_Patches_R12.txt"


    REM Applied_Patches_11i.sql - used to create 11i Applied_Patches_Report.txt
    set feedback off
    set linesize 80
    set pagesize 9000

    column patch_name head Bug format a10
    column application_short_name head Product format a7
    column patch_type head Patch_Type format a16
    column patch_level head Patch_Level format a12
    column last_update_date head Applied format a11
    column ReportDate head ReportDate format a20

    prompt 11i Applied Patches by Most Recently Applied Date

    SELECT sysdate ReportDate FROM dual;

    SELECT distinct ap.patch_name,
    decode(ab.application_short_name, null, mini.app_short_name,
    ab.application_short_name) application_short_name,
    ap.patch_type patch_type, mini.patch_level patch_level,
    ap.last_update_date Applied
    FROM applsys.ad_bugs ab, applsys.ad_applied_patches ap,
    applsys.ad_patch_drivers pd, applsys.ad_patch_driver_minipks mini
    WHERE ab.bug_number = ap.patch_name
    and ap.applied_patch_id = pd.applied_patch_id
    and pd.patch_driver_id = mini.patch_driver_id(+)
    ORDER BY ap.last_update_date desc"

    REM Applied_Patches_11i.sql - used to create 11i Applied_Patches_Report.txt
    set feedback off
    set linesize 80
    set pagesize 9000

    column patch_name head Bug format a10
    column application_short_name head Product format a9
    column patch_type head Patch_Type format a16
    column patch_level head Patch_Level format a12
    column last_update_date head Applied format a11
    column ReportDate head ReportDate format a20

    prompt 11i Applied Patches by Most Recently Applied Date

    SELECT sysdate ReportDate FROM dual;

    SELECT distinct ap.patch_name,
    decode(mini.app_short_name, null, 'not_avail', mini.app_short_name) application_short_name,
    ap.patch_type patch_type, mini.patch_level patch_level,
    ap.last_update_date Applied
    FROM applsys.ad_bugs ab, applsys.ad_applied_patches ap,
    applsys.ad_patch_drivers pd, applsys.ad_patch_driver_minipks mini
    WHERE ab.bug_number = ap.patch_name
    and ap.applied_patch_id = pd.applied_patch_id
    and pd.patch_driver_id = mini.patch_driver_id(+)
    ORDER BY ap.last_update_date desc"


    echo " ... Running Applied_Patches_Report.sql 11i sql: Applied_Patches_11i.sql"
    echo "${SQL};" > Applied_Patches_11i.sql
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt ];then
    ## ORA-00904
    if [ "${CHECK_MISSING_COLUMN}" != "" ];then
    echo "${SQL};" > Applied_Patches_11i.sql
    cp $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt Applied_Patches_11i.txt
    echo " ... Created Patches Applied Report: Applied_Patches_11i.txt"



    Get_AD_Patch_Minipks ()
    # Pulls distinct list of Applied Patchsets from AD_PATCH_DRIVER_MINIPKS
    # - then compares to patchsets in 11i_patchsets.txt and gets the bug number
    # - that matches this and puts in file.
    # Creates file: Applied_Ad_Minipks.csv
    # 06-JAN-03, 11i.AP.J, 2375849
    # 06-JAN-03, 11i.CE.G, 2243908

    if [ "${BaseAppsVer}" = "12.0.0" ]; then
    echo " ... R12.0.0 limiting mini-packs to after 01-DEC-05"

    set head off
    set feedback off
    set pagesize 9000
    select distinct max(creation_date) || ', ' || replace(patch_level, '11i', 'R12')
    from ad_patch_driver_minipks
    where last_update_date > '${ad_bug_date}'
    and ( patch_level like 'R12%' or patch_level like '11i%' )
    group by patch_level"

    # echo "Running R12 sql: $SQL"


    set head off
    set feedback off
    set pagesize 9000
    select distinct max(creation_date) || ', ' || patch_level
    from ad_patch_driver_minipks group by patch_level"


    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt ];then
    cp $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt Applied_Minipks.csv
    COUNT=`wc Applied_Minipks.csv | awk '{print $1}'`
    echo " ... FOUND: $COUNT patchset in AD_PATCH_DRIVER_MINIPKS see: Applied_Ad_Minipks.csv"

    if [ $COUNT -ge 1 ];then
    # pn 11i.PN.H 2398753 - format of 11i_patchsets.txt

    echo " ... Converting Patch Names to Patch Numbers. (using XX_patchsets.txt)"

    while read aline
    Debug " ... Working with: $aline"
    PatchsetDate=`echo $aline | awk -F"," '{print $1}'`
    PatchsetName=`echo $aline | awk -F"," '{print $2}' | sed 's/ //g'`
    if [ "${PatchsetName}" != "" ];then

    if [ "${R12}" = "YES" ];then
    MATCH=`grep "${PatchsetName}" $OUT_DIR/R12_patchsets.txt | awk '{print $3}'`
    MATCH=`grep "${PatchsetName}" $OUT_DIR/11i_patchsets.txt | awk '{print $3}'`
    if [ "${MATCH}" != "" ];then
    Debug " ..... matched: $PatchsetDate, $PatchsetName is bug => $MATCH"
    echo "$PatchsetDate, $PatchsetName, $MATCH" >> Applied_Ad_Minipks.csv
    Debug " .... no match: $PatchsetName in XX_patchsets.txt"
    done < Applied_Minipks.csv

    if [ -r Applied_Minipks.csv ];then
    rm Applied_Minipks.csv

    # Later APPEND to Patch.csv - as the list of applied patchsets found in ad_patch_dirver_minipks
    # awk -F"," '{print $1, $3}' Applied_Ad_Minipks.csv >> Patch.csv



    Get_DB_Patch_List ()
    # Called to generate the complete Applied Patches list from the Database
    # REMOVED THESE cause awk -F"," later, 4/11/2002
    # prompt Patch Listing
    # prompt ===================

    # Create Applied_Minipks.csv - Applied Patchsets (ad_patch_driver_minipks is updated ~> 11.5.6)
    echo "Running query on ad_patch_driver_minipks adds all patchsets applied."


    if [ "${patch_list}" = "ad_applied_patches" ];then

    set head off
    set pagesize 50000
    prompt Product, Bug
    select distinct patch_name || ', ' || bug_number from ad_bugs a, ad_applied_patches
    bug_number = patch_name"
    cp $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt Patch.csv

    elif [ "${patch_list}" != "" ];then

    if [ -r ${patch_list} ]; then
    cp $patch_list Patch.csv
    echo "ERROR: Could not read your specified Patch List file: $patch_list"

    Debug "Using custom patch_list=$patch_list instead of ad_bugs."


    # nvl(application_short_name, 'Not_Available')
    # Bad idea, going to remove completely
    # OLD WAY: SQL="
    # OLD WAY: set head off
    # OLD WAY: set pagesize 50000
    # OLD WAY: prompt Product, Bug
    # OLD WAY: select bug_id || ', ' || bug_number from ad_bugs"

    if [ "${BaseAppsVer}" = "12.0.0" ];then

    echo "Building Patch.csv for 12.0.0 ad_bugs ad_applied_patches after 01-JAN-07 rel. date"

    set head off
    set pagesize 50000
    prompt Product, Bug
    select to_char(last_update_date , 'DD-MON-YYYY.HH:MI:SS')|| ', ' ||patch_name ptc_name
    from ad_applied_patches
    where last_update_date > '${ad_bug_date}'
    select to_char(last_update_date , 'DD-MON-YYYY.HH:MI:SS')|| ', ' ||bug_number ptc_name
    from ad_bugs
    where last_update_date > '${ad_bug_date}'

    elif [ "${BaseAppsVer}" = "11.5.7" -o "${BaseAppsVer}" = "11.5.8" -o "${BaseAppsVer}" = "11.5.9" -o "${BaseAppsVer}" = "11.5.10" ];then
    # FOR 11.5.7 and 11.5.8 and 11.5.9 Only use this date filter to make it faster...
    # Note: All the baselines have been added from FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS and
    # the release notes, so these bugs should not really be needed anyway. After 11.5.6
    # I picked this date...

    if [ "${ad_bug_date}" = "" ];then

    # I just Picked a DATE that Minimized the old ad_bugs list from 150k to ~75k that are the most recent ~years patches
    # ie. 11.5.10 was released ~Dec. of 04
    # if someone wants to get more or less, just run with the ad_bug_date=01-JAN-04 flag.
    if [ "${BaseAppsVer}" = "11.5.10" ]; then

    Debug "Using ad_bugs/ad_applied patches with ad_bugs < 01-JAN-02 date (11.5.7/11.5.8/11.5.9/11.5.10)"

    set head off
    set pagesize 50000
    prompt Product, Bug
    select to_char(last_update_date , 'DD-MON-YYYY.HH:MI:SS')|| ', ' ||patch_name
    from ad_applied_patches
    select to_char(last_update_date , 'DD-MON-YYYY.HH:MI:SS')|| ', ' ||bug_number
    from ad_bugs
    where last_update_date > '${ad_bug_date}'

    # Should indicate 11.5.1 - 11.5.6

    if [ "${ad_bug_date}" = "" ];then

    Debug "Using all bugs in ad_bugs/ad_applied patches (11.5.1-11.5.6) date > 1951(year) "
    set head off
    set pagesize 50000
    prompt Product, Bug
    select to_char(last_update_date , 'DD-MON-YYYY.HH:MI:SS')|| ', ' ||patch_name
    from ad_applied_patches
    select to_char(last_update_date , 'DD-MON-YYYY.HH:MI:SS')|| ', ' ||bug_number
    from ad_bugs
    where last_update_date > '${ad_bug_date}'

    # Must be 11.5.1-11.5.6

    Debug "Extracting Patches Applied with:"
    Debug "SQL=$SQL"
    cp $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt Patch.csv

    if [ -r Applied_Ad_Minipks.csv ];then
    echo " ... Appending Minipks bug numbers to Patch.csv from ad_patch_driver_minipks table"
    awk -F"," '{print $1", "$3}' Applied_Ad_Minipks.csv >> Patch.csv

    # CLEAN UP from OUT_DIR - only leave in Current Directory.
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt ];then
    rm $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt

    Debug "Building Patch.csv from ad_bugs directly should have the same COUNT as Patch.csv"


    # Returns: ie. PROD, BUG_NUMBER in Patch.csv with Applied_Ad_Minipks.csv $1 $3 appended.

    # Sets APPLFULL and APPLSHAR env variables since they have been removed
    # with the setup of AUTOCONFIG and this program still needs them.
    # TABLE USED: fnd_application_vl fnd_product_installations

    set head off
    set pagesize 50000
    select fav.application_short_name || ' ' || fpi.status
    from fnd_application_vl fav, fnd_product_installations fpi
    where fav.application_id = fpi.application_id and
    fav.application_short_name NOT like 'SYSADMIN' and
    fpi.status != 'N'
    order by application_short_name || ' ' || fpi.status"

    Debug "Setting APPLSHAR and APPLFULL from fnd_product_installations."

    # BUG: 2743473, Work-Around for V. 4.1 of
    # Need to find out Why this product: is not showing up in FND_ tables
    # ie.: fnd_application_vl view is based on table: FND_APPLICATION
    ## HZ = Trading Community
    # 4.1 fixed below in 4.2 HZ_FULL=`echo "$APPLFULL" | grep "HZ "`
    ## HZ_FULL=`echo "$APPLFULL" | grep "HZ"`
    ## if [ "${HZ_FULL}" != "" ];then
    ## echo "HZ I" >> $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt
    ## echo " ... Adding HZ to APPLFULL - to $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt... "
    ## fi
    ## HZ_SHAR=`echo "$APPLSHAR" | grep "HZ"`
    ## if [ "${HZ_SHAR}" != "" ];then
    ## echo "HZ S" >> $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt
    ## echo " ... Adding HZ to APPLSHAR - to $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt... "
    ## cp $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt DEBUG_HZ.txt
    ## fi
    ## End of HZ Work-Around to APPEND to OUT_FILE.txt

    ## 4.2 HZ Hard-coded fix.
    echo "HZ I" >> $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt

    # REMOVE the SQLGL and SQLAP to just GL and AP for the matching patchsets
    APPLSHAR=`cat $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt | sed 's/OFA/FA/g' | grep -v SHORT | sed 's/SQL//g' | sort -u | awk '$2 ~ /S/ {printf $1" " }'`
    APPLFULL=`cat $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt | sed 's/OFA/FA/g' | grep -v SHORT | sed 's/SQL//g' | sort -u | awk '$2 ~ /I/ {printf $1" " }'`

    # rm $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt if you can read it.

    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt ];then
    rm $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt


    Purge_Outfile ()
    # CLEAN UP from OUT_DIR - only leave in Current Directory.
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt ];then
    rm $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt

    Get_Version ()
    ## Procedure: Get_Version ()
    ## Called to Extract the Version of Oracle Applications Patch File
    ## Variables Used Figure out what data file for patchsets comparison

    # WORKING IN THE DATABASE for patches...
    if [ "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" = "True" ];then

    # echo "Getting Appsversion Version from the Database"
    # Get_DB_Apps_Version
    # echo " ... DETERMINED DB VERSION: $AppsVer"
    echo " ... Extracting from AD_BUGS & AD_APPLIED_PATCHES into: Patch.csv"

    ## Moved to Setup:
    ## Build APPLFULL and APPLSHAR env variables and export the products installed and shared.

    if [ "${patch_list}" != "" ]; then
    Count=`grep "," Patch.csv | wc | awk '{ print $1}'`
    echo "USING Supplied option: patch_list=${patch_list}, Records in Patch.csv: $Count"
    if [ "${patch_list}" = "ad_applied_patches" ]; then
    echo " ..... Warning: This table will not include merged patchsets, if you are using admrgpch"
    echo " ..... It is alot slower, but please use ad_bugs or the complete patch list table to be sure"

    # NOT WORKING IN DATABASE or "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" != "True" and appltch not blank
    elif [ "${applptch}" != "" ]; then
    SC_YES=`head $applptch | grep "Applied"`
    # NOT WORKING IN DATABASE or "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" != "True" and appltch blank
    # If using the applptch variable check for sc
    SC_YES=`head $applptch | grep "Applied"`

    if [ "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" = "True" ];then
    echo " ... Generated csv Patch datafile from the ad_xyz tables or Database: applptch=Patch.csv"
    # NOTE: Already ran Get_DB_Patch_List which APPENDED the ad_patch_driver_minipks patchsets
    # to Patch.csv - Report_11i.txt using $applptch for its list of applied patches.
    Debug "DEBUG=> Setting applptch=Patch.csv"

    ## All NON-10sc Applptch.txt files get version and BaseAppsVersion HERE:
    elif [ "${SC_YES}" = "" ]; then

    if [ "${version}" = "10.7" ]; then
    Debug "Getting version from header of applptch = $applptch"
    Debug "Got Versino: AppsVer=$AppsVer"
    export AppsVer
    BaseAppsVer=`echo $AppsVer | awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2"."$3}'`
    export BaseAppsVer
    elif [ "${version}" = "11.0" -o "${version}" = "11.0.1" -o "${version}" = "11.0.2" -o "${version}" = "11.0.3" ]; then
    Debug "Getting version from header of applptch = $applptch"
    Debug "Got Versino: AppsVer=$AppsVer"
    export AppsVer
    BaseAppsVer=`echo $AppsVer | awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2"."$3}'`
    export BaseAppsVer
    AppsVer=`head $applptch | grep CURRENT_RELEASE | awk '{print $2}'`
    Debug "Getting version from header of applptch = $applptch"
    Debug "Got Versino: AppsVer=$AppsVer"
    export AppsVer
    BaseAppsVer=`echo $AppsVer | awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2"."$3}'`
    export BaseAppsVer

    # Appsverision: 11.0.200 BaseAppsVer:11.0
    export BaseAppsVer
    export AppsVer

    ### DETERMINE THE VERSIONS SO THE Base Patchset List can be added to Report.txt
    ### Appsversion: 11.0.200 BaseAppsVer:11.0
    case "$BaseAppsVer" in

    12.0*) PatchsetDate=$RELR12_DATE

    rm $OUT_DIR/107*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/107*_patchsets.txt
    # rm $OUT_DIR/110*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/110_patchsets.txt
    rm $OUT_DIR/115*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/11i_patchsets.txt

    Patched="`cat $PatchsetList | grep "R12" | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u`"
    echo "Inside R12: AppsVer=$AppsVer BasePatchsetList=$BasePatchsetList done."

    11.5*) PatchsetDate=$REL115_DATE

    rm $OUT_DIR/110*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/R12_patchsets.txt
    # rm $OUT_DIR/110*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/110_patchsets.txt
    rm $OUT_DIR/107*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/107*_patchsets.txt

    Patched="`cat $PatchsetList | grep "11i" | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u`"
    # I dont think i even use this file...??? any more
    # cat $PatchsetList | grep "11i" | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u > $OUT_DIR/11i_list.txt$$

    Debug "Capture AppsVer=$AppsVer followed by one space then word followed."

    case "$AppsVer" in

    11.5.1) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1151_Base.txt;;
    11.5.2*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1152_Base.txt;;
    11.5.3*|11.5.0) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1153_Base.txt ;;
    11.5.4*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1154_Base.txt ;;
    11.5.5*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1155_Base.txt ;;
    11.5.6*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1156_Base.txt ;;
    11.5.7*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1157_Base.txt
    Debug "Inside 11.5.7 Case Match: AppsVer=$AppsVer BasePatchsetList=$BasePatchsetList done."
    11.5.8*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1158_Base.txt ;;
    11.5.9*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1159_Base.txt ;;
    11.5.10*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/11510_Base.txt ;;

    *) echo
    echo "Failed to get Apps Version, please email: with message below:"
    echo "==============================================================================="
    echo "ERROR - Could not match the database Oracle Applications Release Version"
    echo " ...NO Match Case AppsVer: AppsVer=$AppsVer BasePatchsetList=$BasePatchsetList done."
    echo " ...expecting valid values of: 11.5.0-11.5.10"
    echo " ...this is figured out based on either: fnd_product_installations or applptch.txt"
    echo "==============================================================================="
    echo "UNAME -a to get OS INFO"
    uname -a
    echo "TNSPING of the TWO_TASK"
    tnsping $TWO_TASK


    11.0*) PatchsetDate=$REL110_DATE

    # rm $OUT_DIR/110*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/110_patchsets.txt
    rm $OUT_DIR/107*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/107*_patchsets.txt
    rm $OUT_DIR/115*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/11i_patchsets.txt

    Patched=`cat $PatchsetList | grep "11.0" | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u`
    case "$AppsVer" in
    11.0.1*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1101_Base.txt
    11.0.2*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1102_Base.txt
    11.0.3*) BasePatchsetList=${OUT_DIR}/1103_Base.txt ;;
    10.7.0) PatchsetDate=$REL107_DATE

    # echo "No longer supporting 10.7, please contact me if this is a problem."
    # exit

    rm $OUT_DIR/110*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/110_patchsets.txt
    # rm $OUT_DIR/107*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/107*_patchsets.txt
    rm $OUT_DIR/115*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/11i_patchsets.txt

    # echo "DEBUG: IN 10.7.0 with nca=$nca "
    if [ "${nca}" = "y" ]; then
    echo "USING REL 107 NCA for Middle-tiers patch list"
    Patched=`cat $PatchsetList | grep "16.1" | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u`
    Patched=`cat $PatchsetList | grep "10.7" | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u`
    16.1) PatchsetDate=$REL161_DATE

    echo "No longer supporting 16.1, please contact me if this is a problem."

    rm $OUT_DIR/110*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/110_patchsets.txt
    # rm $OUT_DIR/107*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/107*_patchsets.txt $OUT_DIR/16_patchsets.txt
    rm $OUT_DIR/107*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/107*_patchsets.txt
    rm $OUT_DIR/115*_Base.txt $OUT_DIR/11i_patchsets.txt

    Patched=`cat $PatchsetList | grep "16" | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u`
    # echo "IN LOG:Case: SC_YES = $SC_YES BaseAppsVer=$BaseAppsVer" >> $LOG
    # echo "IN LOG: Patched Listing: $Patched" >> $LOG
    *) echo "Could not determine Applptch.txt Format" >> $REPORT


    Add_Report_Header ()
    ## Usage:
    ## Add_Report_Header $FILE
    ## $1 APPEND to file name
    ## $2 Written BY String

    echo "=============================================================================" >> $1
    echo " Report Generated: `date` Tool Version: $TOOL_VERSION" >> $1
    echo " Patchsets List Updated: $PatchsetDate" >> $1
    echo " Machine/OS: $MACHINE" >> $1
    echo " Domain: $DOMAIN" >> $1
    # echo "Patchset Comparison File: $PatchsetList" >> $1
    echo " applptch Source: $applptch" >> $1
    echo " Version from APPLPTCH: $AppsVer" >> $1
    # echo " Base: $BaseAppsVer" >> $1

    if [ "${TWO_TASK}" != "" -o "${ORACLE_SID}" != "" ];then
    echo " Database: ${TWO_TASK:=$ORACLE_SID}" >> $1

    if [ "${APPLFULL}" != "" ];then
    echo " Limited Report to: APPLFULL and APPLSHAR products" >> $1
    echo " APPLFULL: $APPLFULL" >> $1
    echo " APPLSHAR: $APPLSHAR" >> $1
    echo " Limited Report to: ALL Products, APPLFULL/Share not set." >> $1

    if [ "${PSEUDO}" != "" -a "${BaseAppsVer}" != "10.7.0" ];then
    echo " Pseudo Products: ${PSEUDO}" >> $1

    echo " Written By: $2" >> $1
    echo " WARNING: DOWNLOAD CHANGING NOVEMBER 3rd, 2006" >> $1
    echo " Program Updates:" >> $1
    echo " Download Patchsets: Go to link below or click on Patches" >> $1
    echo "" >> $1
    echo "=============================================================================" >> $1


    Compare_Patches_title () {
    echo "
    Product Baseline Version Running Version Latest Available,Status
    ------- ----------------- --------------- -----------------------"|
    tee -a $DIFF_OUT

    Compare_Patches_11i () {

    # Only run this code if 11i the is installed version
    if [ "${R11i}" != "YES" ]; then
    return 0

    rm -f $DIFF_OUT

    if [ "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ]; then
    rev=""; bold=""; offall=""
    rev=`tput rev`; bold=`tput bold`; offall=`tput sgr0`

    Add_Report_Header $DIFF_OUT "Oracle Support Services"

    echo "Starting: Report_11i.txt"

    # Builds and returns a list of all files into: FILES with cumulative patchsets for each release
    # ... assumes: 11.5.3 patchsets are in 11.5.4 and 11.5.4 are in 11.5.5
    # ... also sets up: BASE_PATCH_LIST which is array of full listing of all baseline patchsets (bug#s)
    # COULD CALL BELOW same as Compare does... but have not tested yet! see Setup_BaseLines
    # Setup_BaseLines

    case "$BaseAppsVer" in
    12.0*) FILES="$R1200_PATCHES" ;;
    11.5.10*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES $R1157_PATCHES $R1158_PATCHES $R1159_PATCHES $R11510_PATCHES";;
    11.5.9*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES $R1157_PATCHES $R1158_PATCHES $R1159_PATCHES";;
    11.5.8*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES $R1157_PATCHES $R1158_PATCHES";;
    11.5.7*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES $R1157_PATCHES";;
    11.5.6*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES";;
    11.5.5*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES";;
    11.5.4*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES";;
    11.5.3*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES";;
    11.5.2*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES";;
    * ) R11i=NO;;
    export FILES

    ## for file in $FILES
    ## do
    ## if [ "${aix}" = "y" ];then
    ## cat $file|awk '{print $1}' >> ${OUT_DIR}/BASE_PATCH_LIST
    ## else
    ## BASE_PATCH_LIST="$BASE_PATCH_LIST `cat $file|awk '{print $1}'`"
    ## # cat $file | awk '{print $1}' | grep '[1-9][1-9]' >> BASELINE.txt
    ## fi
    ## done
    cat $FILES | awk '{print $1}' | sort -un > ${OUT_DIR}/BASE_PATCH_LIST
    if [ ! "${aix}" = "y" ];then
    export BASE_PATCH_LIST

    # Build list of products that have released Family Packs or _pf
    # V. 4.8 REMOVED: grep -v Closed|
    FAMILY_PACKS=`cat $PATCHSET_LIST | awk '{print $1}'| grep _pf | sort -u`

    # Added to get list from ad_bugs results in patch.csv
    if [ "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" = "True" ];then

    if [ "${OS}" = "AIX" -o "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ];then
    Debug "AIX Specific - building ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED file as master from $applptch"
    cat $PATCH_LIST | awk -F"," '{print $2}' | sort -un >> ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED
    ## ## Date: 05/09/07 Version: 4.34
    ## cat $PATCH_LIST | awk -F"," '{print $2}' | sort -un >> ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED
    ## Clean update a bit more for NT shells
    cat $PATCH_LIST | awk -F"," '{print $2}' | egrep -v '[a-z]|[A-Z]|\.' | sort -un > ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED
    Debug "Non-AIX building PATCHES_APPLIED variable $applptch"
    PATCHES_APPLIED=`awk -F"," '{print $2}' $applptch |
    grep -v mrg | grep -v "^$" |
    sort -un`


    Compare_Patches_title " FAMILY PACK PATCHES"
    # echo "APPLFULL=$APPLFULL"; export APPLFULL
    # echo "APPLSHAR=$APPLSHAR"; export APPLSHAR

    for product in `echo $FAMILY_PACKS $APPLFULL $APPLSHAR $PSEUDO | tr "[A-Z][A-Z]" "[a-z][a-z]"`
    unset BASE CURRENT LATEST patch_ver patch_num latest latest_patch patch_num_all patch

    if [ $FULL = NO ];then
    if [ `echo " $APPLFULL "|grep -i " $product "|wc -w` -gt 0 ];then
    Compare_Patches_title "FULLY INSTALLED PRODUCTS";FULL=YES;

    if [ $SHAR = NO ];then
    if [ `echo " $APPLSHAR "|grep -i " $product "|wc -w` -gt 0 ]; then
    Compare_Patches_title "SHARED INSTALL PRODUCTS";SHAR=YES;

    if [ $PSEUDO_TITLE = NO ];then
    if [ `echo " $PSEUDO "|grep -i " $product "|wc -w` -gt 0 ];then
    Compare_Patches_title "PSEUDO PRODUCTS";PSEUDO_TITLE=YES;

    ## ISSUE: 11/29/07
    ## adx 11i.ADX.E.1(3817226) 11i.ADX.F(3453499), Rel-By_Metal
    ## adx 11i.ADX.F 3453499 14-OCT-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ## adx 11i.ADX.E.1 3817226 10-AUG-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink

    ## IF patch from ARU is in BASE_PATCH_LIST (All BASELINES MERGED, name it BASE else CURRENT

    for patch in `grep "^$product " $PATCHSET_LIST | awk '{print $2"^"$3"^"$6"^"$7}'`

    # This list of patch numbers is used later when egrepping the BASLINE & CURRENT patch lists
    patch_num="`echo $patch | awk -F'^' '{print $2}'`"

    # Example Data in PATCHSET_LIST
    # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    # 1 2 3 4 <- Current For AWK
    # wsm 11i.WSM.H 2691993 10-JUN-03 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    # wsm 11i.WSM.I 2770100 17-SEP-04 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    # xdo 11i.XDO.H 3263588 04-NOV-04 Patchset Released By_Metalink
    # veh 11i.VEH.A 1354697 07-OCT-00 Patchset Obsoleted By_Metalink

    if [ "${latest_patch}" = "3453499" -a "${patch_num}" = "3817226" ];then
    if [ "${available}" = "metalink" ];then
    case $patch in
    *By_Metalink) latest_patch=$patch ;;

    if [ -z "${latest_patch}" ]; then
    patch_ver=`echo "${latest_patch}" | awk -F'^' '{print $1}'`
    patch_num=`echo "${latest_patch}" | awk -F'^' '{print $2}'`
    if [ "${patch_num}" = "" ];then
    LATEST="${patch_ver}${product} has no patchsets!"

    status=`echo "${latest_patch}" | awk -F'^' '{print $3}' | cut -b 1-3`
    dist=`echo "${latest_patch}" | awk -F'^' '{print $4}' | cut -b 1-8`

    ## Ends up with BASE line, if present, and CURRENT (Highest of each...)

    ## since ordered list already - fails with ADX.E.1 ADX.F case above - RARE!
    ## adx 11i.ADX.F 3453499 14-OCT-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ## adx 11i.ADX.E.1 3817226 10-AUG-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ## since ordered list already - fails with ADX.E.1 ADX.F case above - RARE!
    if [ "${product}" = "adx" ];then
    # echo "IN BODY: with patch_num=$patch_num}XXX"
    A=`echo "$patch_num_all" | grep 3453499`
    B=`echo "$patch_num_all" | grep 3817226`
    if [ "${A}" != "" -a "${B}" != "" ];then
    patch_num_all=`echo $patch_num_all | sed 's/3817226|//g'`
    # echo "FIXED: patch_num_all=$patch_num_all"

    if [ -n "${patch_num_all}" ];then
    # strip off the trailing "|" else HP-UX will complain ...
    patch_num_all=`echo "$patch_num_all"|sed s/"|$"//`
    if [ "${aix}" = "y" -o "${OS}" = 'AIX' -o "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ];then
    BASE=`egrep -e "$patch_num_all" ${OUT_DIR}/BASE_PATCH_LIST | tail -1`
    CURRENT=`egrep -e "$patch_num_all" ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED | tail -1`
    CURRENT=`echo $CURRENT | tr " " "\n" | tail -1`
    BASE=`echo "${BASE_PATCH_LIST}" | egrep -e "$patch_num_all" | tail -1`
    CURRENT=`echo "${PATCHES_APPLIED}" | egrep -e "$patch_num_all" | tail -1`
    CURRENT=`echo $CURRENT`; # Trims extra spaces!
    if [ -n "${CURRENT}" -a -n "${BASE}" ];then
    # echo "ABOUT TO TEST CURRENT -lt BASE or $CURRENT -lt $BASE "
    if [ "${CURRENT}" -lt "${BASE}" ]; then

    if [ -n "${BASE}" ]; then
    patch_ver=`grep $BASE $PATCHSET_LIST | awk '{print $2}'`
    if [ -n "${CURRENT}" ]; then
    patch_ver=`grep $CURRENT $PATCHSET_LIST | awk '{print $2}'`

    BASE=${BASE:=" "}
    # SSA - added the spaces to PAD entries to 8, then removed the tab in output
    PRODUCT=`echo "${product} " |cut -b 1-8`
    CURRENT1=`echo "${CURRENT} " |cut -b 1-24`

    echo "${PRODUCT}${BASE} ${CURRENT1}${LATEST}, ${status}-${dist}">>$DIFF_OUT

    if [ "$LATEST" != "${CURRENT}" ]; then

    if [ "$CURRENT" != "${BASE}" ]; then
    # CURRENT="${bold}${CURRENT}${offall}";
    CURRENT1=`echo "${bold}${CURRENT}${offall} " | cut -b 1-30`
    echo "${PRODUCT}${BASE} ${CURRENT1} ${LATEST}, ${status}-${dist}"
    echo "${PRODUCT}${BASE} ${CURRENT1}${LATEST}, ${status}-${dist}"


    echo "

    WARNING on Family Packs and Patchsets:
    The patchsets included in a Family Pack are not all distributed as standalone, but
    should show up in ad_bugs as an included patch. These were not included
    in the Report because they were not downloadable directly from Metalink. This has
    caused some confusion in the real Baseline or Running patchsets because you had to
    determine that based on the readme of your Family Packs that have been applied.
    This has been changed and the patchsets in ${OUT_DIR}/11i_patchsets.txt now includes all
    the patchsets even if they are not standalone and you cannot get them as one offs.
    See the new Status field in the Latest Available column. or check /tmp/11i_patchsets.txt.

    Please check Metalink for final patchset availability questions and Distribution Status issues:

    Latest Available: This may be Distributed via Metalink as standalone or only by a Family Pack.
    Until release 3.3 of this script, the Installed Version only included Standalone release patchesets
    and not any of the patchsets included in Family Packs.

    Note2: (as of v.4.14)
    Latest Available shows all patchsets even if NOT AVAILABLE for download on
    Metalink. An optional flag to limit Latest Available to patches only available
    on metailink has been provided. ie. Add: available=metalink to command line.

    TXK patches are delivered by 11i.ATG_PF. RUPxyz and no longer as
    patchsets, but as one off rollups. ie. Only TXK.A and TXK.B were
    delivered as patchsets.

    TXK Autoconfig Template Rollups - As of Mar 2006
    TXK-B : 2682076
    TXK-C : 2682863
    TXK-D : 2757379
    TXK-E : 2902755
    TXK-F : 3104607
    TXK-G : 3239694 (Feb-2004)
    TXK-H : 3416234 (May-2004)
    TXK-I : 3594604 (Oct-2004)
    TXK-J : 3950067 (Feb-2005)
    TXK-J.1 : 4367673
    TXK-K : 4104924 (May-2005)
    TXK-L : 4489303 (Nov-2005)
    TXK-M : 4717668 (Mar-2006)

    New Status Field:
    Rel=Released, Sup=Superseded, Obs=Obsoleted
    By_Metal=On Metalink, Not_Dist=Not Available, By_Dev=Available from Development only

    By_Dev often means only available by a Family Pack and no one off patchsets available.
    Not_Dist typically means only available by a Family Pack or not released yet.
    By_Metal patches can be downloaded by Metalink or by ftp to

    " >> $DIFF_OUT


    Compare_Patches_R12 () {

    # Only run this code if 11i the is installed version
    if [ "${R12}" != "YES" ]; then
    return 0;

    if [ -r $DIFF_OUT ];then
    rm -f $DIFF_OUT

    if [ "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ]; then
    rev=""; bold=""; offall=""
    rev=`tput rev`; bold=`tput bold`; offall=`tput sgr0`

    Add_Report_Header $DIFF_OUT "Oracle Support Services"

    echo "Starting: $DIFF_OUT Report"

    # Builds and returns a list of all files into: FILES with cumulative patchsets for each release
    # ... assumes: 12.1 patchsets are in 12.2 and 12.3 are in 12.4
    # ... also sets up: BASE_PATCH_LIST which is array of full listing of all baseline patchsets (bug#s)

    case "$BaseAppsVer" in
    12.0*) FILES="$R1200_PATCHES" ;;
    * ) R12=NO;;
    export FILES

    cat $FILES | awk '{print $1}' | sort -un > ${OUT_DIR}/BASE_PATCH_LIST
    if [ ! "${aix}" = "y" ];then
    export BASE_PATCH_LIST

    # Build list of products that have released Family Packs or _pf
    # V. 4.8 REMOVED: grep -v Closed|
    FAMILY_PACKS=`cat $PATCHSET_LIST | awk '{print $1}'| grep _pf | sort -u`

    # Added to get list from ad_bugs results in patch.csv
    if [ "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" = "True" ];then

    if [ "${OS}" = "AIX" -o "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ];then
    Debug "AIX Specific - building ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED file as master from $applptch"
    ## ## Date: 05/09/07 Version: 4.34
    ## cat $PATCH_LIST | awk -F"," '{print $2}' | sort -un >> ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED
    ## Clean update a bit more for NT shells
    cat $PATCH_LIST | awk -F"," '{print $2}' | egrep -v '[a-z]|[A-Z]|\.' | sort -un > ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED
    Debug "Non-AIX building PATCHES_APPLIED variable $applptch"
    PATCHES_APPLIED=`awk -F"," '{print $2}' $applptch |
    grep -v mrg | grep -v "^$" |
    sort -un`


    Compare_Patches_title " FAMILY PACK PATCHES"
    # echo "APPLFULL=$APPLFULL"; export APPLFULL
    # echo "APPLSHAR=$APPLSHAR"; export APPLSHAR

    for product in `echo $FAMILY_PACKS $APPLFULL $APPLSHAR $PSEUDO | tr "[A-Z][A-Z]" "[a-z][a-z]"`
    unset BASE CURRENT LATEST patch_ver patch_num latest latest_patch patch_num_all patch

    if [ $FULL = NO ];then
    if [ `echo " $APPLFULL "|grep -i " $product "|wc -w` -gt 0 ];then
    Compare_Patches_title "FULLY INSTALLED PRODUCTS";FULL=YES;

    if [ $SHAR = NO ];then
    if [ `echo " $APPLSHAR "|grep -i " $product "|wc -w` -gt 0 ]; then
    Compare_Patches_title "SHARED INSTALL PRODUCTS";SHAR=YES;

    if [ $PSEUDO_TITLE = NO ];then
    if [ `echo " $PSEUDO "|grep -i " $product "|wc -w` -gt 0 ];then
    Compare_Patches_title "PSEUDO PRODUCTS";PSEUDO_TITLE=YES;

    ## IF patch from ARU is in BASE_PATCH_LIST (All BASELINES MERGED, name it BASE else CURRENT

    for patch in `grep "^$product " $PATCHSET_LIST | awk '{print $2"^"$3"^"$6"^"$7}'`

    # This list of patch numbers is used later when egrepping the BASLINE & CURRENT patch lists
    patch_num="`echo $patch | awk -F'^' '{print $2}'`"

    # Example Data in PATCHSET_LIST
    # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    # wsm 11i.WSM.H 2691993 10-JUN-03 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    # wsm 11i.WSM.I 2770100 17-SEP-04 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    # xdo 11i.XDO.H 3263588 04-NOV-04 Patchset Released By_Metalink
    # veh 11i.VEH.A 1354697 07-OCT-00 Patchset Obsoleted By_Metalink

    if [ "${available}" = "metalink" ];then
    case $patch in
    *By_Metalink) latest_patch=$patch ;;
    if [ -z "${latest_patch}" ]; then
    patch_ver=`echo "${latest_patch}" | awk -F'^' '{print $1}'`
    patch_num=`echo "${latest_patch}" | awk -F'^' '{print $2}'`
    status=`echo "${latest_patch}" | awk -F'^' '{print $3}' | cut -b 1-3`
    dist=`echo "${latest_patch}" | awk -F'^' '{print $4}' | cut -b 1-8`

    ## Ends up with BASE line, if present, and CURRENT (Highest of each...) since ordered list already
    if [ -n "${patch_num_all}" ];then
    # strip off the trailing "|" else HP-UX will complain ...
    patch_num_all=`echo "$patch_num_all"|sed s/"|$"//`
    if [ "${aix}" = "y" -o "${OS}" = 'AIX' -o "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ];then
    BASE=`egrep -e "$patch_num_all" ${OUT_DIR}/BASE_PATCH_LIST | tail -1`
    CURRENT=`egrep -e "$patch_num_all" ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED | tail -1`
    CURRENT=`echo $CURRENT | tr " " "\n" | tail -1`
    BASE=`echo "${BASE_PATCH_LIST}" | egrep -e "$patch_num_all" | tail -1`
    CURRENT=`echo "${PATCHES_APPLIED}" | egrep -e "$patch_num_all" | tail -1`
    CURRENT=`echo $CURRENT`; # Trims extra spaces!
    if [ -n "${CURRENT}" -a -n "${BASE}" ];then
    if [ "${CURRENT}" -lt "${BASE}" ]; then
    if [ -n "${BASE}" ]; then
    patch_ver=`grep $BASE $PATCHSET_LIST | awk '{print $2}'`
    if [ -n "${CURRENT}" ]; then
    patch_ver=`grep $CURRENT $PATCHSET_LIST | awk '{print $2}'`

    BASE=${BASE:=" "}
    # SSA - added the spaces to PAD all entries to 8, then removed the tab in output
    PRODUCT=`echo "${product} " |cut -b 1-8`
    CURRENT1=`echo "${CURRENT} " |cut -b 1-24`

    echo "${PRODUCT}${BASE} ${CURRENT1}${LATEST}, ${status}-${dist}">>$DIFF_OUT

    if [ "$LATEST" != "${CURRENT}" ]; then

    if [ "$CURRENT" != "${BASE}" ]; then
    # CURRENT="${bold}${CURRENT}${offall}";
    CURRENT1=`echo "${bold}${CURRENT}${offall} " | cut -b 1-30`
    echo "${PRODUCT}${BASE} ${CURRENT1} ${LATEST}, ${status}-${dist}"
    echo "${PRODUCT}${BASE} ${CURRENT1}${LATEST}, ${status}-${dist}"


    echo "

    WARNING on Family Packs and Patchsets:
    Things have changed in R12 with Code Levels and Code Lines.
    A report: Applied_Patches_R12.txt is also included that shows all of your applied
    patches along with the Codelevels for all products (including pseudo), and
    family_packs. The Codelevels are stored in a new table called:
    Patches are no longer unique in that the same patch number can be released
    more than once but at different code levels.
    Patchsets included in a Family Pack are not all distributed as standalone, but
    should show up in ad_bugs as an included patch.
    The patchsets in ${OUT_DIR}/R12_patchsets.txt includes all the patchsets even if
    they are not standalone and you cannot get them as one offs.
    See the new Status field in the Latest Available column. or check
    Also note: Patch.csv is not a complete list of all the patches, but only those
    applied after the 01-JAN-07 release date.

    Please check Metalink for final patchset availability questions and Distribution Status issues:

    Latest Available: This may be Distributed via Metalink as standalone or only by a Family Pack.
    Until release 3.3 of this script, the Installed Version only included Standalone release patchesets
    and not any of the patchsets included in Family Packs.

    Note2: (as of v.4.14)
    Latest Available shows all patchsets even if NOT AVAILABLE for download on
    Metalink. An optional flag to limit Latest Available to patches only available
    on metailink has been provided. ie. Add: available=metalink to command line.

    New Status Field:
    Rel=Released, Sup=Superseded, Obs=Obsoleted
    By_Metal=On Metalink, Not_Dist=Not Available, By_Dev=Available from Development only

    By_Dev often means only available by a Family Pack and no one off patchsets available.
    Not_Dist typically means only available by a Family Pack or not released yet.
    By_Metal patches can be downloaded by Metalink or by ftp to

    " >> $DIFF_OUT


    Setup_Baselines ()
    # Procedure: Setup_BaseLines
    # Builds and returns a list of all files into: FILES with cumulative patchsets for each release
    # ... assumes: 11.5.3 patchsets are in 11.5.4 and 11.5.4 are in 11.5.5


    case "$BaseAppsVer" in
    12.0*) FILES="$R12_PATCHES"
    11.5.10*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES $R1157_PATCHES $R1158_PATCHES $R1159_PATCHES $R11510_PATCHES";;
    11.5.9*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES $R1157_PATCHES $R1158_PATCHES $R1159_PATCHES";;
    11.5.8*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES $R1157_PATCHES $R1158_PATCHES";;
    11.5.7*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES $R1157_PATCHES";;
    11.5.6*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES $R1156_PATCHES";;
    11.5.5*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES $R1155_PATCHES";;
    11.5.4*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES $R1154_PATCHES";;
    11.5.3*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES $R1153_PATCHES";;
    11.5.2*)FILES="$R1151_PATCHES $R1152_PATCHES";;
    * ) R11i=NO;;
    export FILES

    if [ -r BASELINE.txt ];then
    rm -f BASELINE.txt

    for file in $FILES
    # BASE_PATCH_LIST="$BASE_PATCH_LIST `cat $file|awk '{print $1}'`"
    cat $file | awk '{print $1}' | grep '[1-9][1-9]' >> BASELINE.txt
    export BASE_PATCH_LIST


    Compare_Patches ()
    ## Procedure: Compare_Patches ()
    ## Called to Extract the Version of Oracle Applications Patch File
    ## Variables Used Figure out what data file for patchsets comparison

    # First Setup the VARIABLE: PATCHES_APPLIED with all the patches to make
    # the check faster than a GREP from File each time..

    if [ "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" = "True" ];then

    if [ "${aix}" = "y" ];then
    cat Patch.csv |awk -F"," '{print $2}' >> ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED.txt
    PATCHES_APPLIED=`awk -F"," '{print $2}' Patch.csv`

    # PATCH_LIST is aready build: Patch.csv for in DB system
    # Complete list of products patched.
    # echo "Complete list of all products patched." >> $LOG
    echo "Patch Listing (unique) Ordered by Product" > $PATCH_LIST
    echo "================" >> $PATCH_LIST
    echo "Product, Bug" >> $PATCH_LIST

    if [ "${SC_YES}" = "" ]; then

    # OLD WAY:::
    # grep "begin bug " $applptch | grep -v mrg | awk '{print $3","$4}' | sort -u >> $PATCH_LIST
    # FOUND THAT SOME BUGS have no active actions, but still have merged bugs...
    # Had to add the addional bugs below into the list... USING the commented out section to get the prod. short
    # for i in `grep "begin aru bug" applptch.txt | awk '{print $3}' |sed 's/_/ /g' | sed 's/bug //g'`
    # do
    # echo "CHECKING: $i"
    # grep "^#" applptch.txt | grep "bug " | grep $i
    # done

    # NEW WAY:
    grep "begin bug " $applptch | grep -v mrg | awk '{print $3","$4}' > $OUT_DIR/${PATCH_LIST}.$$
    # sort -u just in case they applied one a couple of times...
    for i in `grep "begin aru bug" $applptch | awk '{print $3}' |sed 's/_/ /g' | sed 's/bug //g' | sort -u`
    Debug "Verbose list arus with no active action but still bugs. : $i"
    # Needed this to get the short name when working with applptch.txt file.
    grep ${i} $applptch | grep "^#" | grep "bug " | awk '{print $3","$4}' | sort -u >> $OUT_DIR/${PATCH_LIST}.$$

    # SORT the resulting list and append to the Header part of PATCH_LIST file created above.
    sort -u $OUT_DIR/${PATCH_LIST}.$$ >> $PATCH_LIST
    # CLean up the temp Patch.csv file
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/${PATCH_LIST}.$$ ];then
    rm $OUT_DIR/${PATCH_LIST}.$$

    # Note: This list has CR's and some blank lines and a Bug string... but not a problem.
    if [ "${aix}" = "y" ];then
    cat $PATCH_LIST |awk -F"," '{print $2}' > ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED.txt
    PATCHES_APPLIED=`awk -F"," '{print $2}' $PATCH_LIST`
    grep "Applied" $applptch | awk '{print $2}' | tr "B" " " | tr ":" " " | sort -u >> $PATCH_LIST
    if [ "${aix}" = "y" ];then
    cat $PATCH_LIST |awk -F"," '{print $0}' > ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED.txt
    PATCHES_APPLIED=`awk -F"," '{print $0}' $PATCH_LIST`


    # End Patch.csv build

    # This APPENDS to the REPORT file the Header Part A
    Add_Report_Header $REPORT "Oracle Support, SSANDREW"

    echo >> $REPORT

    # This Builds Part B of the Report.txt file
    echo "Applied Patchsets that Match ARU:" >> $REPORT
    # echo "(also see:, then patchsets) " >> $REPORT

    if [ "${Need_Database_Patch_List}" = "True" ];then

    # Note: Patched is the List of CURRENT Patchsets from Oracle ARU
    echo " ... USING DB Patch Information: $applptch (From Database) "

    new_compare=; export new_compare

    if [ "${new_compare}" = "" ];then

    ## PatchsetList could be REL115 or RELR12
    ## - and puts in Current_ARU_dblist.txt
    if [ "${R12}" = "YES" ];then
    cat $PatchsetList | grep "R12" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/ //g' | sort -u > Current_ARU_dblist.txt
    cat $PatchsetList | grep "11i" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/ //g' | sort -u > Current_ARU_dblist.txt

    # Setups all the BASELINE.txt file needs for Cumulative Baselines
    # ie. 11.5.4 = 11.5.3+11.5.3+11.5.1 list then sort -u
    # ie. 1200_Base.txt patches currently only for R12

    ## Fixing Issue: Currently appending all patches applied to BASELINE.txt
    awk -F"," '{print $2}' Patch.csv > all.txt
    # OLD
    # cat all.txt | sed 's/ //g' >> BASELINE.txt
    # sort -u BASELINE.txt | sed 's/ //g' > all.txt
    # NEW:
    cp BASELINE.txt BASELINE.tmp
    cat all.txt | sed 's/ //g' >> BASELINE.tmp
    sort -u BASELINE.tmp | sed 's/ //g' > all.txt
    rm BASELINE.tmp

    ## Typical Unix Compare on Current_ARU_dblist.txt (patchests), to all.txt customer
    ## - note: all.txt includes Patch.csv and BASELINE.txt patches.
    diff -c all.txt Current_ARU_dblist.txt | egrep -v "!|\+|\-|\*" | sort -u > APPLIED_RAW.txt

    # Clean up the tmp files used to build the BASELINE.txt and APPLIED_RAW.txt files.
    if [ -r all.txt ];then
    rm -f all.txt
    if [ -r Current_ARU_dblist.txt ];then
    rm -f Current_ARU_dblist.txt

    ## Grep matching Bug from above DIFF from complete ARU original SQL with full line
    for i in `cat APPLIED_RAW.txt`
    grep "${i}" $PatchsetList >> $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$
    MATCHED=`wc $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ | awk '{print $1}'`
    echo "Done matching $MATCHED patchsets(aru) to patchlist($applptch)"

    if [ -r APPLIED_RAW.txt ];then
    rm APPLIED_RAW.txt


    for i in $Patched
    # YES=`grep $i $applptch | awk '{print $2}'`
    if [ ${aix} = "y" ];then
    YES=`cat ${OUT_DIR}/PATCHES_APPLIED.txt |grep "${i}"`
    YES=`echo "${PATCHES_APPLIED}" | grep "${i}"`
    # echo "YES=$YES"

    if [ "$YES" != "" ];then
    grep "${i}" $PatchsetList >> $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$
    Debug "Adding: match of: grep $i $PatchsetList to $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$"
    Debug "NOTE: YES=$YES Applied=$Applied REL115=$REL115 BasePatchsetList=$BasePatchsetList"
    # echo "IN: XX=$XX YES=$YES FROM:$REL110 APPLIED=$Applied" >> $REPORT
    Debug "$i Not found in Patch.csv array..."


    # Build a list of the APPLIED Patchsets in Current directory, if available
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ ];then
    sort $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ > APPLIED_PATCHSETS.txt

    # 10.7 or 10.7 NCA section
    elif [ "${SC_YES}" = "" ]; then

    for i in $Patched
    # YES=`grep "begin bug" $applptch | grep "${i}" | awk '{print $4}'`
    YES=`echo "${PATCHES_APPLIED}" | grep "${i}"`

    if [ "$YES" != "" ];then
    grep $i $PatchsetList >> $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$
    # echo "IN: XX=$XX YES=$YES FROM:$REL110 APPLIED=$Applied" >> $REPORT

    # Build a list of the APPLIED Patchsets in Current directory, if available
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ ];then
    sort $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ > APPLIED_PATCHSETS.txt


    ## If 10sc Patch Format ####

    for i in $Patched
    YES=`grep "Applied" $applptch | grep "$i"`

    if [ "$YES" != "" ];then
    grep $i $PatchsetList >> $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$

    # Build a list of the APPLIED Patchsets in Current directory.
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ ];then
    sort $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ > APPLIED_PATCHSETS.txt


    ## This allows for a Sorted List which is easier to compare
    case "$BaseAppsVer" in
    11.5*|12.0*) # Just for format dif with 11i

    echo "FAMILY PACKS" >> $REPORT
    echo "Prod Patchset Bug RELEASED Release Status Distribution" >> $REPORT
    echo "=======================================================================================" >> $REPORT
    FP=`grep _PF $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$`

    if [ "${FP}" != "" ];then
    sort $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ | grep _PF >> $REPORT
    echo "No Family Packs matches found." >> $REPORT
    echo " == This is somewhat unusual: Manually look in $OUT_DIR for the listings" >> $REPORT
    echo " == of current patchsets and compare them manually to confirm " >> $REPORT
    echo " == that this is correct ! 11.5.x/R12 installs include family packs." >> $REPORT

    echo >> $REPORT
    echo "Prod Patchset Bug RELEASED Release Status Distribution" >> $REPORT

    *) # Currently for 10.7, 11.0
    echo "Prod Patchset Bug RELEASED Release Status" >> $REPORT

    ## ak 11.0.AK.B 733964 13-NOV-98 Patchset Superseded

    ## NOTE: No _PF's in 10.7 or 11.0.X
    echo "=======================================================================================" >> $REPORT
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ ];then
    sort $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ | grep -v _PF >> $REPORT
    rm $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$
    echo "No patchsets seem to Match." >> $REPORT
    echo " == This is unusual: Manually look in $OUT_DIR for the listings" >> $REPORT
    echo " == of current patchsets and compare them manually to confirm" >> $REPORT
    echo " == that this is correct ! " >> $REPORT

    ## FIX LATEST AVAILABLE - by limiting to metalink, even if status is not released, could be superseded.
    ## grep -i released $PatchsetList | sort > FULL_RELEASED.txt
    ## grep -i metalink $PatchsetList | sort > FULL_RELEASED.txt

    if [ "${available}" = "metalink" ];then
    grep -i metalink $PatchsetList | sort > FULL_RELEASED.txt
    Msg1="on Metalink"
    grep -i released $PatchsetList | sort > FULL_RELEASED.txt

    # Add the Header
    # grep "Product" $OUT_DIR/Full_Released.txt | head -1 >> $REPORT

    # Build the dif. list showing PATCHSETS NOT in APPLIED already

    if [ "$APPLFULL" = "" ];then

    echo >> $REPORT
    echo "The Most Recent Release Patchsets ${Msg1}(Not Included Above) are: " >> $REPORT
    echo "=======================================================================================" >> $REPORT
    diff APPLIED_PATCHSETS.txt FULL_RELEASED.txt | grep ">" | cut -c3- >> $REPORT


    diff APPLIED_PATCHSETS.txt FULL_RELEASED.txt | grep ">" | cut -c3- > $OUT_DIR/patchset_tmp$$
    echo >> $REPORT
    echo "The Most Recent Release Family Packs ${Msg1}(Not Included Above) are: " >> $REPORT
    echo "=======================================================================================" >> $REPORT
    grep "_PF" $OUT_DIR/patchset_tmp$$ >> $REPORT
    echo >> $REPORT
    echo "The Most Recent Release Patchsets ${Msg1}(Not Included Above) are: " >> $REPORT
    echo "=======================================================================================" >> $REPORT

    for prods in `echo $APPLFULL $APPLSHAR $PSEUDO`
    grep "\.$prods\." $OUT_DIR/patchset_tmp$$ >> $OUT_DIR/patchset_tmp2$$

    sort $OUT_DIR/patchset_tmp2$$ >> $REPORT

    # Clean-up some of the tmp files.
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/patchset_tmp2$$ ]; then
    rm $OUT_DIR/patchset_tmp*
    if [ -r $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$ ];then
    rm $OUT_DIR/patchsets$$

    echo >> $REPORT
    echo "Note: APPLFULL and APPLSHAR" >> $REPORT
    echo " This Most Recent Released Patchsets are limited to the installed and shared " >> $REPORT
    echo " products listed in APPLFULL and APPLSHAR variables. For 11i, this is based on " >> $REPORT
    echo " an fnd table when using connect= and an ad_bugs table exists." >> $REPORT
    echo "" >> $REPORT
    echo "Note2: Baseline Details " >> $REPORT
    echo " Starting with version 3.6 of this program, the Baseline patchsets" >> $REPORT
    echo " and Family Packs are included in the above listing so the list is" >> $REPORT
    echo " alot more than you have applied. To see what was delivered for each" >> $REPORT
    echo " baseline review the ${OUT_DIR}/XX_Base.txt files where XX=11XX or 12. " >> $REPORT
    echo "" >> $REPORT
    echo "Note3: " >> $REPORT
    echo " Not_Distributed: the patch is only available by a Family Pack. No one off patch available" >> $REPORT
    echo " By_Dev : the patch is only available by a Family Pack. No one off patch available" >> $REPORT
    echo " By_Metalink : the patch can be downloaded by Metalink or by ftp to" >> $REPORT
    echo "" >> $REPORT
    echo "Note4: (as of v.4.14)" >> $REPORT
    echo " Report shows all patchsets available even if not downloadable from Metalink." >> $REPORT
    echo " To limit the report to the Latest Available on metailink for download." >> $REPORT
    echo " ie. Add: available=metalink to command line." >> $REPORT
    echo " Typically these patchsets are included in a Family Pack, if not available for download." >> $REPORT
    echo "" >> $REPORT
    echo " KEY TO new Status Field:" >> $REPORT
    echo " ##############################################################################" >> $REPORT
    echo " PATCHSET STATUS: Rel=Released, Sup=Superseded, Obs=Obsoleted " >> $REPORT
    echo " DISTRIBUTION STATUS: By_Metal=On Metalink, Not_Dist=Not Available" >> $REPORT
    echo " : By_Dev=Available from Development only" >> $REPORT
    echo "" >> $REPORT
    echo "For specific patchsets questions, please first check ARU on Metalink. " >> $REPORT

    echo >> $REPORT
    echo >> $REPORT

    echo "Base Patchset List for $AppsVer included below: " >> $REPORT
    echo "=============================================================================" >> $REPORT
    cat $BasePatchsetList >> $REPORT


    Run_SQL ()
    ## Procedure Name: Run_SQL
    ## Usage:
    ## SQL="sql statement"; Run_SQL
    ## Parameters:
    ## SQL="sql statement"
    ## SQL_Login_Password=[login{apps}/pw{apps}[@connect_string]]
    ## SetOption="set xyz value"
    ## Example:
    ## SQL="select * from v\$latchholder"
    ## Run_SQL
    ## echo "Below is from: V\$LATCHHOLDER Table" > $OUT_DIR/${PRD}_vlatchholder.txt
    ## cat $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt >> $OUT_DIR/${PRD}_vlatchholder.txt
    ## Returns:
    ## $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt with the spooled sql output
    ## RECORDS_RETURNED_COUNT - number of records returned from SQL
    ## Note: If the x row(s) selected. is not desired in the output
    ## add: set feedback off; at the top of your SQL=
    ## ie. Just for this SQL
    ## SQL="set feedback off
    ## select username from fnd_user"
    ## or
    ## ie. To Globally change the default
    ## SetOption="set feedback off"
    ## SQL="select username from fnd_user"
    ## Current Defaults:
    ## set arraysize 4
    ## set pagesize 1000
    ## set pause off
    ## set linesize 80
    ## set feedback on
    ## Note: The SetOption allows you to set ANY "set" commands globally.

    if [ "${OS}" = "Windows_NT" ]; then

    if [ -r $ORACLE_HOME/bin/plus80.exe ]; then


    if [ ! -r "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/$SQLPLUS" ];then
    echo "ERROR: Cannot read sqlplus, sqlplus in $ORACLE_HOME/bin/$SQLPLUS"
    echo "SOLUTION: Confirm/set ORACLE_HOME: Currently set to: $ORACLE_HOME"

    # Added to fix a problem with the dtksh on AIX
    # where it would not take the << Zen even with the upgraded shell
    # Esc Control-V gave: 92 shell
    if [ "${aix}" = "y" ];then

    echo "set arraysize 4" > afile.sql
    echo "set pagesize 50000" >> afile.sql
    echo "set pause off" >> afile.sql
    echo "set linesize 80" >> afile.sql
    echo "set feedback on" >> afile.sql
    echo "$SetOption " >> afile.sql
    echo "spool $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt" >> afile.sql
    echo "$SQL ;" >> afile.sql
    echo "spool off " >> afile.sql
    echo "exit " >> afile.sql
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/$SQLPLUS -s $connect @afile | grep NoThING
    rm afile.sql


    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/$SQLPLUS -s << Zen | grep NoThING
    set arraysize 4
    set pagesize 100000
    set pause off
    set linesize 80
    set feedback on
    column object_name format a35
    column owner format a20
    spool $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt
    $SQL $Where ;
    spool off


    RECORDS_RETURNED_COUNT=`grep " selected." $OUT_DIR/$OUT_FILE.txt | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ "${RECORDS_RETURNED_COUNT}" = "" ];then


    Send_Results ()
    ## Procedure: Send_Results ()
    ## Emails or Outputs the results in txt or html
    if [ "$SendMail" = "y" ];then
    mailx -s "Patchset Report for $BaseAppsVer" $Email < $REPORT

    if [ "${Screen}" = "y" ];then
    $Editor $REPORT

    if [ "${htmlout}" != "" ];then
    echo "
    Patchset Report: `date`    Version: $TOOL_VERSION" > $htmlout
    cat $REPORT >> $htmlout
    echo "
    " >> $htmlout

    if [ "${htmlout11i}" != "" -a "${R11i}" = "YES" ];then
    echo "
    Patchset Report_11i: `date`    Version: $TOOL_VERSION" > $htmlout11i
    cat Report_11i.txt >> $htmlout11i
    echo "
    " >> ${htmlout11i}

    if [ "${htmloutR12}" != "" -a "${R12}" = "YES" ];then
    echo "
    Patchset Report_11i: `date`    Version: $TOOL_VERSION" > $htmloutR12
    cat Report_R12.txt >> $htmloutR12
    echo "
    " >> ${htmloutR12}

    if [ "${silent}" = "n" ]; then
    ## Added silent mode for anyone who wants to use it as a Batch Job
    # End of report, explain a bit and show other files:
    echo "Oracle Patchsets Comparison,, Version: $TOOL_VERSION"
    echo "The raw patchsets files have been put in your ${OUT_DIR}:"
    echo "===================================================="
    ls ${OUT_DIR}/*patchset*
    echo "===================================================="

    echo "The Report.txt and Patch.csv files can be found"
    echo "in your Current Directory: `pwd`"

    if [ "${R11i}" = "YES" ];then
    echo " Report_11i.txt - New Detailed Patchset Report for 11i"

    if [ "${R12}" != "YES" ];then
    echo " Report_12.txt - New Detailed Patchset Report for R12"

    echo " Report.txt - Patchset Comparison with ARU"
    echo " Patch.csv - Listing(csv) of all bugs applied (begin bug or ad_bugs)"
    echo "========================================================================"
    echo "Warning1: This report is only as up-to-date as when last downloaded."
    echo "Warning2: If your applptch.txt is not accurate, the results will not be"
    echo " accurate. ie. If you deleted it or if an applptch.bak has been"
    echo " created, you need to run against that and combine the results."
    echo ""
    echo "Download the most recent version whenever you want to get "
    echo "the updated ARU patchset listings. (see ${OUT_DIR}/XX_patchsets.txt)"
    echo "Find Updates at:"
    echo " (Internal)

    if [ "${htmlout}" != "" ];then
    echo " Note: htmlout file Report.txt to html was sent to: $htmlout"

    if [ "${htmlout11i}" != "" ];then
    echo " Note: htmlout11i file Report_11i.txt to html was sent to: $htmlout11i"

    if [ "${htmloutR12}" != "" ];then
    echo " Note: htmloutR12 file Report_11i.txt to html was sent to: $htmloutR12"



    Build_Patchset_Lists ()
    ## Procedure: Build_Patchset_Lists ()
    ## Called to create the Patchset DataFile Listing used to do the compare
    ## This is built on the fly ... because the data must come from aru..

    # Built from: (Cron job aru patchset listings...update on poseidon)
    # RELR12=/home/ssandrew/shtml/R12_patchsets.txt
    # REL115=/home/ssandrew/shtml/11i_patchsets.txt
    # REL110=/home/ssandrew/shtml/110_patchsets.txt
    # REL107=/home/ssandrew/shtml/107_patchsets.txt
    # REL161=/home/ssandrew/shtml/16_patchsets.txt
    # REL107NCA=/home/ssandrew/shtml/107NCA_patchsets.txt

    ## R12 SUPPORT

    RELR12_DATE="Feb 11 22:30"

    echo "

    Product Name Bug_number RELEASED_ Status DISTRIBUTION
    --------- ---------------- ---------- --------- -------------------- -------------------
    ad R12.AD.A 4502962 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad R12.AD.A.1 5905728 13-APR-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ad R12.AD.A.2 6014659 13-JUL-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ad R12.AD.A.3 6272715 14-OCT-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ad R12.AD.A.4 6510214 13-JAN-08 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad R12.AD.A.5 7305206 04-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ad R12.AD.A.6 7305220 05-NOV-08 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad R12.AD.B 6665350 13-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ado R12.ADO.A 6871277 11-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ado R12.ADO.B 6867824 11-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahl R12.AHL.A 4510344 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahl R12.AHL.A.1 5886833 13-APR-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahl R12.AHL.A.2 6002370 12-JUL-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahl R12.AHL.A.3 6264216 12-OCT-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahl R12.AHL.A.4 6506800 10-JAN-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahl R12.AHL.A.5 7290906 29-JUL-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahl R12.AHL.A.6 7291478 03-NOV-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahl R12.AHL.B 6657341 12-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ak R12.AK.A 4496642 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ak R12.AK.A.1 5907546 13-APR-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ak R12.AK.A.2 5917306 13-JUL-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ak R12.AK.A.3 6077390 11-OCT-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ak R12.AK.A.4 6354123 11-JAN-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ak R12.AK.A.5 6594738 29-JUL-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ak R12.AK.A.6 7237094 03-NOV-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ak R12.AK.B 6430051 11-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    alr R12.ALR.A 4496584 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    alr R12.ALR.A.1 5907552 13-APR-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    xdp R12.XDP.A.6 7300339 03-NOV-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xdp R12.XDP.B 4561608 11-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    xla R12.XLA.A.1 5884382 12-APR-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    xle R12.XLE.B 4565354 12-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    xnb R12.XNB.A.6 7300344 03-NOV-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnb R12.XNB.B 4561615 11-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    xnp R12.XNP.A.6 7300345 03-NOV-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    xtr R12.XTR.A.4 6494093 11-JAN-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr R12.XTR.A.5 6832891 15-MAY-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr R12.XTR.A.6 7293751 04-NOV-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr R12.XTR.B 4539979 11-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    zpb R12.ZPB.A.1 5633196 12-APR-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    zpb R12.ZPB.A.3 6251476 13-OCT-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zpb R12.ZPB.A.4 6494196 10-JAN-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zpb R12.ZPB.A.5 6833198 15-MAY-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zpb R12.ZPB.A.6 7293699 03-NOV-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zpb R12.ZPB.B 6651737 12-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    zx R12.ZX.A.1 5884403 12-APR-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zx R12.ZX.A.2 5999947 12-JUL-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zx R12.ZX.A.3 6251141 13-OCT-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    zx R12.ZX.A.5 6833170 15-MAY-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zx R12.ZX.A.6 7293871 04-NOV-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zx R12.ZX.B 4565356 12-AUG-08 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/R12_patchsets.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/R12_patchsets.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    4502962 - R12.AD.A ad 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    4510344 - R12.AHL.A ahl 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4496642 - R12.AK.A ak 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4496584 - R12.ALR.A alr 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348050 - R12.AME.A ame 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460087 - R12.AML.A aml 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460205 - R12.AMS.A ams 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460199 - R12.AMV.A amv 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442821 - R12.AMW.A amw 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442842 - R12.AP.A ap 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442853 - R12.AR.A ar 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4455992 - R12.AS.A as 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4455993 - R12.ASF.A asf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510091 - R12.ASG.A asg 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460146 - R12.ASL.A asl 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4459008 - R12.ASN.A asn 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4459029 - R12.ASO.A aso 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460134 - R12.ASP.A asp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4455994 - R12.AST.A ast 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4461237 - R12.ATG_PF.A atg_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4497507 - R12.AZ.A az 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348063 - R12.BEN.A ben 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442855 - R12.BIC.A bic 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4455996 - R12.BIL.A bil 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460115 - R12.BIM.A bim 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4458508 - R12.BIS.A bis 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4458359 - R12.BIS_PF.A bis_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510016 - R12.BIV.A biv 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510443 - R12.BIX.A bix 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4494583 - R12.BNE.A bne 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510279 - R12.BOM.A bom 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442859 - R12.BPA.A bpa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4458509 - R12.BSC.A bsc 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4462883 - R12.CAC.A cac 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464346 - R12.CCT.A cct 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464624 - R12.CC_PF.A cc_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442863 - R12.CE.A ce 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4445643 - R12.CHV.A chv 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510808 - R12.CLN.A cln 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4455995 - R12.CN.A cn 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510314 - R12.CRP.A crp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4463905 - R12.CS.A cs 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464378 - R12.CSC.A csc 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510341 - R12.CSD.A csd 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510340 - R12.CSE.A cse 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510038 - R12.CSF.A csf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510338 - R12.CSI.A csi 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4521348 - R12.CSK.A csk 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510087 - R12.CSL.A csl 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510068 - R12.CSM.A csm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510058 - R12.CSP.A csp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510064 - R12.CSR.A csr 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4521359 - R12.CSZ.A csz 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4518049 - R12.CUG.A cug 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510814 - R12.CZ.A cz 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508270 - R12.DDD.A ddd 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510290 - R12.DMF_PF.A dmf_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508276 - R12.DNA.A dna 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508279 - R12.DOM.A dom 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348620 - R12.DT.A dt 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508561 - R12.EAM.A eam 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4496609 - R12.EC.A ec 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5353037 - R12.ECX.A ecx 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510792 - R12.EDR.A edr 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4459919 - R12.EDW.A edw 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508283 - R12.EGO.A ego 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508286 - R12.ENG.A eng 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508291 - R12.ENI.A eni 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4459926 - R12.EWS.A ews 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442870 - R12.FA.A fa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4448709 - R12.FEM.A fem 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348095 - R12.FF.A ff 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442874 - R12.FII.A fii 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4175000 - R12.FIN_PF.A fin_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510252 - R12.FLM.A flm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4494236 - R12.FND.A fnd 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4420079 - R12.FPA.A fpa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4494603 - R12.FRM.A frm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510431 - R12.FTE.A fte 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4448724 - R12.FTP.A ftp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442881 - R12.FUN.A fun 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442888 - R12.FV.A fv 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4494343 - R12.FWK.A fwk 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4448737 - R12.GCS.A gcs 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348561 - R12.GHR.A ghr 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442895 - R12.GL.A gl 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510696 - R12.GMA.A gma 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510710 - R12.GMD.A gmd 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510757 - R12.GME.A gme 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510764 - R12.GMF.A gmf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510766 - R12.GMI.A gmi 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510781 - R12.GML.A gml 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510787 - R12.GMO.A gmo 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510783 - R12.GMP.A gmp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4420082 - R12.GMS.A gms 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510789 - R12.GR.A gr 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348566 - R12.HRI.A hri 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4719824 - R12.HR_PF.A hr_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348569 - R12.HXT.A hxt 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442901 - R12.HZ.A hz 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442905 - R12.IA.A ia 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460191 - R12.IBC.A ibc 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460184 - R12.IBE.A ibe 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464392 - R12.IBU.A ibu 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4507963 - R12.IBW.A ibw 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442908 - R12.IBY.A iby 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4445654 - R12.ICX.A icx 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464353 - R12.IEB.A ieb 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464537 - R12.IEC.A iec 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464416 - R12.IEM.A iem 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464327 - R12.IEO.A ieo 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464550 - R12.IES.A ies 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464309 - R12.IEU.A ieu 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4411250 - R12.IEX.A iex 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442916 - R12.IGI.A igi 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4775831 - R12.IGP.A igp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4775824 - R12.IGR.A igr 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4467166 - R12.IGS.A igs 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442921 - R12.IGW.A igw 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442924 - R12.IMC.A imc 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    2563006 - R12.INV.A inv 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4452058 - R12.IPA.A ipa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348577 - R12.IRC.A irc 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510494 - R12.ISC.A isc 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442960 - R12.ITA.A ita 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510822 - R12.ITG.A itg 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508292 - R12.ITM.A itm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442852 - R12.JA.A ja 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4516469 - R12.JAI.A jai 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442858 - R12.JE.A je 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442865 - R12.JG.A jg 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442869 - R12.JL.A jl 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510258 - R12.JMF.A jmf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4497250 - R12.JTA.A jta 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464555 - R12.JTH.A jth 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510080 - R12.JTM.A jtm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464552 - R12.JTO.A jto 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4495182 - R12.JTT.A jtt 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4455999 - R12.JTY.A jty 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442878 - R12.LNS.A lns 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4456002 - R12.MAS_PF.A mas_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510255 - R12.MFG.A mfg 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510298 - R12.MRP.A mrp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510453 - R12.MSC.A msc 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510458 - R12.MSD.A msd 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510465 - R12.MSE.A mse 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510476 - R12.MSO.A mso 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510484 - R12.MSR.A msr 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510214 - R12.MST.A mst 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508557 - R12.MWA.A mwa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4494347 - R12.OAM.A oam 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442885 - R12.OCM.A ocm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4472588 - R12.OE.A oe 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442891 - R12.OIE.A oie 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442900 - R12.OIR.A oir 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510204 - R12.OKC.A okc 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510206 - R12.OKE.A oke 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510209 - R12.OKI.A oki 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442911 - R12.OKL.A okl 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510212 - R12.OKS.A oks 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510213 - R12.OKX.A okx 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510215 - R12.OK_PF.A ok_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464619 - R12.OM_PF.A om_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4467708 - R12.ONT.A ont 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510326 - R12.OPI.A opi 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510794 - R12.OPM_PF.A opm_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348582 - R12.OTA.A ota 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4494407 - R12.OWF.A owf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460152 - R12.OZF.A ozf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4420088 - R12.PA.A pa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348547 - R12.PAY.A pay 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348553 - R12.PER.A per 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4455850 - R12.PFT.A pft 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4550222 - R12.PJI.A pji 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508559 - R12.PJM.A pjm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508296 - R12.PLM_PF.A plm_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510825 - R12.PMI.A pmi 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4420096 - R12.PN.A pn 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4445657 - R12.PO.A po 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4445660 - R12.POA.A poa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5368966 - R12.POM.A pom 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4445663 - R12.PON.A pon 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4445667 - R12.POS.A pos 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348603 - R12.PQH.A pqh 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348600 - R12.PQP.A pqp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4172000 - R12.PRC_PF.A prc_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4459013 - R12.PRP.A prp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442922 - R12.PSA.A psa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442925 - R12.PSB.A psb 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348607 - R12.PSP.A psp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4460179 - R12.PV.A pv 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510295 - R12.QA.A qa 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4459034 - R12.QOT.A qot 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464363 - R12.QP.A qp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442928 - R12.QRM.A qrm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5369053 - R12.RCI.A rci 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442934 - R12.RG.A rg 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510427 - R12.RLM.A rlm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4514188 - R12.SCM_PF.A scm_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510600 - R12.SCP_PF.A scp_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4455884 - R12.SEM_PF.A sem_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510611 - R12.SHT.A sht 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464549 - R12.SRV_PF.A srv_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    5348615 - R12.SSP.A ssp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4494373 - R12.TXK.A txk 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4495281 - R12.UMX.A umx 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4956355 - R12.UNV_PF.A unv_pf 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510810 - R12.VEA.A vea 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510245 - R12.WIP.A wip 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4508552 - R12.WMS.A wms 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510248 - R12.WPS.A wps 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510435 - R12.WSH.A wsh 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4510320 - R12.WSM.A wsm 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4495174 - R12.XDO.A xdo 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464408 - R12.XDP.A xdp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442938 - R12.XLA.A xla 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442940 - R12.XLE.A xle 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464401 - R12.XNB.A xnb 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4464509 - R12.XNP.A xnp 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442946 - R12.XTR.A xtr 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4448752 - R12.ZPB.A zpb 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    4442948 - R12.ZX.A zx 18-JAN-07 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1200_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1200_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    ## End R12 Support

    REL115_DATE="Feb 11 22:30"

    echo "

    Product Name Bug_number RELEASED_ Status DISTRIBUTION
    --------- ---------------- ---------- --------- -------------------- -------------------
    abm 11i.ABM.A 1486865 15-NOV-00 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    abm 11i.ABM.B 1529214 26-DEC-00 Checkin Obsoleted By_Oracle_Store
    abm 11i.ABM.C 1588595 25-JAN-01 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    abm 11i.ABM.D 1741310 31-MAY-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    abm 11i.ABM.E 1950271 04-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    abm 11i.ABM.F 2021911 06-NOV-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    abm 11i.ABM.G.4 3452690 27-FEB-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.A 1351004 07-OCT-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.B 1460640 13-OCT-00 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.C 1475426 19-JAN-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.D 1627493 04-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.E 1945611 02-NOV-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.F 2141471 21-FEB-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.G 2344175 05-NOV-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.H 2673262 30-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.1 4038964 02-DEC-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.2 4229931 27-JUL-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.2 4337683 27-JUL-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.3 4502904 01-SEP-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.3 4712847 29-MAR-06 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ad 11i.AD.I.4 4605654 29-MAR-06 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.4 4712852 29-MAR-06 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.5 5161680 18-MAY-07 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.5 5161676 18-MAY-07 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.6 6502079 18-JAN-08 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ad 11i.AD.I.6 6502082 18-JAN-08 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    adx 11i.ADX.A 2488995 23-OCT-02 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    adx 11i.ADX.B 2682177 11-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    adx 11i.ADX.C 3002409 20-JUN-03 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    adx 11i.ADX.D 3130740 23-OCT-03 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    adx 11i.ADX.E.1 3817226 10-AUG-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    adx 11i.ADX.F 3453499 14-OCT-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ahl 11i.AHL.A 1838464 25-JUN-01 Checkin Obsoleted Not_Distributed
    ahl 11i.AHL.B 1849837 25-JUN-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.C 1879958 23-JUL-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.D 1901700 08-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.E 1929710 15-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.F 1939822 23-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.G 1956651 07-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.H 1985831 02-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.I 2024370 06-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.J 2139197 10-DEC-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.K 2173447 01-FEB-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.L 2221033 08-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.M 2269046 29-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.N 2322414 01-MAY-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.O 2568989 11-DEC-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.P 2700563 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahl 11i.AHL.Q 3132184 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ahm 11i.AHM.A 2004002 02-NOV-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahm 11i.AHM.B 2197656 31-JAN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahm 11i.AHM.C 2298383 21-MAY-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ahm 11i.AHM.D 2384215 23-OCT-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    ak 11i.AK.A 1343449 05-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ak 11i.AK.B 1455027 15-DEC-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ak 11i.AK.C 1553747 05-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ak 11i.AK.D 1931844 10-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ak 11i.AK.E 2404795 04-SEP-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ak 11i.AK.F 2657511 11-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ak 11i.AK.G 3263645 04-NOV-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    alr 11i.ALR.A 1348277 07-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    alr 11i.ALR.B 1459186 12-OCT-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    alr 11i.ALR.C 1575525 02-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    alr 11i.ALR.D 1931404 04-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    alr 11i.ALR.F 2464368 11-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    gmd 11i.GMD.B 1354561 13-JUL-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    gmp 11i.GMP.B 1354570 13-JUL-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    gr 11i.GR.B 1354516 13-JUL-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    hc_pf 11i.HC_PF.B 2871064 06-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    hc_pf 11i.HC_PF.E.3 5178799 16-FEB-07 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    hri 11i.HRI.B 1566836 05-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    hr_pf 11i.HR_PF.B 2268451 09-MAY-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    hr_pf 11i.HR_PF.K.3 6699770 02-JUL-08 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    imt 11i.IMT.B 2244723 29-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
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    ja 11i.JA.B 1421326 20-OCT-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    pft 11i.PFT.A.2 4748198 01-DEC-05 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pft 11i.PFT.A.3 4922942 05-JAN-06 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pft 11i.PFT.A.4 5365617 14-JUL-06 Checkin Released By_Dev
    pft 11i.PFT.A.5 5560569 24-OCT-06 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pft 11i.PFT.A.6 5903383 03-MAY-07 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pft 11i.PFT.A.7 6402392 31-DEC-07 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    pjm 11i.PJM.B 1426193 13-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    pjr 11i.PJR.B 1896962 24-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pjr 11i.PJR.C 2034194 13-DEC-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.B 2185807 25-FEB-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.C 2185808 25-FEB-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.D 2185813 25-FEB-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.E 2185814 25-FEB-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.F 2185815 25-FEB-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.G 2185818 25-FEB-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.H 2185820 25-FEB-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.I 2185788 15-MAY-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.L 3074777 28-NOV-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.L.10 3397153 05-NOV-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pj_pf 11i.PJ_PF.M 3485155 16-MAY-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    plm_pf 11i.PLM_PF.C 3298676 03-NOV-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    plm_pf 11i.PLM_PF.E 4203793 27-APR-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    pmi 11i.PMI.G 2663956 05-DEC-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pmi 11i.PMI.H 3416752 07-OCT-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    pn 11i.PN.B 1421657 20-OCT-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    pn 11i.PN.M 5591144 27-JUN-07 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    po 11i.PO.B 1425942 13-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    poa 11i.POA.B 1711292 02-MAY-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    pos 11i.POS.B 2103103 31-JAN-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    pqh 11i.PQH.B 1419423 08-MAY-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    prc_pf 11i.PRC_PF.H 2320032 15-AUG-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    prc_pf 11i.PRC_PF.I 2700001 20-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    prc_pf 11i.PRC_PF.J 3219529 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    prp 11i.PRP.B 3070696 05-NOV-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    psa 11i.PSA.B 1455250 14-DEC-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
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    sls_pf 11i.SLS_PF.B 2141511 20-DEC-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
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    sls_pf 11i.SLS_PF.G 2645935 24-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    srv_pf 11i.SRV_PF.H 2477294 14-SEP-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
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    vea 11i.VEA.H 2250329 27-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    vea 11i.VEA.I 2478411 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    vea 11i.VEA.J 2770336 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    veh 11i.VEH.A 1354697 07-OCT-00 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    wip 11i.WIP.A 1348548 05-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wip 11i.WIP.B 1426291 13-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wip 11i.WIP.C 1538276 19-DEC-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wip 11i.WIP.D 1697800 01-MAY-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wip 11i.WIP.E 1885978 20-AUG-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wip 11i.WIP.F 2064997 29-JAN-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wip 11i.WIP.G 2212393 27-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wip 11i.WIP.H 2478579 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wip 11i.WIP.I 2768748 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wms 11i.WMS.A 1426235 13-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wms 11i.WMS.B 1697817 01-MAY-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wms 11i.WMS.C 1885986 28-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wms 11i.WMS.D 2064994 30-JAN-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wms 11i.WMS.E 2212391 27-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wms 11i.WMS.F 2478530 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wms 11i.WMS.G 2770088 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wps 11i.WPS.A 1361180 12-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wps 11i.WPS.B 1426225 13-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wps 11i.WPS.C 1697807 01-MAY-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wps 11i.WPS.D 1885983 20-AUG-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wps 11i.WPS.E 2065005 30-JAN-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wps 11i.WPS.F 2212395 27-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wps 11i.WPS.G 2482422 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wps 11i.WPS.H 2768755 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsh 11i.WSH.A 1288458 24-MAY-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsh 11i.WSH.B 1357281 05-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wsh 11i.WSH.C 1426215 13-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wsh 11i.WSH.D 1538358 19-DEC-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsh 11i.WSH.E 1706669 02-MAY-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsh 11i.WSH.F 1886020 16-AUG-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsh 11i.WSH.G 2113104 31-JAN-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsh 11i.WSH.H 2250313 27-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wsh 11i.WSH.I 2478452 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wsh 11i.WSH.J 2770367 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsm 11i.WSM.A 1357277 05-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wsm 11i.WSM.B 1426159 13-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wsm 11i.WSM.C 1538292 19-DEC-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsm 11i.WSM.D 1697733 01-MAY-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsm 11i.WSM.E 1886031 20-AUG-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsm 11i.WSM.F 2064974 29-JAN-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    wsm 11i.WSM.G 2248506 27-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wsm 11i.WSM.H 2691993 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    wsm 11i.WSM.I 2770100 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xdo 11i.XDO.H 3263588 04-NOV-04 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xdp 11i.XDP.A 1306377 21-JUN-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xdp 11i.XDP.B 1345789 07-OCT-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xdp 11i.XDP.C 1580975 27-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xdp 11i.XDP.D 1778425 29-MAY-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.E 1806505 20-JUN-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xdp 11i.XDP.F 1838428 12-JUL-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xdp 11i.XDP.G 1881072 26-JUL-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xdp 11i.XDP.H 1904805 08-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.J 1927340 15-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.K 1939943 23-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.L 1955397 10-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.M 1986203 02-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.N 2026248 07-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.O 2139204 31-JAN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.P 2221045 08-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.Q 2271554 29-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.R 2318266 01-MAY-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.S 2383954 04-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.T 2422023 01-JUL-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.U 2493492 05-AUG-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.V 2568977 11-DEC-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.W 2739476 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xdp 11i.XDP.X 3214732 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xla 11i.XLA.A 1342447 01-SEP-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xla 11i.XLA.B 1421670 17-NOV-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xla 11i.XLA.C 1571112 02-FEB-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xla 11i.XLA.D 1810485 24-AUG-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xla 11i.XLA.E 2182672 29-JAN-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xla 11i.XLA.F 2490908 02-APR-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xla 11i.XLA.G 2864918 12-DEC-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xla 11i.XLA.H 3151394 18-OCT-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xla 11i.XLA.I 3615242 29-APR-05 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnb 11i.XNB.A 2221073 08-MAR-02 Checkin Obsoleted By_Dev
    xnb 11i.XNB.B 2275632 26-OCT-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xnc 11i.XNC.A 1345796 07-OCT-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnc 11i.XNC.B 1590648 31-JAN-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xnc 11i.XNC.C 1776978 29-MAY-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnc 11i.XNC.D 1806080 20-JUN-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnc 11i.XNC.E 1838495 16-JUL-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnc 11i.XNC.F 1881255 27-JUL-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnc 11i.XNC.G 1907017 08-AUG-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnc 11i.XNC.H 1925657 10-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnc 11i.XNC.I 1986710 28-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnc 11i.XNC.J 2022228 06-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnc 11i.XNC.K 2139173 01-FEB-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xnc 11i.XNC.L 2219529 04-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xnc 11i.XNC.M 2490454 16-OCT-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnc 11i.XNC.N 2701907 15-APR-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.A 2026754 06-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.B 2139216 31-JAN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.C 2242105 08-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.D 2271040 29-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.E 2323328 25-APR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.F 2382053 02-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.G 2431154 04-JUL-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.H 2460273 02-AUG-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.I 2508005 30-AUG-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.J 2696920 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xni 11i.XNI.K 3195219 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnp 11i.XNP.A 1306422 21-JUN-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnp 11i.XNP.B 1345792 07-OCT-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnp 11i.XNP.C 1580986 27-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xnp 11i.XNP.D 177842 29-MAY-01 Checkin Obsoleted By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.E 1806280 20-JUN-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnp 11i.XNP.F 1838418 12-JUL-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xnp 11i.XNP.G 1881147 26-JUL-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.H 1904983 08-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.J 1927626 15-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.K 1939514 23-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.L 1954679 10-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.M 1986548 02-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.N 2026259 07-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.O 2139213 31-JAN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.P 2221047 08-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.Q 2271557 29-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.R 2318279 01-MAY-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.S 2383957 04-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.T 2422038 01-JUL-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.U 2495327 05-AUG-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.V 2568995 11-DEC-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.W 2732312 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xnp 11i.XNP.X 3214804 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xns 11i.XNS.A 1306701 21-JUN-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xns 11i.XNS.B 1345813 07-OCT-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xns 11i.XNS.D 1592420 27-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xns 11i.XNS.E 1838412 27-JUL-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xns 11i.XNS.G 1908882 01-AUG-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.H 1926866 16-AUG-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xns 11i.XNS.I 1940573 10-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.J 1983817 28-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.K 2022232 06-OCT-01 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.L 2139176 13-FEB-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.M 2221075 08-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.N 2268912 29-MAR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.O 2320196 26-APR-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.P 2380838 23-MAY-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.Q 2414815 28-JUN-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.R 2461167 26-JUL-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.S 2485213 31-JUL-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.T 2592233 10-DEC-02 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.U 2707272 10-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xns 11i.XNS.V 3014217 17-SEP-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr 11i.XTR.A 1342181 01-SEP-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr 11i.XTR.B 1421673 17-NOV-00 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr 11i.XTR.C 1565561 02-FEB-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr 11i.XTR.D 1711366 18-MAY-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr 11i.XTR.E 1907073 24-AUG-01 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    xtr 11i.XTR.F 1952883 16-NOV-01 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr 11i.XTR.G 2223523 12-APR-02 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr 11i.XTR.H 2428924 30-AUG-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    xtr 11i.XTR.I 2554877 02-APR-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xtr 11i.XTR.J 2864476 12-DEC-03 Checkin Released By_Dev
    xtr 11i.XTR.K 3151450 18-OCT-04 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    xtr 11i.XTR.L 3610848 29-APR-05 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    zpb 11i.ZPB.A 3264437 01-OCT-04 Checkin Released By_Dev
    zpb 11i.ZPB.B 3337047 15-SEP-05 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/11i_patchsets.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/11i_patchsets.txt 2>/dev/null

    REL110_DATE="Dec 15 2005"

    echo "

    Product Name Bug_number RELEASED_ DISTRIBUTION Status
    --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ------------------- --------------------
    ad 11.0.AD.A 680657 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ad 11.0.AD.B 732272 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ad 11.0.AD.D 1264943 18-MAY-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ak 11.0.AK.A 674072 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ak 11.0.AK.B 733964 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ak 11.0.AK.C 800372 08-FEB-99 Not_Distributed Checkin Obsoleted
    ak 11.0.AK.E 1187363 14-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    alr 11.0.ALR.A 755917 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    alr 11.0.ALR.B 1007920 28-SEP-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    alr 11.0.ALR.C 1094651 02-DEC-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.A 671202 23-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.B 730174 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.C 789454 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.D 986073 08-NOV-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.E 1274264 07-JUN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.F 1274267 09-MAR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.G 1862578 04-OCT-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.H 2213610 07-JUN-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ap 11.0.AP.I 2679412 05-JUN-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.A 671198 23-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.B 731338 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.C 789457 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.D 961231 12-NOV-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.E 1073957 12-APR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.F 1081952 15-SEP-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.G 1267691 30-APR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.H 1471898 30-NOV-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.I 2133106 26-FEB-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ar 11.0.AR.J 2521716 17-DEC-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    as 11.0.AS.A 673417 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    as 11.0.AS.B 733304 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    as 11.0.AS.C 809836 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ax 11.0.AX.A 665471 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ax 11.0.AX.B 731655 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ax 11.0.AX.C 809273 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ax 11.0.AX.D 1031220 17-DEC-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ax 11.0.AX.E 1240002 09-MAY-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ax 11.0.AX.F 1639941 28-MAR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ax 11.0.AX.G 2024200 02-NOV-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ax 11.0.AX.H 2657387 14-APR-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    az 11.0.AZ.A 732155 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    az 11.0.AZ.B 809856 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    az 11.0.AZ.C 1007031 04-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bis 11.0.BIS.A 962177 13-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bom 11.0.BOM.A 673241 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bom 11.0.BOM.B 732960 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bom 11.0.BOM.C 805925 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bom 11.0.BOM.D 964665 04-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bom 11.0.BOM.E 1198519 11-APR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bom 11.0.BOM.F 1281322 06-NOV-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bom 11.0.BOM.G 1516931 24-APR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    bom 11.0.BOM.H 1828617 09-NOV-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ce 11.0.CE.A 671201 23-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ce 11.0.CE.B 730326 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ce 11.0.CE.C 789456 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ce 11.0.CE.D 976590 04-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ce 11.0.CE.E 1156812 20-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ce 11.0.CE.F 1243106 11-OCT-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ce 11.0.CE.G 1401280 25-MAY-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ce 11.0.CE.H 2039331 02-NOV-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    chv 11.0.CHV.A 673943 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    chv 11.0.CHV.B 733151 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    chv 11.0.CHV.C 810486 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    cn 11.0.CN.A 673490 23-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    cn 11.0.CN.B 682700 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    cs 11.0.CS.A 673544 27-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    cs 11.0.CS.B 733153 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ec 11.0.EC.A 667248 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ec 11.0.EC.B 726287 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ec 11.0.EC.C 779201 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ec 11.0.EC.D 953788 07-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ec 11.0.EC.E 1246876 16-MAY-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    eng 11.0.ENG.A 673242 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    eng 11.0.ENG.B 732779 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    eng 11.0.ENG.C 801548 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    eng 11.0.ENG.D 962673 04-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    eng 11.0.ENG.E 1380493 29-MAR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ews 11.0.EWS.A 1863399 06-SEP-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ews 11.0.EWS.B 2942645 05-MAY-03 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    ews 11.0.EWS.C 2949198 12-JUN-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fa 11.0.FA.A 681385 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fa 11.0.FA.B 733163 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fa 11.0.FA.C 811357 24-MAR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fa 11.0.FA.D 1042202 04-NOV-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fa 11.0.FA.E 1350298 28-AUG-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fa 11.0.FA.F 1391289 31-OCT-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fa 11.0.FA.G 1626136 15-JUN-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fa 11.0.FA.H 2183897 12-JUN-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ff 11.0.FF.A 727481 13-NOV-98 Not_Distributed Checkin Obsoleted
    fnd 11.0.FND.A 677585 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.B 731294 18-SEP-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.C 733155 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.D 794429 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.E 1003972 05-NOV-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.F 1155774 14-FEB-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.G 1349521 13-OCT-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.H 1527541 22-DEC-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.I 1675981 30-MAR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.J 1818756 28-AUG-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.K 1998783 15-FEB-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.L 2261910 20-MAY-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.M 2414196 07-NOV-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    fnd 11.0.FND.N 2660599 08-DEC-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gl 11.0.GL.A 673369 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gl 11.0.GL.B 728311 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gl 11.0.GL.C 794545 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gl 11.0.GL.D 991532 01-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gl 11.0.GL.E 1178837 01-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gma 11.0.GMA.A 960154 25-AUG-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gma 11.0.GMA.B 1160482 06-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gma 11.0.GMA.C 1306749 09-JUN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gma 11.0.GMA.D 1355660 16-AUG-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gma 11.0.GMA.E 1538116 03-JAN-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gma 11.0.GMA.F 1732341 19-APR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gma 11.0.GMA.G 2182048 18-FEB-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmd 11.0.GMD.A 949774 17-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmd 11.0.GMD.B 1154827 21-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmd 11.0.GMD.C 1270146 24-MAY-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmd 11.0.GMD.D 1355004 02-AUG-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmd 11.0.GMD.E 1489000 12-DEC-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmd 11.0.GMD.F 1729749 10-APR-01 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmd 11.0.GMD.G 2182642 28-JAN-02 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gme 11.0.GME.A 949768 14-JAN-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Obsoleted
    gme 11.0.GME.B 1152959 21-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gme 11.0.GME.C 1269769 24-MAY-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gme 11.0.GME.D 1357020 02-AUG-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gme 11.0.GME.E 1489025 11-DEC-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gme 11.0.GME.F 1715353 11-APR-01 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gme 11.0.GME.G 2181946 28-JAN-02 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmf 11.0.GMF.A 949736 14-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmf 11.0.GMF.B 1152955 21-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmf 11.0.GMF.C 1270214 24-MAY-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmf 11.0.GMF.D 1356176 02-AUG-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmf 11.0.GMF.E 1489022 11-DEC-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmf 11.0.GMF.F 1715665 10-APR-01 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmf 11.0.GMF.G 2182027 28-JAN-02 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmi 11.0.GMI.A 949771 14-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmi 11.0.GMI.B 1152982 21-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmi 11.0.GMI.C 1270132 24-MAY-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmi 11.0.GMI.D 1354933 02-AUG-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmi 11.0.GMI.E 1489065 11-DEC-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmi 11.0.GMI.F 1715326 10-APR-01 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmi 11.0.GMI.G 2181851 28-JAN-02 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gml 11.0.GML.A 949775 14-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gml 11.0.GML.B 1154946 21-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gml 11.0.GML.C 1270241 24-MAY-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gml 11.0.GML.D 1355776 02-AUG-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gml 11.0.GML.E 1488958 11-DEC-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gml 11.0.GML.F 1715335 10-APR-01 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gml 11.0.GML.G 2182059 28-JAN-02 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmp 11.0.GMP.A 949718 14-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmp 11.0.GMP.B 1152976 21-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    gmp 11.0.GMP.C 1270042 24-MAY-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmp 11.0.GMP.D 1356119 02-AUG-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmp 11.0.GMP.E 1488965 11-DEC-00 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmp 11.0.GMP.F 1715292 10-APR-01 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    gmp 11.0.GMP.G 2181982 28-JAN-02 Not_Distributed Checkin Released
    icx 11.0.ICX.A 673481 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    icx 11.0.ICX.B 726288 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    icx 11.0.ICX.D 1008974 14-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    icx 11.0.ICX.E 1380631 27-NOV-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.A 674050 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.B 733118 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.C 802155 09-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.D 953727 06-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.E 1141878 17-APR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.F 1346039 14-NOV-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.G 1516669 26-APR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.H 1828520 11-OCT-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    inv 11.0.INV.I 2525843 10-FEB-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ja 11.0.JA.A 673389 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ja 11.0.JA.B 730960 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ja 11.0.JA.C 810651 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ja 11.0.JA.D 1041981 15-DEC-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ja 11.0.JA.E 1128796 25-FEB-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ja 11.0.JA.F 1179731 06-NOV-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ja 11.0.JA.G 1491337 16-APR-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.A 674021 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.B 731452 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.C 808881 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.D 1045047 03-DEC-99 Not_Distributed Checkin Obsoleted
    je 11.0.JE.E 1117641 23-DEC-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.F 1122217 03-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.G 1197155 05-OCT-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.H 1323273 14-NOV-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.I 1483579 20-DEC-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.J 1540350 18-MAY-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.K 1761138 13-DEC-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.L 2106557 25-OCT-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    je 11.0.JE.M 2533133 29-JUL-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.A 674028 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.B 730942 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.C 808880 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.D 1045612 02-DEC-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.E 1076207 14-JAN-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.F 1122226 16-FEB-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.G 1198626 26-JUL-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.H 1323278 27-SEP-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.I 1418645 02-JUL-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jg 11.0.JG.J 1838010 11-OCT-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.A 673327 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.B 733076 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.C 810661 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.D 1056710 30-DEC-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.E 1129520 02-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.F 1178693 22-MAY-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.G 1277386 31-JUL-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.H 1337993 02-OCT-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.I 1405327 11-DEC-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.J 1493522 12-MAR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.K 1662572 22-APR-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    jl 11.0.JL.L 2249545 28-MAR-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    mrp 11.0.MRP.A 674065 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    mrp 11.0.MRP.B 730718 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    mrp 11.0.MRP.C 809721 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    mrp 11.0.MRP.D 968037 13-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    mrp 11.0.MRP.E 1226624 28-APR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    mrp 11.0.MRP.F 1374653 01-MAY-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    mrp 11.0.MRP.G 2525863 13-FEB-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.A 671359 25-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.B 729768 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.C 779207 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.D 953825 11-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.E 1151493 03-APR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.F 1330648 10-OCT-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.G 1517168 03-MAY-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.H 1829464 12-NOV-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    oe 11.0.OE.I 2525889 04-FEB-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ota 11.0.OTA.A 676871 27-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ota 11.0.OTA.B 727031 17-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ota 11.0.OTA.D 1138446 07-APR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pa 11.0.PA.A 673512 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pa 11.0.PA.B 728728 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pa 11.0.PA.C 789455 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pa 11.0.PA.D 998393 08-DEC-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pa 11.0.PA.E 1121140 23-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pa 11.0.PA.F 1121147 29-JAN-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pa 11.0.PA.G 1401724 19-JUN-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pa 11.0.PA.H 1965374 06-NOV-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pay 11.0.PAY.A 676893 25-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pay 11.0.PAY.B 727153 13-NOV-98 By_Dev Checkin Released
    pay 11.0.PAY.D 1178488 30-AUG-00 By_Dev Checkin Released
    pay 11.0.PAY.E 1384951 25-SEP-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pay 11.0.PAY.F 1897502 02-OCT-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pay 11.0.PAY.G 2348416 11-JUL-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pay 11.0.PAY.H 2892285 30-JUN-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    per 11.0.PER.A 676870 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    per 11.0.PER.B 727052 17-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    per 11.0.PER.C 794083 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    per 11.0.PER.D 1052044 14-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    per 11.0.PER.E 1316387 09-SEP-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    per 11.0.PER.F 1586128 09-AUG-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    per 11.0.PER.G 2346373 09-JUL-02 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    per 11.0.PER.H 2836424 13-JUN-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pjm 11.0.PJM.A 673436 23-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pjm 11.0.PJM.B 732735 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pjm 11.0.PJM.C 735154 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pjm 11.0.PJM.D 820222 30-SEP-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pjm 11.0.PJM.E 967252 07-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    pjm 11.0.PJM.F 1307067 15-APR-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.A 674012 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.B 733403 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.C 803606 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.D 954257 30-SEP-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.E 1142343 09-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.F 1330514 30-NOV-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.G 1524517 04-MAY-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.H 1618257 01-NOV-01 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    po 11.0.PO.I 2525970 02-JAN-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    qa 11.0.QA.A 673563 23-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    qa 11.0.QA.B 732413 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    qa 11.0.QA.C 802157 09-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    qa 11.0.QA.D 970716 04-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rg 11.0.RG.A 673371 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rg 11.0.RG.B 728312 13-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rg 11.0.RG.C 794546 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rg 11.0.RG.D 991533 01-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rg 11.0.RG.E 1178842 01-MAR-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rla 11.0.RLA.A 673900 25-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rla 11.0.RLA.B 770520 30-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rla 11.0.RLA.C 779909 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    rla 11.0.RLA.D 995588 21-SEP-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    ssp 11.0.SSP.A 727774 13-NOV-98 Not_Distributed Checkin Obsoleted
    veh 11.0.VEH.A 674152 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    veh 11.0.VEH.B 770525 30-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    veh 11.0.VEH.C 779913 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    veh 11.0.VEH.D 995200 21-SEP-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    wip 11.0.WIP.A 671381 24-JUL-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    wip 11.0.WIP.B 733371 16-NOV-98 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    wip 11.0.WIP.C 803439 08-APR-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    wip 11.0.WIP.D 953912 08-OCT-99 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    wip 11.0.WIP.E 1189534 02-MAY-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    wip 11.0.WIP.F 1374066 25-OCT-00 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    wip 11.0.WIP.G 2525857 13-FEB-03 By_Metalink Checkin Released
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/110_patchsets.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/110_patchsets.txt 2>/dev/null

    #### ADDED BACK THE 10.7 Supporting files:
    REL107_DATE="Dec 15 2005"

    echo "

    Produ Name Bug_number RELEASED_ Status DISTRIBUTION
    ----- ------------ ---------- --------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------
    ak 10.7.AK.A 772668 02-DEC-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    alr 10.7.ALR.A 777169 16-DEC-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    alr 10.7.ALR.B 1087301 30-NOV-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 10.7.AP.Q 760839 29-JAN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 10.7.AP.R 778194 02-APR-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 10.7.AP.S 839870 28-MAY-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 10.7.AP.T 883663 13-AUG-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 10.7.AP.U 928642 19-JAN-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 10.7.AP.V 1054826 20-APR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 10.7.AP.W 1178883 05-OCT-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 10.7.AP.X 1366330 22-OCT-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.P 791987 04-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.Q 816966 12-MAR-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.R 818461 17-MAY-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.S 872699 02-SEP-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.T 953844 08-FEB-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.U 1064762 19-APR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.V 1216554 24-AUG-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.W 1300203 22-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 10.7.AR.X 1392573 22-FEB-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 10.7.AS.H 808428 23-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 10.7.AS.I 887107 12-JUL-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 10.7.AS.J 1169464 Checkin in Progress Not_Distributed
    ax 10.7.AX.G 1375389 17-OCT-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    bom 10.7.BOM.D 793712 24-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    bom 10.7.BOM.E 1391193 25-APR-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 10.7.CE.I 773311 05-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 10.7.CE.J 793624 10-JUN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 10.7.CE.K 891240 04-JAN-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 10.7.CE.L 1096211 12-JUL-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    cn 10.7.CN.D 682047 08-JAN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    crp 10.7.CRP.A 770567 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    cs 10.7.CS.A 806162 18-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ec 10.7.EC.D 804173 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ec 10.7.EC.E 898125 04-AUG-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    eng 10.7.ENG.A 778272 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ews 10.7.EWS.A 1863399 06-SEP-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ews 10.7.EWS.B 2942645 05-MAY-03 Checkin Released Not_Distributed
    ews 10.7.EWS.C 2949212 12-JUN-03 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fa 10.7.FA.E 790169 17-FEB-99 Checkin Obsoleted Not_Distributed
    fa 10.7.FA.F 1007276 Checkin Obsoleted Not_Distributed
    fa 10.7.FA.G 1204405 24-MAR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fa 10.7.FA.H 1641147 15-JUN-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fnd 10.7.FND.C 774541 23-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fnd 10.7.FND.D 1207242 19-MAY-00 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    fnd 10.7.FND.E 1535384 20-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fnd 10.7.FND.F 1761055 Checkin in Progress Not_Distributed
    gl 10.7.GL.A 765116 02-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 10.7.INV.C 776860 24-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 10.7.INV.D 873657 20-OCT-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 10.7.INV.E 1274435 01-AUG-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 10.7.INV.F 1636768 31-JUL-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    je 10.7.JE.A 773450 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    je 10.7.JE.B 1050740 15-DEC-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    je 10.7.JE.C 1134756 20-APR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    je 10.7.JE.D 1274708 09-MAY-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    jg 10.7.JG.A 773370 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    jg 10.7.JG.B 1050742 15-DEC-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    jg 10.7.JG.C 1134757 19-APR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    jl 10.7.JL.A 774104 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    mrp 10.7.MRP.D 769039 23-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 10.7.OE.G 794583 05-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 10.7.OE.H 906163 10-SEP-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 10.7.OE.I 1266017 12-JUL-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 10.7.OE.J 1588061 27-JUN-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ota 10.7.OTA.A 1242344 27-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 10.7.PA.G 768250 19-JAN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 10.7.PA.H 784658 03-MAR-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 10.7.PA.I 825984 08-APR-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 10.7.PA.J 855493 01-JUN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 10.7.PA.K 880357 15-JUL-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 10.7.PA.L 914962 11-OCT-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 10.7.PA.M 970952 03-FEB-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 10.7.PA.N 1045531 31-AUG-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 10.7.PO.M 805382 26-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 10.7.PO.N 864603 19-JUL-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 10.7.PO.O 1267514 07-AUG-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 10.7.PO.P 1618257 13-JUL-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    qa 10.7.QA.A 772670 24-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    rg 10.7.RG.A 776469 02-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    rla 10.7.RLA.A 913103 23-JUN-99 Checkin Obsoleted Not_Distributed
    rla 10.7.RLA.B 1020315 08-OCT-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wip 10.7.WIP.A 783344 24-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wip 10.7.WIP.B 1305352 21-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    " > /tmp/107_patchsets.txt

    chmod 777 /tmp/107_patchsets.txt 2>/dev/null

    REL107NCA_DATE="Dec 15 2005"

    echo "

    Produ Bug_number RELEASED_ Status DISTRIBUTION
    ----- ---------- --------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------
    ak 769665 10-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    alr 777396 08-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 589316 17-JAN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 612807 29-JAN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 640928 24-APR-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 654870 22-MAY-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 667009 22-JUN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 680265 31-JUL-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 713584 14-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 701049 31-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 715811 09-OCT-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 727477 06-NOV-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 743049 01-DEC-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 760837 29-JAN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 778193 02-APR-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 839866 28-MAY-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 883661 13-AUG-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 928641 19-JAN-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 1054830 20-APR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 1178815 05-OCT-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ap 1366335 22-OCT-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 603787 10-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 617988 19-MAR-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 638494 11-MAY-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 662661 12-JUN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 677042 22-JUL-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 693797 14-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 709134 21-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 739028 28-OCT-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 754409 24-NOV-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 757245 04-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 816975 12-MAR-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 818459 17-MAY-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 872698 02-SEP-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 953843 08-FEB-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 1064761 19-APR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 1216551 24-AUG-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 1300201 22-NOV-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ar 1392572 22-FEB-02 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 599800 06-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 599807 16-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 638227 06-APR-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 682204 05-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 723999 14-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 734068 24-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 789502 22-JAN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 808426 23-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    as 887110 12-JUL-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ax 588315 17-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ax 641386 14-MAR-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ax 725093 09-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ax 1375389 17-OCT-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    bom 556037 17-JAN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    bom 719013 04-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    bom 733086 21-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    bom 792715 24-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    bom 1391279 25-APR-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 669836 09-JUN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 681835 17-JUL-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 695988 01-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 724748 25-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 725305 29-DEC-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 773312 05-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 793623 10-JUN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 891243 04-JAN-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ce 1096205 12-JUL-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    chv 674148 11-JUN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    chv 724328 01-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    chv 798865 26-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    cn 590716 23-JAN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    cn 621351 13-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    cn 627879 29-JUN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    cn 682049 08-JAN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    crp 770572 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    cs 806307 18-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ec 751344 21-OCT-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ec 752129 23-OCT-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ec 753732 26-OCT-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ec 809431 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ec 898132 04-AUG-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    eng 778327 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fa 588254 16-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fa 712143 06-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fa 1204409 24-MAR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fa 1641147 15-JUN-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fnd 649296 03-APR-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fnd 716111 15-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fnd 774541 23-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    fnd 1207242 07-DEC-00 Checkin Obsoleted By_Metalink
    fnd 1535384 20-FEB-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    gl 765114 02-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 712273 14-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 759918 13-NOV-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 768400 24-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 873656 20-OCT-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 1272140 01-AUG-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    inv 1636763 31-JUL-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    je 776598 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    je 1102822 15-DEC-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    je 1134760 20-APR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    je 1274715 09-MAY-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    jg 776597 19-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    jg 1102834 15-DEC-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    jg 1134762 19-APR-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    mrp 547014 23-JAN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    mrp 630836 23-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    mrp 713252 12-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    mrp 769037 23-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 590184 21-JAN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 586431 10-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 640639 14-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 716030 21-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 728335 18-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 794454 05-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 906170 10-SEP-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 1266020 12-JUL-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    oe 1621441 27-JUN-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    ota 1242343 27-SEP-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 672977 05-JUN-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 726024 09-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 730820 16-SEP-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 748675 03-NOV-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 751042 09-DEC-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 768249 19-JAN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 784657 03-MAR-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 825983 08-APR-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 855491 01-JUN-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 880356 15-JUL-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 914961 11-OCT-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 970951 03-FEB-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    pa 1045535 31-AUG-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 564686 16-FEB-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 658032 05-MAY-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 653197 29-MAY-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 666026 29-JUL-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 692533 20-AUG-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 711317 21-NOV-98 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 743210 26-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 781975 19-JUL-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 1267182 07-AUG-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    po 1618264 13-JUL-01 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    qa 772671 24-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    rg 765115 02-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wip 769867 24-FEB-99 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    wip 1305412 09-OCT-00 Checkin Released By_Metalink
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/107NCA_patchsets.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/107NCA_patchsets.txt 2>/dev/null

    ## These are the Baselines that are appended at the end of the Reports
    echo "
    Baseline Listing for the 10.7 Patch Sets:

    10.7 Patch Sets #4

    Product 10.7 Server 10.7 NCA 10SC P16.1 Tier Notes
    Tier Tier
    Application Report Generator (RG) 776469 765115 765115 Patch Set A
    Global Accounting Engine (AX) 777011 777011 777011 Patch Set F
    Oracle Application Object Library (FND) 774541 774541* 774541 Patch Set C
    Oracle Assets (FA) 790169 775098 806493 Patch Set E
    Oracle Alert (ALR) 777169 777396 777942 Patch Set A
    Oracle Bills of Material (BOM) 793712 792715* 792715 Patch Set D
    Oracle Capacity (CRP) 770567 770572 770572 Patch Set A
    Oracle Cash Management (CE) 773311 773312 773312 Patch Set I
    Oracle Common Modules (AK) 772668 769665 769665 Patch Set A
    Oracle EDI Gateway (EC) 804173 809431 804296 Patch Set D
    Oracle Engineering (ENG) 778272 778327 778327 Patch Set A
    Oracle Financials for Europe (JE) 773450 776598 776598 Patch Set A
    Oracle Financials for Latin America (JL) 774104 N/A N/A Patch Set A
    Oracle General Ledger (GL) 765116 765114 765114 Patch Set A
    Oracle Inventory (INV) 776860 768400 768400 Patch Set C
    Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP (MRP) 769039 769037 769037 Patch Set D
    Oracle Order Entry (OE) 794583* 794454 772625 Patch Set G
    Oracle Payables (AP) 760839 760837 760837 Patch Set Q
    Oracle Projects (PA) 768250 768249 768249 Patch Set G
    Oracle Purchasing (PO) 805382v 743210 743210 Patch Set M
    Oracle Quality (QA) 772670 772671 772671 Patch Set A
    Oracle Receivables (AR) 791987 757245 757245 Patch Set P
    Oracle Regional Localizations (JG) 773370 776597 776597 Patch Set A
    Oracle Sales and Marketing (AS) 808428* 808426 808431 Patch Set H
    Oracle Sales Compensation (CN) 682047 682049 682049 Patch Set D
    Oracle Service (CS) 806162 806307 806307 Patch Set A
    Oracle Supplier Scheduling (CHV) N/A 798865* 798865 Patch Set C
    Oracle Work in Process (WIP) 783344 769867 769867 Patch Set A
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/107_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/107_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    ## These are the Baselines that are appended at the end of the Reports

    echo "
    The complete list of Mini-Packs that constitute 11.0.2 Maintenance Pack is as follows.

    ------------ ------
    11.0.AD.B 732272
    11.0.AK.B 733964
    11.0.ALR.A 755917
    11.0.AP.B 730174
    11.0.AR.B 731338
    11.0.AS.B 733304
    11.0.AX.B 731655
    11.0.AZ.A 732155
    11.0.BOM.B 732960
    11.0.CE.B 730326
    11.0.CHV.B 733151
    11.0.CN.B 682700
    11.0.CS.B 733153
    11.0.EC.B 726287
    11.0.ENG.B 732779
    11.0.FA.B 733163
    11.0.FF.A 727481
    11.0.FND.C 733155
    11.0.GL.B 728311
    11.0.ICX.B 726288
    11.0.INV.B 733118
    11.0.JA.B 730960
    11.0.JE.B 731452
    11.0.JG.B 730942
    11.0.JL.B 733076
    11.0.MRP.B 730718
    11.0.OE.B 729768
    11.0.OTA.B 727031
    11.0.PA.B 728728
    11.0.PAY.B 727153
    11.0.PER.B 727052
    11.0.PJM.B 732735
    11.0.PO.B 733403
    11.0.QA.B 732413
    11.0.RG.B 728312
    11.0.RLA.A 673900
    11.0.SSP.A 727774
    11.0.VEH.A 674152
    11.0.WIP.B 733371
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1102_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1102_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    The complete list of Mini-Packs that constitute 11.0.3 Maintenance Pack is as follows.

    ---------- ------
    11.0.TECH.D 794429
    11.0.ALR.A 755917
    11.0.AP.C 789454
    11.0.AR.C 789457
    11.0.AS.C 809836
    11.0.AX.C 809273
    11.0.AZ.B 809856
    11.0.BOM.C 805925
    11.0.CE.C 789456
    11.0.CHV.C 810486
    11.0.CN.B 682700
    11.0.CS.B 733153
    11.0.EC.C 779201
    11.0.ENG.C 801548
    11.0.FA.C 811357
    11.0.GL.C 794545
    11.0.HR.C 794083
    11.0.INV.C 802155
    11.0.JA.C 810651
    11.0.JE.C 808881
    11.0.JG.C 808880
    11.0.JL.C 810661
    11.0.MRP.C 809721
    11.0.OE.C 779207
    11.0.PA.C 789455
    11.0.PJM.C 735154
    11.0.PO.C 803606
    11.0.QA.C 802157
    11.0.RG.C 794546
    11.0.RLA.C 779909
    11.0.VEH.C 779913
    11.0.WIP.C 803439
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1103_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1103_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    Base patchsets listing for 11.5.1 install not currently available.
    - Patchset Listings are typically included in release notes and readme files.
    - For more details, see
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1151_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1151_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    1354512 - This is 11.5.2 Patchset with all the Included Patches Below
    1289413 - PATCH 11i.CE.A
    1316500 - Patch 11.5.MWA.A
    1329016 - 11.5.AX.A
    1330649 - Patch 11.5.CZ.B
    1332650 - Consolidated BIS 11.5.BIS.A Patchset
    1336609 - Patch 11.5.IEO.B
    1336610 - Patch 11.5.IEB.B
    1336613 - Patch 11.5.IEU.B
    1338332 - Patch 11.5.BIX.B
    1338344 - Patch 11.5.BIL.A
    1338414 - Patch 11.5.BIM.B
    1338602 - CRM 11.5.2 ASF Checkin
    1338804 - Oracle Customer Support Core Release 11i v 11.5.2
    1338815 - Oracle iSupport Release 11i v 11.5.2 minipack
    1338820 - Oracle Support Release 11i v 11.5.2 minipack.
    1338891 - Patch 11i.AR.A
    1338967 - Patch 11.5.FRM.A
    1339127 - Patch 11.5.CN.B
    1339203 - ARU for 11.5.AMS.B
    1339240 - Patch 11.5.CSR.B
    1339243 - Patch 11.5.CSF.B
    1339470 - Patch 11.5.CCT.B
    1339472 - Patch 11.5.AST.B
    1339474 - Patch 11.5.IEM.B
    1339478 - Patch 11.5.FPT.A
    1339480 - Patch 11.5.IES.B
    1339484 - Patch 11.5.IEX.A
    1339544 - Patch 11.5.AMV.B
    1339577 - Patch 11.5.OKC.B
    1339581 - Patch 11.5.OKS.B
    1339582 - Patch 11.5.OKX.B
    1339658 - Mini-pack 11.5.GL.A
    1339668 - Patch 11.5.CSD.B
    1339680 - Project Manufacturing 11.5.PJM.A Mini-Pack
    1339726 - Patch 11.5.AS.A
    1339729 - Patch 11.5.CSP.B
    1339837 - Patch 11.5.RG.A
    1339847 - Oracle Customer Care Release 11.5.2 minipack
    1339886 - Patch 11.5.BIC.B
    1340230 - Oracle CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices 11.5.2 minipack
    1340244 - Patch 11.5.JTF.B
    1340318 - Patch 11.5.IBE.B
    1340371 - Patch 11.5.IBY.B
    1341007 - PATCH 11i.AP.A
    1341602 - Patch 11.5.IBA.B
    1342175 - Patch 11i.PN.A
    1342177 - Patch 11i.FII.A
    1342181 - Patch 11i.XTR.A
    1342447 - Patch 11i.XLA.A
    1343092 - Patch 11i.BEN.A
    1343114 - Patch 11i.DT.A
    1343117 - Patch 11i.FF.A
    1343144 - Patch 11i.GHR.A
    1343148 - Patch 11i.HRI.A
    1343155 - Patch 11i.HXT.A
    1343442 - Patch 11i.IPA.A
    1343447 - Patch 11i.PA.A
    1343449 - Patchset 11.5.AK.A
    1344139 - Patch 11i.OTA.A
    1344140 - Patch 11i.PAY.A
    1344328 - Patch 11i.PER.A
    1344341 - Patch 11i.PQH.A
    1344352 - Patch 11i.SSP.A
    1344365 - Patch 11i.PQP.A
    1344783 - Patch 11.5.AZ.A
    1344802 - Patch 11i.FND.A
    1345059 - Patch 11i.JE.A
    1345067 - Patch 11i.JG.A
    1345427 - Patch 11i.JL.A
    1345428 - Patch 11i.JA.A
    1345671 - Patch 11i.FA.A
    1345691 - Patch 11i.CUA.A
    1345781 - Patch 11i.CUN.B
    1345789 - Patch 11i.XDP.B
    1345792 - Patch 11i.XNP.B
    1345796 - Patch 11i.XNC.A
    1345813 - Patch 11i.XNS.B
    1346047 - Patch 11i.MRP.A
    1346054 - Patch 11i.MSD.A
    1346146 - Patch 11i.PSP.A
    1346739 - Patch 11i.HXC.A
    1348277 - Patch 11i.ALR.A
    1348543 - Patch 11i.BOM.B
    1348546 - Patch 11i.ICX.A
    1348548 - Patch 11i.WIP.A
    1349836 - Patch 11i.ASO.B (11.5.2)
    1350136 - Patch 11i.PO.A
    1350331 - Patch 11i.POA.A
    1351004 - This is the release 11.5.2 AD Minipack
    1351279 - Patch 11i.IGW.A
    1351671 - Patch 11i.PSB.B
    1351729 - Patch 11i.PSA.A
    1352783 - Patch 11i.EC.B
    1353483 - Patch 11i.ENG.A
    1354026 - Patch 11i.ISC.A
    1354041 - Patch 11i.CRP.A
    1354044 - Patch 11i.FLM.A
    1354051 - Patch 11i.MSC.A
    1354054 - Patch 11i.MSO.A
    1354061 - Patch 11i.RHX.A
    1354103 - Patch 11i.OE.A
    1354128 - 11i.B Oracle Order Management Product (11i.ONT.B)
    1354693 - Patch 11i.RLA.A
    1354697 - Patch 11i.VEH.A
    1354701 - Patch 11i.RLM.B
    1354704 - Patch 11i.VEA.B
    1355645 - Patch 11i.PMI.B
    1355660 - Patch 11i.GMA.B
    1357262 - Patch 11i.QP.B
    1357277 - Patch 11i.WSM.A
    1357281 - Patch 11i.WSH.B
    1357312 - Patch 11i.INV.B
    1357316 - Patch 11i.QA.A
    1361180 - Patchset 11i.WPS.A
    1386971 - UPG1152: ORA-01403: NO DATA FOUND
    1389216 - Patch 11i.GMS.B
    1392476 - Patch 11i.SHT.A
    1395737 - PKM1152:CRM 11.5.2:OPS: SQL SCRIPT FAILURE
    1398685 - Simulated bug abstract
    1406850 - PKM1152.5: GMF - B1198173.SQL FAILS DURING ADPATCH
    1407139 - Removed contents of afhelp.slt; Fixed an iHelp BIDI bug
    1408060 - MOVE JDBC111.ZIP TO ALL TIERS
    1410715 - PATCHES TO R11.5.2 FND PATCHSET (11I.FND.A)
    1411854 - REMOVE POA/11.5.0/BIN IN POA FILE DRIVER
    1412043 - PKM1152.3: INVALID FILE NAME B813148.MSG
    1413660 - WFLOAD FAILS WITH ORA-1 ON NLS 11.5.1 UPGRADE TO 11.5.2
    1414192 - PKM1152.3 CHANGES TO STUB OUT*
    1420584 - PKM1152: ICXNLADD.SQL where clause bind variable not prefixed cor
    1420734 - UPG1152.5:INVALID OBJECT (WMS)
    1449449 - PKM1152.7: AMV - AMVICCN.SQL FAILS (Extra comma after Index Name)
    1455789 - 11.5.2: CS,CSC,IBE,IEB,MWA,QA *.DEP FILES NOT IN FND 11.5.2 SUB FILE
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1152_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1152_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    1306413 - CRM FAMILY PACK 1
    1335577 - Patch 11i.FV.A
    1338967 - Patch 11.5.FRM.A
    1340371 - Patch 11.5.IBY.B
    1343092 - Patch 11i.BEN.A
    1343114 - Patch 11i.DT.A
    1343117 - Patch 11i.FF.A
    1343144 - Patch 11i.GHR.A
    1343148 - Patch 11i.HRI.A
    1343155 - Patch 11i.HXT.A
    1344139 - Patch 11i.OTA.A
    1344140 - Patch 11i.PAY.A
    1344328 - Patch 11i.PER.A
    1344341 - Patch 11i.PQH.A
    1344352 - Patch 11i.SSP.A
    1344365 - Patch 11i.PQP.A
    1344783 - Patch 11.5.AZ.A
    1346739 - Patch 11i.HXC.A
    1350331 - Patch 11i.POA.A
    1350478 - UNABLE TO LOG INTO TEST115
    1352783 - Patch 11i.EC.B
    1355645 - Patch 11i.PMI.B
    1356868 - Patch 11i.AX.B
    1364051 - IMARKETING 11.5.2 ROLLUP PATCH
    1380728 - PATCH 11i.AP.B
    1381844 - CRM 11.5.2:OPS: SQL SCRIPT FAILURE (IEB)
    1387554 - CRM 11.5.2:OPS: INVALID OBJECTS (CCT)
    1392476 - Patch 11i.SHT.A
    1393884 - Patch 11i.AR.B
    1400635 - Patch 11i.GMA.C
    1407036 - ASO Roll-up Patch 2
    1408597 - Patch 11i.PA.B
    1411854 - REMOVE POA/11.5.0/BIN IN POA FILE DRIVER
    1421319 - 11i.JL.B patchset
    1421320 - Patch 11i.JE.B
    1421322 - Patch 11i.JG.B
    1421326 - Patch 11i.JA.B
    1421641 - PATCH 11i.CE.B
    1421650 - Patch 11i.FII.B
    1421657 - Patch 11i.PN.B
    1421670 - Patch 11i.XLA.B
    1421673 - Patch 11i.XTR.B
    1422989 - Patch 11i.CUA.B
    1423378 - Mini-pack 11i.GL.B
    1423381 - Patch 11i.RG.B
    1425942 - Patch 11i.PO.B
    1425974 - Patch 11i.ONT.C
    1426000 - Patch 11i.OE.B
    1426003 - Patch 11i.RLM.C
    1426005 - Patch 11i.VEA.C
    1426045 - Patch 11i.ICX.B
    1426159 - Patch 11i.WSM.B
    1426167 - Patch 11i.MSC.B
    1426170 - Patch 11i.FLM.B
    1426172 - Patch 11i.MRP.B
    1426173 - Patch 11i.MSO.B
    1426176 - Patch 11i.MSD.B
    1426184 - Patch 11i.BOM.C
    1426193 - Project Manufacturing 11i.PJM.B Mini-Pack
    1426196 - PKM1153.1: Duplicate calls from the FP1 db driver
    1426205 - Patch 11i.QA.B
    1426212 - Patch 11i.INV.C
    1426213 - Patch 11i.ENG.B
    1426215 - Patch 11i.WSH.C
    1426225 - Patch 11i.WPS.B
    1426235 - Patch 11i.WMS.A
    1426249 - Patch 11i.IPA.B
    1426250 - Patch 11i.CZ.C
    1426271 - Patch 11i.QP.C
    1426291 - Patch 11i.WIP.B
    1428045 - Patch 11i.MWA.B
    1448977 - 11.5.3 vision fixes
    1449654 - Patch 11i.GMS.C
    1449665 - Patch 11i.IGW.B
    1449673 - Patch 11i.PSB.C
    1449709 - Patch 11i.PSP.B
    1454466 - Patch 11i.FND.B
    1455027 - Patch 11i.AK.B
    1455250 - Patch 11i.PSA.B
    1455252 - Patchset 11i.BIS.B
    1456037 - PER PATCH FOR RELEASE 11.5.3
    1457440 - Marketing Intelligence - BIM ARU FOR 11.5.3 PATCHSET H
    1457712 - Sales Intelligence - BIL ARU FOR 11.5.3 PATCHSET H
    1457950 - Customer Intelligence - BIC ARU FOR 11.5.3 PATCHSET H
    1459186 - Patch 11i.ALR.B
    1460403 - OM and OTA integration patch
    1469129 - V1153CRM - MERGED PATCH REQUIRED FOR BUG 1455564 AND BUG 1458072
    1474395 - RELEASE: dbupg.txt files for Financials,Project,Global and SEM
    1474928 - JTF RUP3 for 11.5.3
    1475047 - CRM 11.5.3: SERVICE CONTRIBUTION TO 11.5.3-COPY SERVICE RUP2 10/20/00
    1475426 - AD Release 11.5.3 MiniPack (Patch 11i.AD.C)
    1477136 - Patch 11i.ASL.A
    1477264 - CRM 11.5.3:OPS:JAVA BUILD FAILURE FOR IEO RUP (11.5.3)
    1477394 - 11i AKLOAD PRE-REQ PATCH (CHANGES #8)
    1478853 - PKM1153.1: CNCOL.ODF FAILS DURING UPGRADE FROM 11.5.2
    1479783 - ARU for bug 1479783-modify position of .rdf and .ogd files in driver
    1480200 - PRE-REQ ARU FOR ARU # 345437
    1480734 - CRM11.5.3: FILE DRIVER CHANGES
    1481050 - PKM1153.1: CN - MISSING FILES IN 11.5.3
    1481474 - PKM1153.1: XNCORDWK.FMX FAILS TO GENERATE IN 11.5.3
    1481556 - PKM1153.1: INVALID OBJECTS IN 11.5.3
    1482344 - Fix for PKM1153.1: OKS - INVALID OBJECTS IN 11.5.3
    1482346 - PKM1153.1: XNC - INVALID OBJECTS IN 11.5.3
    1482381 - PKM1153: TCA FILES REQUIRED FOR CRM IN 11.5.3
    1482608 - PKM1153.1: INVALID SYNTAX IN THE 11.5.3 DB DRIVER
    1482615 - ARU to correct syntax in driver d1457950.drv
    1482626 - PKM1153.1:INCORRECT SYNTAX IN 11.5.3 DB DRIVER
    1483148 - PKM1153.1: INVALID OBJECTS IN 11.5.3
    1485505 - PKM1153.1: CRM-AMS - DUPLICATE DB DRIVER ACTIONS (REF:1481423).
    1486218 - PKM1153.1: OZFNLADD.SQL FAILS DURING UPGRADE TO 11.5.3
    1488237 - PKM1153.2:ASO - INCORRECT SYNTAX IN THE 11.5.3 DB DRIVER
    1488611 - TRACKING DELIVERY OF 11.5.0 TO 11.5.1 DRIVERS
    1489226 - DB DRIVER FIX - CALLS IN 1151.DRV BUT NOT IN 11.5.2
    1489449 - This is the database upgrading driver for ICX from 11.5.2 to 11.5.3
    1489464 - Distribution Family's products dbupg.txt for PKM 11.5.3
    1489811 - PKM1153.2:JTF - NO DATA FOUND
    1490054 - PKM1153.2:PAY - DUPLICATE CALLS IN THE 11.5.3 DB DRIVER
    1492412 - DRIVER FOR UPGRADES FROM 11.5.0 TO 11.5.1
    1492425 - FILE TO UPGRADE FROM 11.5.0 TO 11.5.1
    1492492 - DBUPGEC.TXT TO UPGRADE FROM 11.5.0 TO 11.5.1
    1492498 - DBUPGECX.TXT TO UPGRADE FROM 11.5.0 TO 11.5.1
    1492559 - DBUPGALR.TXT TO UPGRADE ALR FROM 11.5.0 TO 11.5.1
    1492635 - PKM1153.2: DUPLICATE CALLS IN DB DRIVER (1306413)
    1492716 - PKM 11.5.3.DROP2 :DRIVER FOR 11.5.0 TO 11.5.1 FOR OKC/OKS
    1492856 - CRM 11.5.3:OPS:STUB DRIVERS NEEDED FOR 11.5.0 -> 11.5.1 UPGRADE
    1493421 - SAC1152: UPGRADING REL 11.0.3->11.5.2 FNDLOAD FAIL FIND APCONCPG.LDT
    1494241 - PKM1153.2: JTF - MISSING FILES( IN FILE DRIVER
    1495146 - PKM1153.2: AMV - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495163 - PKM1153.2: ASG - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495168 - PKM1153.2: AST - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495189 - PKM1153.2: BIM - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495197 - PKM1153.2: CN - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495202 - PKM1153.2: CS - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495208 - PKM1153.2: CSC - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495215 - PKM1153.2: CSP - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495238 - IBE - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495241 - PKM1153.2: IBU - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495254 - PKM1153.2: JTF - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495263 - PKM1153.2: OKS - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495268 - PKM1153.2: OKX - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495305 - PKM1153.2: XDP - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495310 - PKM1153.2: XNC - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495317 - PKM1153.2: XNP - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1495328 - XNS - 11.5.2 files not in 11.5.3 patch
    1495545 - PKM1153.2 CS - UPGRADE FROM 1151 TO 1153 FAILS WITH LDT'S
    1495552 - PKM1153.2: IBU - UPGRADE FROM 1151 TO 1153 FAILS WITH LDT'S
    1495569 - Fixed bug 1495569 by not pre-fetching System AppsEnvironmentStore
    1495820 - PKM1153.2: AMS - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1497100 - MODIFY THE DB DRIVER FOR BUG 1489988
    1497530 - PKM1153.2:PV - OPSNLS: ISSUES WITH - PVNLADD.SQL
    1497881 - PKM1153.2: IEX - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1497883 - PKM1153.2: FPT - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1497910 - PKM1153.2: AS - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1497943 - PKM1153.2: BIL - MISSING 11.5.2 FILES
    1501273 - PKM1153.3:IEX- FIX FOR 1497589 REQUIRED IN 11.5.3 (XLATION ISSUE)
    1501306 - FPT: THIS BUG REPLACES BUG 1500455
    1501745 - PKM1153.3: DUPLICATE CALL IN DB DRIVER
    1501870 - BUMMY BUG FOR 1489997
    1503641 - PKM1153.3: FPT - MISSING FILES IN 11.5.3 APPL_TOP
    1503685 - PKM1153.3: IEX - MISSING FILE IEXINDLS.FMB
    1503976 - Patch 11i.SHT.B
    1508353 - PKM1153.3: PO - 10.7 UPGRADE FAILS DUE TO POATT04T.SQL, POATT04E.SQL
    1508581 - AR - UPDATE DB DRIVER CALLS FOR AD BUG 1324702
    1508598 - PN - UPDATE DB DRIVER CALLS FOR AD BUG 1324702
    1509000 - FIX FOR DBUPGENG.TXT
    1512391 - PKM1153.3: AMV - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512393 - PKM1153.3: CCT - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512395 - PKM1153.3: CN - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512399 - PKM1153.3: CSC - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512404 - PKM1153.3: CSF - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512406 - PKM1153.3: CSP - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512412 - PKM1153.3: CSR - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512418 - PKM1153.3: JTF - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512420 - PKM1153.3: OKC - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512423 - PKM1153.3: OKS - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1512427 - PKM1153.3: CZ - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1516735 - RELEASE: AP - 11.5.3 DRIVER CALLS FOR AK PRE-REQ
    1517051 - BUG# NEEDED TO CREATE ARU FIX FOR AK 1313614 FOR D1475047.DRV DRIVER
    1517197 - PKM115.3 : PER BUG 1499832 IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE 11.5.3,
    1517410 - PKM1153.3 ASG-INVALID OBJECT IN 11.5.3
    1517692 - PKM1153.3: AMS - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517695 - PKM1153.3: AMV - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517696 - PKM1153.3: AR - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517697 - PKM1153.3: BIC - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517698 - BIX Call Center Intelligence
    1517701 - PKM1153.3: CCT - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517702 - PKM1153.3: CN - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517703 - PKM1153.3: CSC - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517705 - PKM1153.3: CSD - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517708 - PKM1153.3: CSF - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517712 - PKM1153.3: CS - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517717 - PKM1153.3: FPT - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517723 - PKM1153.3: IEU - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517724 - PKM1153.3: IEX - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517728 - PKM1153.3: JTF - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517731 - PKM1153.3: MSD - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517733 - PKM1153.3: OKC - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517734 - PKM1153.3: PA - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517737 - PKM1153.3: PQH - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1517738 - Updated dbupgqp.txt : change UPLOAD to UPLOAD_PARTIAL
    1518408 - PKM1153.3: HR - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1518732 - PKM1153: FND PRE-REQ CORRECTION IN D1474928.DRV
    1518875 - PKM1153.3: AS-INVALID OBJECT
    1518941 - PKM1153.3: CN-INVALID OBJECT
    1518963 - PKM1153.3: OKC-INVALID OBJECT
    1519020 - PKM1153.3: AR - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1519021 - BIM Marketing Intelligence
    1519301 - PKM1153.3 CHANGES NEEDED ON DRIVER D1475047.DRV
    1519313 - PKM1153 CHANGES NEEDED ON DRIVER D1407036.DRV
    1519353 - PKM1153.3:AMV-D1405835.DRV SHOULD HAVE SECTION FOR 1313614
    1519369 - PKM1153.3:IBE-D1405835.DRV SHOULD HAVE SECTION FOR 1313614
    1520477 - PKM1153.3: ASF-INVALID OBJECT
    1520670 - PKM1153.3: CS - CHANGES TO D1475047.DRV
    1520746 - Patch 11i.FA.B
    1521714 - PKM1153.3: PQH - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1523057 - PKM1153.3-FP1 DB DRIVER CHANGES
    1524274 - 11i AKLOAD PRE-REQ PATCH (CHANGES #9)
    1524596 - PKM1153.3: GMI-INVALID OBJECT
    1524619 - PKM1153.3: GMI-INVALID OBJECT
    1524692 - CRM 11.5.3: MODIFY THE BIXFILE.DRV. IN 1457440
    1524698 - BIM Marketing Intelligence
    1525010 - BUG # NEEDED TO PROVIDE ARU FOR BUG 1519016
    1528399 - FINAL 11.5.3 APPSWEB.CFG
    1529925 - ARU for bug 1529925 - cleanup scripts for menus & reports for 11.5.3.
    1531826 - Static generation of ATTRIBUTE MAPPING (BUILD_CONTEXTS)
    1531920 - Fix Quick Find Search in the menu bar for iSupport
    1537380 - TCA: TCA FILES REQUIRED FOR CRM IN 11.5.3
    1540310 - PKM1153.4: LIBCZ.SO FAILS TO RELINK
    1540525 - PKM1153.3:AS - DIFFERING
    1540870 - PKM1153.3:CS - DIFFERING
    1540876 - PKM1153.3:CS - DIFFERING
    1540896 - PKM1153.3:IEO CHANGES REQUIRED IN D1403768.DRV
    1541767 - PKM11.5.3 : FIXES ON DATABASE DRIVER D1475047.DRV
    1542384 - iSupport: Fix Quick Find Search and permission error, View ...
    1542665 - NEED DEMO IMAGE FILES IN 11.5.3
    1544301 - PKM1153.3:CS - DIFFERING
    1544362 - PKM1153.3:IEO - DIFFERING
    1544371 - PKM1153.3:AMV - DIFFERING
    1545922 - JBIS: PATCH FOR THE ADS (DEMO)
    1530013 - NOT SURE whats here
    1548850 - JBIS 11.5.3: Added missing files for wireless/bibeans in the driver.
    1549062 - PKM1153.4: AMV - 11.5.3 DB DRIVER FAILURE
    1549074 - PKM1153.4: CS - 11.5.3 DB DRIVER FAILURE
    1549229 - PKM1153.4: HR - 11.5.3 UPGRADE SQL ERRORS
    1550453 - PKM1153.4: CS - 11.5.3 DB DRIVER FAILURE - BUG TO CREATE CHECKIN
    1550461 - PKM1153.4:AMV: JOINED LINES IN D1397357.DRV
    1550788 - PKM1153.2:CRM-OKS - INVALID OBJECTS IN 11.5.3
    1552061 - DBUPGVEH.TXT ARU Check-in
    1554146 - PKM1153.3: CCT - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1554346 - PKM1153.5: XNP - XNPDRCRQ.SQL FAILS DURING 11.5.1 TO 11.5.3 UPGRADE
    1563204 - PKM1153.5: OKC - 1150 TO 1153 UPGRADE FAILURES
    1563407 - PKM1153.5: HR 11.5.0 UPGRADE FAILS DUE TO DEPENDENCY
    1563411 - PKM1153.5: JTF DEPENDENCY FAILURE 11.5.0 UPGRADE
    1563416 - PKM1153.5: AZ UPGRADE FAILURE IN 11.5.0 DATABASE
    1567699 - PKM1153.5:CRM Family Pack 1 Driver changes required for 11.5.3
    1570973 - PKM1153.5: AD - AFPLNS01.SQL FAILS DURING 10.7 TO 1153 UPGRADE
    1576467 - PKM1153.5: AMV - 1150 TO 1153 FAILURES
    1577766 - ARU FIX FOR BUG 1563204 - PKM1153.5: OKC MULTIPLE FAILURE UPGRADI..
    1581189 - PKM1153.5: MSC - ISSUE WITH DBUPGMSC.TXT
    1586890 - PKM1153.5: MSC - ISSUE WITH DBUPGMSC.TXT
    1588195 - PKM1153.5 : JAR FILE INCONSISTENCY
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1153_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1153_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    1627493 - AD MiniPack D Applications Installation Utilities
    1553747 - AK MiniPack C Common Modules
    1575525 - ALR MiniPack C Alert
    1615230 - AMV MiniPack D Marketing Encyclopedia System
    1476751 - AP MiniPack C Payables
    1403734 - AR MiniPack C Receivables
    1647480 - AS MiniPack C Sales
    1580949 - ASG MiniPack D CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices
    1612644 - ASL MiniPack B Field Sales/Laptop
    1615185 - ASO MiniPack D Order Capture
    1480962 - AX MiniPack C Global Accounting Engine
    1569738 - AZ MiniPack B Implementation Wizard
    1566786 - BEN MiniPack C Advanced Benefits
    1612182 - BIC MiniPack I Customer Intelligence
    1612601 - BIL MiniPack I Sales Intelligence
    1610593 - BIM MiniPack I Marketing Intelligence
    1573079 - BIS MiniPack C Business Intelligence
    1610902 - BIX MiniPack I Call Center Intelligence
    1538064 - BOM MiniPack D Bills of Material
    1563322 - CCT MiniPack E Telephony Manager
    1476747 - CE MiniPack C Cash Management
    1581141 - CS MiniPack C Service
    1581135 - CSC MiniPack C Customer Care
    1580944 - CSD MiniPack C Depot Repair
    1634215 - CSF MiniPack D Field Service
    1580960 - CSP MiniPack C Spares Management
    1634221 - CSR MiniPack D Scheduler
    1338820 - CSS MiniPack B Support
    1656580 - CUE MiniPack A Billing Connect
    1581102 - CUN MiniPack C Network Logistics
    1538246 - CZ MiniPack D Configurator
    1553933 - EC MiniPack C e-Commerce Gateway 
    1538273 - ENG MiniPack C Engineering
    1584277 - FA MiniPack E Assets
    1571062 - FII MiniPack C Financials Intelligence
    1538271 - FLM MiniPack C Flow Manufacturing
    1553256 - FND MiniPack C Applications Object Library
    1566176 - FPT MiniPack B Banking Center
    1512530 - FRM MiniPack B Report Manager
    1558776 - FV MiniPack B US Federal General Ledger
    1483299 - GHR MiniPack B US Federal Human Resources
    1561690 - GL Mini-pack C General Ledger
    1559588 - GMA MiniPack E OPM Systems
    1555262 - GMD MiniPack E OPM Product Development
    1552818 - GME MiniPack E OPM Process Execution
    1555222 - GMF MiniPack E OPM Financials
    1555187 - GMI MiniPack E OPM Inventory
    1555150 - GML MiniPack E OPM Logistics
    1555186 - GMP MiniPack E OPM Process Planning
    1571096 - GMS MiniPack D Grants Accounting
    1555158 - GR MiniPack E OPM Regulatory Management
    1566836 - HRI MiniPack B HR Intelligence
    1483168 - HXT MiniPack B Time Management
    1581138 - HZ MiniPack A Trading Community
    1491331 - IBA MiniPack C iMarketing
    1613014 - IBE MiniPack E iStore
    1581146 - IBU MiniPack C iSuppport
    1593795 - IBY MiniPack D iPayment
    1538792 - icx MiniPack C Internet Procurement
    1563319 - IEB MiniPack E Interaction Blending
    1563325 - IEM MiniPack E eMail Center
    1563315 - IEO MiniPack E Call Center Technology
    1563320 - IES MiniPack E Scripting
    1563317 - IEU MiniPack E Universal Work Queue
    1577476 - IEX MiniPack B Collections
    1582449 - IGI MiniPack D Public Sector Financials (International)
    1555586 - IGS MiniPack B Student Information System
    1449665 - IGW MiniPack B Grants Proposal
    1538130 - INV MiniPack D Inventory
    1571138 - IPA MiniPack C Capital Resource Logistics
    1475098 - JA MiniPack C Financials for Asia/Pacific
    1476832 - JE MiniPack C Financials for EMEA
    1505787 - JG MiniPack D Financials Common Country
    1499761 - JL MiniPack D Financials for the Americas
    1558976 - JTF MiniPack C CRM Foundation
    1538254 - MRP MiniPack C Master Scheduling/MRP
    1538250 - MSC MiniPack C Advanced Supply Chain Planning
    1426176 - MSD MiniPack B Demand Planning
    1538256 - MSO MiniPack C Constraint Based Optimization
    1428045 - MWA MiniPack B Mobile Applications
    1586479 - OIE MiniPack A Internet Expenses
    1605866 - OIT MiniPack A Internet Time
    1663469 - OKX MiniPack D Contracts Integration
    1538204 - ONT MiniPack D Order Management
    1566806 - OTA MiniPack C Training Administration
    1618069 - PA MiniPack D Projects
    1566770 - PAY MiniPack C Payroll
    1566759 - PER MiniPack C Human Resources
    1426193 - PJM MiniPack B Project Manufacturing
    1511520 - PMI MiniPack C Process Manufacturing Intelligence
    1548838 - PN MiniPack C Property Manager
    1538571 - po MiniPack C Purchasing
    1350331 - poa MiniPack A Purchasing Intelligence
    1455250 - PSA MiniPack B Public Sector Advanced Features
    1549308 - PSB MiniPack D Public Sector Budgeting
    1569137 - PSP MiniPack C Labor Distribution
    1538366 - QA MiniPack C Quality
    1538197 - QP MiniPack D Advanced Pricing
    1423381 - RG MiniPack B Report Generator
    1538692 - RLM MiniPack D Release Management
    1344352 - SSP MiniPack A UK Human Resources (Statutory Sick Pay)
    1538704 - VEA MiniPack D Automotive Integration Kit
    1538276 - WIP MiniPack C Work in Process
    1426235 - WMS MiniPack A Warehouse Management System
    1426225 - WPS MiniPack B Manufacturing Scheduling
    1538358 - WSH MiniPack D Shipping Execution Common
    1538292 - WSM MiniPack C Shop Floor Management
    1580975 - XDP MiniPack C SDP Provisioning
    1571112 - XLA MiniPack C Common Accounting Modules
    1590648 - XNC MiniPack B Sales for Communications
    1580986 - XNP MiniPack C SDP Number Portability
    1592420 - XNS MiniPack D Service for Communications
    1565561 - XTR MiniPack C Treasury
    1551167 - Family Pack D Discrete Manufacturing Suite
    1614311 - Family Pack E Process Manufacturing Suite
    1552650 - Family Pack D Supply Chain Planning Suite
    1554100 - Family Pack D Procurement Suite
    1550583 - Family Pack D Order Management Suite
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1154_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1154_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    1612182 - bic Customer Intelligence, Minipack I
    1610593 - bim Marketing Intelligence, Minipack H
    1612601 - bil Sales Intelligence, Minipack I
    1791967 - bix Call Center Intelligence, Minipack K
    1491331 - iba iMarketing, Minipack C
    1810206 - iby iPayment, iPayment consolidated patch
    1715488 - ibe iStore, Minipack G
    1753403 - ibu iSupport, Minipack F
    1615230 - amv Marketing Encyclopedia System, Minipack D
    1716551 - aso Order Capture, Minipack F
    1612644 - asl Field Sales/Laptop, Minipack B
    1793487 - asl Field Sales/Laptop, Field Sales/Laptop consolidated patch
    1647480 - as Sales, Minipack C
    1809318 - as Sales, Sales and Marketing family patch (
    1761133 - okx Contracts Integration, Minipack E (Contracts Family Pack)
    1581135 - csc Customer Care, Minipack C
    1581141 - cs Service, Minipack C
    1809709 - cs Service, Service consolidated patch (minipatch #21)
    1580944 - csd Depot Repair, Minipack C
    1802211 - csd Depot Repair, Depot Repair consolidated patch
    1634215 - csf Field Service, Minipack D
    1634221 - csr Scheduler, Minipack D
    1580960 - csp Spares Management, Minipack C
    1771573 - ieb Interaction Blending, Minipack I
    1771450 - ieo Call Center Technology, Minipack I
    1770998 - cct Telephony Manager, Minipack I
    1769679 - ies Scripting, Minipack I
    1770207 - ieu Universal Work Queue, Minipack I
    1769721 - iem eMail Center, Minipack I
    1810202 - xdp SDP Provisioning, SDP Provisioning consolidated patch
    1809893 - xnp SDP Number Portability, SDP Number Portability consolidated patch
    1809180 - xns Service for Communications, consolidated patch
    1890569 - cun Network Logistics - NATS, Network Logistics - NATS consolidated patch
    1810030 - xnc Sales for Communications, Sales for Communications consolidated patch
    1746626 - jtf CRM Foundation, Minipack D
    1811785 - jtt CRM Technology Foundation , CRM Technology Found. patch(
    1809904 - asg CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices, Mobile Device Gateway consolidated
    1571062 - fii Financial Intelligence, Minipack C
    1571138 - ipa CRL Financials Projects, Minipack C
    1682122 - pn Property Manager, Minipack D
    1480962 - ax Global Accounting Engine, Minipack C
    1571112 - xla Common Accounting Modules, Minipack C
    1476832 - je European Localizations, Minipack C
    1620234 - jg Regional Localizations, Minipack E
    1633913 - oie Internet Expenses, Minipack B
    1801257 - gl General Ledger, Minipack D
    1801262 - rg Application Report Generator, Minipack C
    1715446 - ap Payables, Minipack E
    1584277 - fa Assets, Minipack E
    1529296 - ar Receivables, Minipack D
    1711366 - xtr Treasury, Minipack D
    1675976 - oit Internet Time, Minipack B
    1512530 - frm Report Manager, Minipack B
    1615250 - jl Latin America Localizations, Minipack F
    1527618 - ce Cash Management, Minipack D
    1565772 - ja Asia/Pacific Localizations, Minipack D
    1697181 - hz Trading Community, Minipack C
    1618069 - pa Projects, Minipack D
    1511520 - pmi OPM Intelligence, Minipack C
    1745355 - Discrete Manufacturing Suite, Family pack E
    1688968 - Process Manufacturing Suite, Family pack F
    1801717 - Supply Chain Planning Suite, Family pack E
    1745389 - Order Management Suite, Family pack E
    1566836 - hri Human Resources Intelligence, Minipack B
    1663184 - ben Advanced Benefits, Minipack D
    1663234 - pay Payroll, Minipack D
    1776067 - per Human Resources Personnel, Minipack E
    1483168 - hxt Time Management, Minipack B
    1663230 - ota Training, Minipack D
    1741310 - abm Activity Based Management, Minipack D
    1553747 - ak Common Modules, Minipack C
    1745369 - Procurement Suite, Family pack E
    1553933 - ec e-Commerce Gateway, Minipack C
    1553256 - fnd Application Object Library, Minipack C
    1575525 - alr Alert, Minipack C
    1569738 - az Application Implementation, Minipack B
    1738222 - igi Public Sector Financials International, Minipack E
    1569137 - psp Labor Distribution, Minipack C
    1786125 - igs Student System, Minipack D
    1671966 - psa Public Sector Applications, Minipack C
    1549308 - psb Public Sector Budgeting, Minipack D
    1632922 - gms Grants Accounting, Minipack E
    1449665 - igw Grants Proposal, Minipack B
    1483299 - ghr Government HR, Minipack B
    1558776 - fv Federal Financials, Minipack B
    1627493 - ad Applications DBA, Minipack D
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1155_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1155_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    1810489 - fii Financial Intelligence, minipack D
    1571138 - ipa CRL Financials Projects, minipack C
    1682122 - pn Property Manager, minipack D
    1797013 - ax Global Accounting Engine, minipack D
    1810485 - xla Common Accounting Modules, minipack D
    1505785 - je European Localizations, minipack D
    1781750 - jg Regional Localizations, minipack F
    1834628 - oie Internet Expenses, minipack D
    1900156 - gl General Ledger, minipack E
    1801262 - rg Application Report Generator, minipack C
    1807809 - family Financials Suite, Family Pack A
    1816560 - ap Payables, minipack F
    1794240 - fa Assets, minipack F
    1763786 - ar Receivables, minipack F
    1711366 - xtr Treasury, minipack D
    1675976 - oit Internet Time, minipack B
    1931773 - frm Report Manager, minipack C
    1773953 - jl Latin America Localizations, minipack G
    1527618 - ce Cash Management, minipack D
    1565772 - ja Asia/Pacific Localizations, minipack D
    1921951 - hz Trading Community, minipack F
    2019789 - pa Projects, minipack G
    1896962 - prm Project Resource Management, minipack B
    1844177 - family Process Manufacturing Suite, Family Pack G
    1891480 - family Discrete Manufacturing Suite, Family Pack F
    1922595 - family Supply Chain Planning Suite, Family Pack F
    1891381 - family Procurement Suite, Family Pack F
    1942144 - family Order Management Suite, Family Pack F
    1566836 - hri Human Resources Intelligence, minipack B
    1849555 - ben Advanced Benefits, minipack E
    1849550 - pay Payroll, minipack E
    1849547 - per Human Resources Personnel, minipack F
    1483168 - hxt Time Management, minipack B
    1663230 - ota Training, minipack D
    1950474 - eaa SEM Exchange, minipack B
    1865844 - bis Business Intelligence System, minipack D
    1880500 - bsc Balanced Scorecard, minipack C
    1931844 - ak Common Modules, minipack D
    1931904 - ec e-Commerce Gateway, minipack D
    1931404 - alr Alert, minipack D
    1960477 - ecx XML Gateway, minipack A
    1935117 - az Application Implementation, minipack C
    1856104 - igi Public Sector Financials International, minipack G
    1804365 - psp Labor Distribution, minipack D
    1949658 - igs Student System, minipack E
    1905293 - psa Public Sector Applications, minipack E
    1932032 - psb Public Sector Budgeting, minipack F
    1937576 - gms Grants Accounting, minipack G
    1449665 - igw Grants Proposal, minipack B
    1483299 - ghr Government HR, minipack B
    1837509 - fv Federal Financials, minipack D
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1156_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1156_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    1883175 - jtt CRM Technology Foundation, Minipack A
    2065484 - jta CRM Application Foundation, Minipack A
    2197077 - jts CRM Self Service Administration, Minipack B
    2080734 - asg CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices, Minipack K
    2197656 - ahm Hosting Manager, Minipack B
    2201671 - imc Customers Online, Minipack A
    2209985 - bic Customer Intelligence, Consolidated patch
    2015819 - imt iMeeting, Consolidated patch
    2168901 - ibe iStore, Consolidated patch
    2173029 - iby iPayment, Minipack K
    2145439 - ibu iSupport, Consolidated patch
    2128846 - css Support, Consolidated patch
    2174843 - aso Order Capture, Consolidated patch
    2145346 - ams Marketing, Consolidated patch
    1832818 - amv Marketing Encyclopedia System, Minipack E
    2196876 - bim Marketing Intelligence, Consolidated patch
    2189271 - pv Partner Relationship Management, Consolidated patch
    2221190 - Sales Suite, Family pack C
    2180833 - Contracts Suite, Family pack B
    2208036 - Call Center Suite, Family pack A
    2036253 - Communications Suite, Family pack A
    2139173 - xnc Sales for Communications, Minipack K
    2192849 - Service Suite, Family pack B
    2207715 - csf Field Service, Consolidated patch
    2153415 - rg Application Report Generator, Minipack D
    2117740 - fa Assets, Minipack I
    1571138 - ipa CRL Financials Projects, Minipack C
    1907478 - ce Cash Management, Minipack E
    1810485 - xla Common Accounting Modules, Minipack D
    1810489 - fii Financial Intelligence, Minipack D
    1807809 - Financials Suite, Family pack A
    2153419 - gl General Ledger, Minipack F
    2092219 - ax Global Accounting Engine, Minipack E
    1834628 - oie Internet Expenses, Minipack D
    1707487 - oit Internet Time, Minipack C
    2065564 - oir iReceivables, Minipack A
    1986982 - ap Payables, Minipack G
    2149380 - pn Property Manager, Minipack F
    1991140 - ar Receivables, Minipack H
    1931773 - frm Report Manager, Minipack C
    2111967 - hz Trading Community, Minipack G
    1952883 - xtr Treasury, Minipack F
    1565772 - ja Asia/Pacific Localizations, Minipack D
    1794254 - je European Localizations, Minipack E
    1919833 - jl Latin America Localizations, Minipack H
    1961403 - jg Regional Localizations, Minipack G
    2028970 - pa Projects, Minipack H
    2069413 - oke Project Contracts, Minipack G
    2034194 - pjr Project Resource Management, Minipack C
    2133107 - Discrete Manufacturing Suite, Family pack G
    2220884 - Process Manufacturing Suite, Family pack H
    2143725 - Supply Chain Planning Suite, Family pack G
    2141229 - Procurement Suite, Family pack G
    2118482 - Order Management Suite, Family pack G
    1663218 - hri Human Resources Intelligence, Minipack C
    2115771 - Human Resources Suite, Family pack A
    1483168 - hxt Time Management, Minipack B
    1346739 - hxc Time Capture, Minipack A
    2004082 - ota Training, Minipack E
    2021911 - abm Activity Based Management, Minipack F
    1865844 - bis Business Intelligence System, Minipack D
    1863365 - edw Enterprise Data Warehouse, Minipack A
    1950474 - eaa SEM Exchange, Minipack B
    1880500 - bsc Balanced Scorecard, Minipack C
    1931404 - alr Alert, Minipack D
    1935117 - az Application Implementation, Minipack C
    2154367 - fnd Application Object Library, Minipack E
    1931844 - ak Common Modules, Minipack D
    1931904 - ec e-Commerce Gateway, Minipack D
    1960477 - ecx XML Gateway, Minipack A
    1984680 - gms Grants Accounting, Minipack H
    1814546 - igw Grants Proposal, Minipack C
    2014950 - psp Labor Distribution, Minipack E
    1905293 - psa Public Sector Applications, Minipack E
    2079200 - psb Public Sector Budgeting, Minipack G
    1949153 - igi Public Sector Financials International, Minipack H
    1949658 - igs Student System, Minipack E
    1947442 - fv Federal Financials, Minipack E
    2206559 - as, 11i.AS.F 11-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2156736 - ben, 11i.BEN.G 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2065003 - bom, 11i.BOM.G 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2205314 - cn, 11i.CN.E 11-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2075371 - crp, 11i.CRP.C 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2139888 - cs, 11i.CS.H 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2112122 - cz, 11i.CZ.G 29-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Metalink
    2156866 - dt, 11i.DT.D 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2065670 - eng, 11i.ENG.F 29-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2156864 - ff, 11i.FF.D 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2004922 - inv, 11i.INV.G 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Metalink
    2075266 - mrp, 11i.MRP.F 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2156706 - pay, 11i.PAY.G 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2155076 - per, 11i.PER.H 22-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2102542 - po, 11i.PO.F 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2064811 - qa, 11i.QA.F 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2156872 - ssp, 11i.SSP.D 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2064997 - wip, 11i.WIP.F 29-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2103370 - chv, 11i.CHV.C 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2096654 - icx, 11i.ICX.F 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2075306 - flm, 11i.FLM.F 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2156846 - ghr, 11i.GHR.D 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2106703 - msc, 11i.MSC.F 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2012959 - pjm, 11i.PJM.E 29-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2160934 - cct, 11i.CCT.M 31-DEC-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    1838218 - amv, 11i.AMV.E 02-NOV-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2209019 - asf, 11i.ASF.E 11-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    1970707 - aso, 11i.ASO.I 02-NOV-01 Patchset Superseded By_Metalink
    2210188 - ast, 11i.AST.E 11-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2022211 - bic, 11i.BIC.O 06-OCT-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2206086 - bil, 11i.BIL.L 11-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    1610593 - bim, 11i.BIM.H 27-FEB-01 Patchset Superseded By_Metalink
    2163294 - bix, 11i.BIX.O 28-DEC-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2141380 - csc, 11i.CSC.H 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2139165 - csd, 11i.CSD.I 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2139908 - csf, 11i.CSF.L 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2139921 - csp, 11i.CSP.I 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    1917552 - css, 11i.CSS.E 02-NOV-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2136960 - cun, 11i.CUN.J 01-FEB-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    1979212 - gma, 11i.GMA.H 11-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1979534 - gmd, 11i.GMD.H 12-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1979540 - gme, 11i.GME.H 12-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1979547 - gmf, 11i.GMF.H 11-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1979552 - gmi, 11i.GMI.H 12-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1979561 - gml, 11i.GML.H 11-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1979568 - gmp, 11i.GMP.H 11-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1979575 - gr, 11i.GR.H 11-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1306459 - iba, 11i.IBA.A 21-JUN-00 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2009497 - ibu, 11i.IBU.H 02-NOV-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2135496 - iem, 11i.IEM.M 28-DEC-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2145418 - ieo, 11i.IEO.M 31-DEC-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2162202 - ies, 11i.IES.M 27-DEC-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2161777 - ieu, 11i.IEU.M 29-DEC-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    1746626 - jtf, 11i.JTF.D 04-JUN-01 Patchset Released By_Metalink
    2112188 - mso, 11i.MSO.F 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2176825 - okc, 11i.OKC.F 22-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2176874 - oks, 11i.OKS.G 22-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2176883 - okx, 11i.OKX.G 22-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2112226 - ont, 11i.ONT.G 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1986248 - pmi, 11i.PMI.D 11-SEP-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    1711292 - poa, 11i.POA.B 02-MAY-01 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2112249 - qp, 11i.QP.G 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2112239 - rlm, 11i.RLM.G 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2112243 - vea, 11i.VEA.G 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2064994 - wms, 11i.WMS.D 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2065005 - wps, 11i.WPS.E 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2113104 - wsh, 11i.WSH.G 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2139204 - xdp, 11i.XDP.O 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2139213 - xnp, 11i.XNP.O 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2022232 - xns, 11i.XNS.K 06-OCT-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2064974 - wsm, 11i.WSM.F 29-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2139913 - csr, 11i.CSR.J 31-JAN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2161778 - ieb, 11i.IEB.M 28-DEC-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2075438 - msd, 11i.MSD.F 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2069426 - mwa, 11i.MWA.E 29-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2156867 - pqh, 11i.PQH.D 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2156869 - pqp, 11i.PQP.D 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2089495 - pv, 11i.PV.D 04-NOV-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2128902 - eam, 11i.EAM.G 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2176833 - okr, 11i.OKR.D 22-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2075445 - msr, 11i.MSR.D 30-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2103103 - pos, 11i.POS.B 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2139162 - biv, 11i.BIV.I 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2136956 - csi, 11i.CSI.G 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    1969332 - csl, 11i.CSL.A 05-OCT-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2139170 - cug, 11i.CUG.G 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2176891 - oki, 11i.OKI.B 22-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2151089 - iec, 11i.IEC.B 29-DEC-01 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2136959 - cse, 11i.CSE.G 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2176888 - oko, 11i.OKO.B 22-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2173447 - ahl, 11i.AHL.K 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2139216 - xni, 11i.XNI.B 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1157_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1157_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    2276388 - jtt CRM Technology Foundation ,Minipack C
    2368042 - jta CRM Applications Foundation ,Minipack D
    2386712 - jts CRM Self Service Administration ,Minipack E
    2501175 - asg CRM Gateway for Mobile Services ,Minipack P
    2384215 - ahm Hosting Manager ,Minipack D
    2396751 - imc Customers Online ,Minipack B
    2022211 - bic Customer Intelligence ,Minipack O
    2395116 - bil Sales Intelligence ,Minipack M
    2387256 - bix Interaction Center Intelligence ,Minipack Q
    2400949 - ibe iStore ,Minipack M
    2527157 - iby iPayment ,Minipack M
    2505350 - ibu iSupport ,Minipack L
    2139225 - css Support ,Minipack F
    2374852 - aso Order Capture ,Minipack K
    2459266 - Marketing Suite ,Family Pack A
    2375183 - ams Marketing ,Minipack G
    2383307 - pv Partner Relationship Management ,Minipack F
    2395526 - amf Fulfillment Services ,Minipack A
    2417049 - ibc iContent ,Minipack A
    2440207 - amv Marketing Encyclopedia System ,Minipack G
    2454061 - bim Marketing Intelligence ,Minipack M
    2435494 - Sales Suite ,Family Pack F
    2404253 - as Sales ,Minipack G
    2404440 - asf Sales Online ,Minipack F
    2384176 - cn Sales Compensation ,Minipack F
    2405522 - ast TeleSales ,Minipack F
    2402713 - iex Collections ,Minipack D
    2380531 - qot Quoting ,Minipack B
    2509464 - asl Sales Offline ,Minipack G
    2440054 - Contracts Suite ,Family Pack H
    2420911 - okl Lease Management ,Minipack D
    2477294 - Service Suite ,Family Pack H
    2507613 - csi Install Base ,Minipack N
    2507689 - csl Field Service/Laptop ,Minipack I
    2508309 - csm Field Service/Handheld ,Minipack B
    2374818 - Interaction Center Suite ,Family Pack C
    2384304 - ieo Interaction Center Technology ,Minipack O
    2242802 - cct Telephony Manager ,Minipack O
    2288033 - iec Advanced Outbound ,Minipack D
    2383615 - ieb Interaction Blending ,Minipack O
    2348942 - ies Scripting ,Minipack N
    2383611 - ieu Universal Work Queue ,Minipack O
    2387043 - iem eMail Center ,Minipack O
    2190434 - fii Financial Intelligence ,Minipack E
    2380068 - Financials Suite ,Family Pack C
    2322330 - rg Application Report Generator ,Minipack E
    2398923 - fa Assets ,Minipack K
    1617586 - ipa CRL Financials Projects ,Minipack D
    2243908 - ce Cash Management ,Minipack G
    2182672 - xla Common Accounting Modules ,Minipack E
    2336010 - gl General Ledger ,Minipack G
    1960506 - oie Internet Expenses ,Minipack E
    2375849 - ap Payables ,Minipack J
    2239222 - hz Trading Community ,Minipack I
    2223523 - xtr Treasury ,Minipack G
    2352122 - qrm Risk Management ,Minipack A
    2265646 - psa Public Sector Applications ,Minipack F
    2079200 - psb Public Sector Budgeting ,Minipack G
    2128662 - igi Public Sector Financials International ,Minipack I
    2219341 - fv Federal Financials ,Minipack F
    1749145 - ja Asia/Pacific Localizations ,Minipack E
    2009602 - je European Localizations ,Minipack F
    2123121 - jl Latin America Localizations ,Minipack I
    1961403 - jg Regional Localizations ,Minipack G
    2381317 - Projects Suite ,Family Pack J
    1707487 - oit Internet Time ,Minipack C
    2212661 - oke Project Contracts ,Minipack H
    2034194 - pjr Project Resource Management ,Minipack C
    2248408 - Discrete Manufacturing Suite ,Family Pack H
    2216258 - Process Manufacturing Suite ,Family Pack I
    2250401 - eam Enterprise Asset Management ,Minipack H
    2364726 - pmi OPM Intelligence ,Minipack E
    2250399 - Supply Chain Planning Suite ,Family Pack H
    2320032 - Procurement Suite ,Family Pack H
    2360814 - pon Sourcing ,Minipack H
    2250333 - Order Management Suite ,Family Pack H
    2502761 - Human Resources Suite ,Family Pack C.1
    2373387 - hri Human Resources Intelligence ,Minipack D
    2398780 - hxt Time Management ,Minipack D
    2296468 - ota Training Administration ,Minipack F
    2385730 - irc iRecruitment ,Minipack A
    1950474 - eaa SEM Exchange ,Minipack B
    2182833 - ews Enterprise Warehouse Source ,Minipack B
    2182987 - edw Enterprise Data Warehouse ,Minipack B
    2188903 - bis Business Intelligence System ,Minipack E
    2176458 - bsc Balanced Scorecard ,Minipack D
    2282494 - abm Activity Based Management ,Minipack G.1
    2404398 - alr Alert ,Minipack E
    2414932 - az Application Implementation ,Minipack D
    2404698 - fnd Application Object Library ,Minipack F
    2404795 - ak Common Modules ,Minipack E
    2408170 - ec e-Commerce Gateway ,Minipack E
    2440710 - ecx XML Gateway ,Minipack C
    2319620 - igs Student System ,Minipack H
    2295469 - psp Labor Distribution ,Minipack F
    2166451 - gms Grants Accounting ,Minipack I
    2295451 - igw Grants Proposal ,Minipack D
    2443697 - bne Web Applications Desktop Integrator ,Minipack A
    2450020 - frm Report Manager ,Minipack D
    2397665 - ax, 11i.AX.F 16-AUG-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2410052 - per, 11i.PER.J 02-AUG-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2410054 - pay, 11i.PAY.I 02-AUG-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2268446 - ff, 11i.FF.E 09-MAY-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2156866 - dt, 11i.DT.D 21-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2410065 - ssp, 11i.SSP.F 02-AUG-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2410055 - ben, 11i.BEN.I 02-AUG-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2248481 - qa, 11i.QA.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2319967 - icx, 11i.ICX.G 15-AUG-02 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2398753 - pn, 11i.PN.H 16-AUG-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2410056 - ghr, 11i.GHR.F 02-AUG-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2410057 - pqh, 11i.PQH.F 02-AUG-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2410074 - pqp, 11i.PQP.F 02-AUG-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    1346739 - hxc, 11i.HXC.A 07-OCT-00 Patchset Superseded By_Metalink
    2250322 - rlm, 11i.RLM.H 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2250329 - vea, 11i.VEA.H 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2396506 - ar, 11i.AR.K 16-AUG-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    1733032 - oe, 11i.OE.C 03-MAY-01 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2381316 - pa, 11i.PA.J 30-AUG-02 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2248490 - inv, 11i.INV.H 16-AUG-02 Patchset Released By_Metalink
    2235892 - po, 11i.PO.G 15-AUG-02 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2236039 - chv, 11i.CHV.D 15-AUG-02 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2248494 - bom, 11i.BOM.H 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2248518 - eng, 11i.ENG.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2248430 - mrp, 11i.MRP.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2248435 - crp, 11i.CRP.D 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2212393 - wip, 11i.WIP.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2250291 - cz, 11i.CZ.H 09-AUG-02 Patchset Released By_Metalink
    2212672 - pjm, 11i.PJM.F 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2248440 - flm, 11i.FLM.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2250385 - msc, 11i.MSC.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2139888 - cs, 11i.CS.H 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2192881 - gma, 11i.GMA.I 02-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2192885 - gmd, 11i.GMD.I 03-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2192904 - gme, 11i.GME.I 03-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2192909 - gmf, 11i.GMF.I 02-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2192912 - gmi, 11i.GMI.I 03-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2192913 - gml, 11i.GML.I 03-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2192921 - gmp, 11i.GMP.I 03-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2192926 - gr, 11i.GR.I 03-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2136960 - cun, 11i.CUN.J 01-FEB-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    1746626 - jtf, 11i.JTF.D 04-JUN-01 Patchset Released By_Metalink
    2440018 - okc, 11i.OKC.L 13-SEP-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2440051 - oks, 11i.OKS.M 13-SEP-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2141380 - csc, 11i.CSC.H 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2485133 - csd, 11i.CSD.P 31-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2139908 - csf, 11i.CSF.L 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2318279 - xnp, 11i.XNP.R 01-MAY-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2318266 - xdp, 11i.XDP.R 01-MAY-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2490454 - xnc, 11i.XNC.M 16-OCT-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2485213 - xns, 11i.XNS.S 31-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2456473 - fpt, 11i.FPT.D 11-OCT-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    1306459 - iba, 11i.IBA.A 21-JUN-00 Patchset Superseded Not_Distributed
    2173029 - iby, 11i.IBY.K 01-FEB-02 Patchset Superseded By_Metalink
    1711292 - poa, 11i.POA.B 02-MAY-01 Patchset Released Not_Distributed
    2250387 - mso, 11i.MSO.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2250301 - ont, 11i.ONT.H 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2250316 - qp, 11i.QP.H 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2250313 - wsh, 11i.WSH.H 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2250395 - msd, 11i.MSD.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2212391 - wms, 11i.WMS.E 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2212395 - wps, 11i.WPS.F 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2440048 - okx, 11i.OKX.L 13-SEP-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2139921 - csp, 11i.CSP.I 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2139913 - csr, 11i.CSR.J 31-JAN-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2248506 - wsm, 11i.WSM.G 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2212671 - mwa, 11i.MWA.F 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2254397 - fte, 11i.FTE.D 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2250391 - msr, 11i.MSR.E 27-JUN-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2440003 - okr, 11i.OKR.J 13-SEP-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2508005 - xni, 11i.XNI.I 30-AUG-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2236030 - pos, 11i.POS.C 15-AUG-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2484904 - biv, 11i.BIV.P 31-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2486390 - cug, 11i.CUG.N 31-JUL-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2440079 - oki, 11i.OKI.H 13-SEP-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2394621 - iec, 11i.IEC.F 29-MAY-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2507649 - cse, 11i.CSE.N 30-AUG-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2440082 - oko, 11i.OKO.G 13-SEP-02 Patchset Released By_Dev
    2514185 - jtm, 11i.JTM.D 15-OCT-02 Patchset Released By_Metalink
    2322414 - ahl, 11i.AHL.N 01-MAY-02 Patchset Superseded By_Dev
    2344175 - ad, 11i.AD.G 05-NOV-02 Patchset Released By_Metalink
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1158_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1158_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    2655277 - fnd Application Object Library, Minipack G
    2657511 - ak Common Modules, Minipack F
    2668469 - txk Techstack, Minipack A
    2728236 - owf Workflow, Minipack G
    2662787 - ec e-Commerce Gateway, Minipack F
    2464368 - alr Alert, Minipack F
    2707397 - az Application Implementation, Minipack E
    2737099 - oam Applications Manager, Minipack G
    2661232 - asg CRM Gateway for Mobile Devices, Minipack Q
    2420923 - jtt CRM Technology Foundation, Minipack D
    2670197 - jtm Mobile Application Foundation, Minipack E
    2640247 - jta CRM Applications Foundation, Minipack E
    2677750 - bne Web Applications Desktop Integrator, Minipack B
    2682790 - frm Report Manager, Minipack F
    2767066 - imc Customers Online, Minipack J
    2706853 - bic Customer Intelligence, Minipack Q
    2645935 - Sales Suite, Family pack G
    2642404 - cn Sales Compensation, Minipack G
    2549599 - qot Quoting, Minipack C
    2636442 - ibe iStore, Minipack O
    2412097 - aso Order Capture, Minipack L
    2606463 - prp Proposals, Minipack A
    2630927 - Marketing Suite, Family pack B
    2728964 - aml Leads Management, Minipack A
    2661036 - Contracts Suite, Family pack I
    2713120 - Service Suite, Family pack I
    2661236 - csl Field Service/Laptop, Minipack J
    2661240 - csm Field Service / Handheld, Minipack C
    2696911 - csi Install Base, Minipack O
    2644375 - Interaction Center Suite, Family pack Q
    2629235 - Financials Suite, Family pack D
    2488736 - fii Financial Intelligence, Minipack F
    1707487 - oit Internet Time, Minipack C
    2681531 - iex Collections, Minipack E
    2683795 - iby iPayment, Minipack N
    2698797 - okl Lease Management, Minipack E
    2697753 - Discrete Manufacturing Suite, Family pack I
    2433137 - Process Manufacturing Suite, Family pack J
    2591002 - pmi OPM Intelligence, Minipack F
    2471486 - cln Supply Chain Trading Connector, Minipack A
    2591001 - edr E Records, Minipack A
    2478472 - eam Enterprise Asset Management, Minipack I
    2696797 - Advanced Planning Suite, Family pack I
    2700001 - Procurement Suite, Family pack I
    2698175 - Order Management Suite, Family pack I
    2803988 - Human Resources Suite, Family pack E
    2483421 - hri Human Resources Intelligence, Minipack E
    2716711 - hxt Time Management, Minipack E
    2489786 - ota Training, Minipack G
    2385730 - irc iRecruitment, Minipack A
    2484626 - Projects Suite, Family pack K
    2475721 - oke Project Contracts, Minipack I
    2692848 - bis Business Intelligence System, Minipack G
    2700670 - edw Enterprise Data Warehouse, Minipack C
    2700672 - ews Enterprise Warehouse Source, Minipack C
    2692588 - bsc Balanced Scorecard, Minipack E
    2720739 - Product Lifecycle Management Suite, Family pack A
    2492770 - psp Labor Distribution, Minipack G
    2799224 - igs Student System, Minipack J
    2691082 - gms Grants Accounting, Minipack K
    2492817 - igw Grants Proposal, Minipack E
    2282494 - abm Patchset Released on 15-MAR-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.ABM.G.1
    2673262 - ad Patchset Released on 30-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AD.H
    2700563 - ahl Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AHL.P
    2384215 - ahm Patchset Released on 23-OCT-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AHM.D
    2640735 - amf Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AMF.B
    2460403 - ams Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AMS.H
    2630030 - amv Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AMV.H
    2488725 - ap Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AP.K
    2488726 - ar Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AR.L
    2640001 - as Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AS.H
    2640034 - asf Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.ASF.G
    2642511 - asl Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.ASL.H
    2642510 - ast Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AST.G
    2646044 - ax Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.AX.G
    2803591 - ben Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.BEN.K
    2642409 - bil Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.BIL.N
    2630063 - bim Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.BIM.N
    2707184 - biv Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.BIV.R
    2685978 - bix Patchset Released on 27-NOV-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.BIX.S
    2691149 - bom Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.BOM.I
    2485142 - cct Patchset Released on 02-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CCT.Q
    2488730 - ce Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CE.H
    2478612 - chv Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CHV.E
    2691177 - crp Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CRP.E
    2707706 - cs Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CS.P
    2707217 - csc Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CSC.P
    2712429 - csd Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CSD.R
    2696915 - cse Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CSE.O
    2702303 - csf Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CSF.R
    2707263 - csp Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CSP.Q
    2702306 - csr Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CSR.L
    2708002 - css Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CSS.I
    2700678 - cug Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CUG.P
    2690432 - cz Patchset Released on 20-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.CZ.I
    2714479 - ddd Patchset Released on 28-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.DDD.A
    2803505 - dt Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.DT.F
    1950474 - eaa Patchset Released on 04-SEP-01 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.EAA.B
    2440710 - ecx Patchset Released on 04-SEP-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.ECX.C
    2714179 - ego Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.EGO.A
    2371323 - eng Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.ENG.H
    2714518 - eni Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.ENI.F
    2488733 - fa Patchset Superseded on 01-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.FA.L
    2803574 - ff Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.FF.G
    2479225 - flm Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.FLM.H
    2456473 - fpt Patchset Released on 11-OCT-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.FPT.D
    2690445 - fte Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.FTE.E
    2408789 - fv Patchset Superseded on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.FV.G
    2803596 - ghr Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GHR.H
    2488743 - gl Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GL.H
    2294171 - gma Patchset Superseded on 26-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GMA.J
    2294175 - gmd Patchset Superseded on 26-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GMD.J
    2294178 - gme Patchset Superseded on 26-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GME.J
    2294183 - gmf Patchset Superseded on 26-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GMF.J
    2294188 - gmi Patchset Superseded on 26-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GMI.J
    2294192 - gml Patchset Superseded on 26-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GML.J
    2294225 - gmp Patchset Superseded on 26-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GMP.J
    2294228 - gr Patchset Superseded on 26-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.GR.J
    2717041 - hxc Patchset Released on 27-MAR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.HXC.C
    1306459 - iba Patchset Superseded on 21-JUN-00 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IBA.A
    2629974 - ibc Patchset Released on 24-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IBC.B
    2709518 - ibu Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IBU.O
    2478494 - icx Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.ICX.H
    2682730 - ieb Patchset Released on 29-NOV-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IEB.Q
    2687987 - iec Patchset Released on 29-NOV-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IEC.H
    2688479 - iem Patchset Released on 28-NOV-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IEM.Q
    2690842 - ieo Patchset Released on 02-DEC-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IEO.Q
    2785906 - ies Patchset Released on 04-FEB-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IES.Q
    2682729 - ieu Patchset Released on 29-NOV-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IEU.Q
    2459356 - igi Patchset Superseded on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IGI.K
    2371213 - inv Patchset Released on 20-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.INV.I
    2484640 - ipa Patchset Released on 17-FEB-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.IPA.E
    2202589 - ja Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.JA.F
    2271080 - je Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.JE.G
    2132882 - jg Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.JG.H
    2310959 - jl Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.JL.J
    2386712 - jts Patchset Released on 22-OCT-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.JTS.E
    2479230 - mrp Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.MRP.H
    2478170 - msc Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.MSC.H
    2478195 - msd Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.MSD.H
    2478230 - mso Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.MSO.H
    2478234 - msr Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.MSR.F
    2691017 - mwa Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.MWA.G
    1733032 - oe Patchset Released on 03-MAY-01 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.OE.C
    2696923 - okc Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.OKC.M
    2696943 - oki Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.OKI.I
    2696951 - oko Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.OKO.H
    2696947 - okr Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.OKR.K
    2696936 - oks Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.OKS.N
    2696938 - okx Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.OKX.M
    2475849 - ont Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.ONT.I
    2484622 - pa Patchset Released on 23-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PA.K
    2803583 - pay Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PAY.K
    2803589 - per Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PER.L
    2478564 - pjm Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PJM.G
    2488748 - pn Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PN.I
    2478541 - po Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PO.H
    2478594 - poa Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.POA.E
    2476027 - pon Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PON.I
    2478572 - pos Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.POS.D
    2803594 - pqh Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PQH.H
    2803595 - pqp Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PQP.H
    2492811 - psa Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PSA.G
    2412968 - psb Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PSB.H
    2630022 - pv Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.PV.G
    2479232 - qa Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.QA.H
    2478163 - qp Patchset Released on 11-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.QP.I
    2502497 - qrm Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.QRM.B
    2490905 - rg Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.RG.F
    2478373 - rlm Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.RLM.I
    2803590 - ssp Patchset Released on 19-MAY-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.SSP.H
    2478411 - vea Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.VEA.I
    2478579 - wip Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.WIP.H
    2478530 - wms Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.WMS.F
    2482422 - wps Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.WPS.G
    2478452 - wsh Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.WSH.I
    2691993 - wsm Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.WSM.H
    2739476 - xdp Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.XDP.W
    2490908 - xla Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.XLA.F
    2701907 - xnc Patchset Released on 15-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.XNC.N
    2696920 - xni Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.XNI.J
    2732312 - xnp Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.XNP.W
    2707272 - xns Patchset Released on 10-JUN-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.XNS.U
    2554877 - xtr Patchset Released on 02-APR-03 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.XTR.I
    2431154 - xni Patchset Superseded on 04-JUL-02 as noted in FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS.PATCH_LEVEL, 11i.XNI.G
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/1159_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/1159_Base.txt 2>/dev/null

    echo "
    3452690 - abm Patchset Released on 27-FEB-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.ABM.G.4
    4038964 - ad Patchset Released on 02-DEC-04, 11i.AD.I.1
    3132184 - ahl Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.AHL.Q
    2384215 - ahm Patchset Released on 23-OCT-02, 11i.AHM.D
    3263645 - ak Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.AK.G
    3261254 - alr Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.ALR.G
    3134002 - amf Patchset Released on 07-OCT-04, 11i.AMF.C
    3025816 - ams Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.AMS.I
    3134012 - amv Patchset Released on 07-OCT-04, 11i.AMV.I
    3485924 - amw Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.AMW.C
    3151444 - ap Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.AP.M
    3151465 - ar Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.AR.N
    3046981 - as Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.AS.I
    3046985 - asf Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.ASF.H
    3263401 - asg Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.ASG.R
    3780558 - asl Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.ASL.I
    3293018 - asn Patchset Released on 13-OCT-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.ASN.A
    2937137 - aso Patchset Released on 21-JUN-04, 11i.ASO.M
    2212166 - asp Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.ASP.B
    3046996 - ast Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.AST.H
    3151359 - ax Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.AX.I
    3251003 - az Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.AZ.F
    3418234 - ben Patchset Released on 27-JUL-04, 11i.BEN.M
    3367777 - bic Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.BIC.S
    3061845 - bil Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.BIL.O
    3025758 - bim Patchset Released on 07-OCT-04, 11i.BIM.O
    3673034 - bis Patchset Released on 15-OCT-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.BIS.J
    3014204 - biv Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.BIV.S
    3112625 - bix Patchset Released on 29-OCT-03, 11i.BIX.T
    2819091 - bne Patchset Released on 15-SEP-03 from Note:259484.1, 11i.BNE.C
    2768762 - bom Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.BOM.J
    3673035 - bsc Patchset Released on 15-OCT-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.BSC.H
    2687381 - cct Patchset Released on 29-OCT-03, 11i.CCT.R
    3151412 - ce Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.CE.J
    3212221 - chv Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CHV.F
    3231176 - cln Patchset Released on 11-OCT-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.CLN.C
    3061842 - cn Patchset Released on 18-MAR-04, 11i.CN.H
    2770107 - crp Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CRP.F
    3022934 - cs Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CS.Q
    3014206 - csc Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CSC.Q
    3215147 - csd Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CSD.S
    3195218 - cse Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CSE.P
    3132186 - csf Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CSF.S
    3195214 - csi Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CSI.P
    3263427 - csl Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.CSL.K
    3263430 - csm Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.CSM.D
    3014210 - csp Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CSP.R
    3132185 - csr Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CSR.M
    3214922 - css Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CSS.J
    3014213 - cug Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CUG.Q
    2136960 - cun Patchset Released on 01-FEB-02, 11i.CUN.J
    2770105 - cz Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.CZ.J
    3298209 - ddd Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.DDD.C
    3418248 - dt Patchset Released on 27-JUL-04, 11i.DT.H
    1950474 - eaa Patchset Released on 04-SEP-01, 11i.EAA.B
    3200674 - eam Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.EAM.J
    3261243 - ec Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.EC.G
    2440710 - ecx Patchset Released on 04-SEP-02, 11i.ECX.C
    2922221 - edr Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.EDR.C
    3298205 - ego Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.EGO.C
    2769980 - eng Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.ENG.I
    3315665 - eni Patchset Released on 08-OCT-04, 11i.ENI.H
    3151587 - fa Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.FA.O
    3514740 - fem Patchset Superseded on 27-AUG-04, 11i.FEM.B
    3418286 - ff Patchset Released on 27-JUL-04, 11i.FF.I
    2864462 - fii Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.FII.G
    2768757 - flm Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.FLM.I
    3262159 - fnd Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.FND.H
    2456473 - fpt Patchset Released on 11-OCT-02, 11i.FPT.D
    2682790 - frm Patchset Superseded on 24-NOV-02, 11i.FRM.F
    2770453 - fte Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.FTE.F
    3151594 - fv Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.FV.J
    3271405 - gcs Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.GCS.B
    3418292 - ghr Patchset Released on 27-JUL-04, 11i.GHR.J
    3151409 - gl Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.GL.J
    2916578 - gma Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.GMA.L
    2916585 - gmd Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.GMD.L
    2916589 - gme Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.GME.L
    2916592 - gmf Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.GMF.L
    2916596 - gmi Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.GMI.L
    2916602 - gml Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.GML.L
    2916603 - gmp Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.GMP.L
    3018908 - gms Patchset Released on 05-DEC-03 from Note:259484.1, 11i.GMS.L
    2916605 - gr Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.GR.L
    3177666 - hri Patchset Released on 05-FEB-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.HRI.F
    2717041 - hxc Patchset Obsoleted on 27-MAR-03, 11i.HXC.C
    3530830 - hxt Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.HXT.H
    3289862 - ia Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.IA.A
    1306459 - iba Patchset Superseded on 21-JUN-00, 11i.IBA.A
    3025788 - ibc Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04, 11i.IBC.C
    3071058 - ibe Patchset Released on 21-JUN-04, 11i.IBE.P
    3215243 - ibu Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.IBU.P
    3151563 - iby Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.IBY.P
    3212296 - icx Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.ICX.I
    3103016 - ieb Patchset Released on 29-OCT-03, 11i.IEB.R
    3103006 - iec Patchset Released on 29-OCT-03, 11i.IEC.R
    2688479 - iem Patchset Superseded on 28-NOV-02, 11i.IEM.Q
    3112614 - ieo Patchset Released on 29-OCT-03, 11i.IEO.R
    3105044 - ies Patchset Released on 29-OCT-03, 11i.IES.R
    3101379 - ieu Patchset Released on 29-OCT-03, 11i.IEU.R
    3274195 - iex Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.IEX.G
    3151665 - igi Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.IGI.N
    3082081 - igs Patchset Released on 01-APR-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.IGS.L
    3093820 - igw Patchset Superseded on 12-DEC-03 from Note:259484.1, 11i.IGW.F
    3284214 - imc Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.IMC.L
    2770966 - inv Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.INV.J
    3069070 - ipa Patchset Released on 28-NOV-03, 11i.IPA.F
    2695944 - isc Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.ISC.B
    2692950 - itg Patchset Released on 11-OCT-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.ITG.F
    3151471 - ja Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.JA.H
    3151480 - je Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.JE.I
    3151483 - jg Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.JG.J
    3151519 - jl Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.JL.L
    3263420 - jtm Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.JTM.F
    2386712 - jts Patchset Released on 22-OCT-02, 11i.JTS.E
    2769918 - mrp Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.MRP.I
    3200649 - msc Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.MSC.I
    3200658 - msd Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.MSD.I
    3200659 - mso Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.MSO.I
    3200664 - msr Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.MSR.G
    3099306 - mst Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.MST.A
    2770126 - mwa Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.MWA.H
    1733032 - oe Patchset Released on 03-MAY-01, 11i.OE.C
    3195187 - okc Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.OKC.N
    3195207 - oke Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.OKE.J
    3195201 - oki Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.OKI.J
    3101250 - okl Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.OKL.F
    3195197 - oko Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.OKO.I
    3440839 - okr Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.OKR.L
    3195193 - oks Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.OKS.O
    3195204 - okx Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.OKX.N
    2770166 - ont Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.ONT.J
    2695953 - opi Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.OPI.B
    3291795 - ota Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.OTA.I
    3073155 - ozf Patchset Released on 09-OCT-04, 11i.OZF.D
    2991508 - pa Patchset Released on 28-NOV-03, 11i.PA.L
    3418225 - pay Patchset Released on 27-JUL-04, 11i.PAY.M
    3418216 - per Patchset Released on 27-JUL-04, 11i.PER.N
    2770116 - pjm Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.PJM.H
    3416752 - pmi Patchset Released on 07-OCT-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.PMI.H
    3151458 - pn Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.PN.K
    3212265 - po Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.PO.I
    3212251 - poa Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.POA.F
    3212274 - pon Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.PON.J
    3212271 - pos Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.POS.E
    3418295 - pqh Patchset Released on 28-JUL-04, 11i.PQH.J
    3418304 - pqp Patchset Released on 28-JUL-04, 11i.PQP.J
    3070696 - prp Patchset Released on 05-NOV-04, 11i.PRP.B
    3153659 - psa Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.PSA.I
    3151556 - psb Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.PSB.J
    3418306 - psp Patchset Released on 28-JUL-04, 11i.PSP.I
    3025814 - pv Patchset Released on 09-OCT-04, 11i.PV.H
    2769925 - qa Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.QA.I
    2937175 - qot Patchset Released on 21-JUN-04, 11i.QOT.D
    2770137 - qp Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.QP.J
    3151463 - qrm Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.QRM.D
    3151391 - rg Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.RG.H
    2770345 - rlm Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.RLM.J
    3418312 - ssp Patchset Released on 28-JUL-04, 11i.SSP.J
    2770336 - vea Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.VEA.J
    2768748 - wip Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.WIP.I
    2770088 - wms Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.WMS.G
    2768755 - wps Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.WPS.H
    2770367 - wsh Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.WSH.J
    2770100 - wsm Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.WSM.I
    3263588 - xdo Patchset Released on 04-NOV-04 from Note:259484.1, 11i.XDO.H
    3214732 - xdp Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.XDP.X
    3151394 - xla Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.XLA.H
    2701907 - xnc Patchset Released on 15-APR-03, 11i.XNC.N
    3195219 - xni Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.XNI.K
    3214804 - xnp Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.XNP.X
    3014217 - xns Patchset Released on 17-SEP-04, 11i.XNS.V
    3151450 - xtr Patchset Released on 18-OCT-04, 11i.XTR.K
    3264437 - zpb Patchset Released on 01-OCT-04, 11i.ZPB.A
    " > ${OUT_DIR}/11510_Base.txt

    chmod 777 ${OUT_DIR}/11510_Base.txt 2>/dev/null


    ### Main Program Calls ###

    Get_Arguments # Parse command line ie. parm1=yes parm2=3
    # check for help -h etc..

    Setup_Env # set up options like default directories
    echo "Finished: Setup_Env"

    if [ "${report}" = "applied_patches" ];then

    # Build_Patchset_Lists - Moved into Setup_Env before Pseudo code.


    echo "Finished: Get_Version (Next Step is slowest)"

    if [ "${patchlist_only}" = "y" ];then
    echo "Exiting without comparison, only created Patch List Only: Patch.csv"

    echo "Finished: Compare_Patches (Report.txt)"

    if [ `echo "${BaseAppsVer}" | grep '11.5'` ];then
    Compare_Patches_11i # This only runs if 11.5.X is present (Report_11i.txt)

    if [ `echo "${BaseAppsVer}" | grep '12.'` ];then
    Compare_Patches_R12 # This only runs if 12.X.X is present (Report_R12.txt)

    echo "Finished: All Steps"

    2. Check the ownership and permission of this file.
    Using this command you can change ownership and permissions of this file.

    chown applprod.dba

    chmod 777

    3. Then login as application user and execute the below command to find the
    patchset level.

    sh connect=apps/apps

    posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 9:52 PM   0 comments
    About Me

    Name: Senthil Kumaran
    Home: Oslo, Oslo, Norway
    About Me: I'm working as a oracle applications dba(Apps DBA OCP) and fusion middleware.This views are my own only and not neccessary to match with others
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