web cache cloning |
Friday, August 8, 2008 |
WEBCACHE CLONING ===================
Create groups and users using the following commands
#groupadd dba
#groupadd oinstall
#useradd -g oinstall -G dba oraweb
id must be same in source and destination (uid=500(oraweb) gid=500(oinstall) groups=500(oinstall),501(dba) context=user_u:system_r:unconfined_t)
Change the permisson
chmod 777 /u01
copy datas from source to destination through scp -r oracle oraweb@
after copying set the environment in .bashprofile
su - oraweb
vi .bash_profile export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/10.1.2/OraHome_1 export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin
change hostname(if its required only) vi /etc/sysconfig/network
put hostentry vi /etc/hosts
change ip netconfig
start emctl start iasconsole Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Release Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. http://csd.oneapps.com:1156/emd/console/aboutApplication Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control is running.
start opmnctl startall starting opmnctl got error
log file=cat /u01/oracle/10.1.2/OraHome_1/webcache/logs/event_log
error: couldnot increase the numberof file/socket descriptors to 1100 ====== check $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/webcache.xml
MULTIPORT> ==========
solution steps ================= (Port numbers less than 1024 are reserved for use by privileged processes on UNIX. If you want to configure OracleAS Web Cache to listen on a port less than 1024, such as on port 80, then the webcached executable must run as the root user)
set oraclehome
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/10.1.2/OraHome_1
solution: from root user execute ./webcache_setuser.sh setidentity 500 ========= |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 10:18 AM   |
Create A Production (Full or Partial) Duplicate On The Same Host |
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 |
Reference: ------------- Primary DB : ORCL Clone DB : AUX
Production Database should be archive enabled.
Startup mount; alter database archivelog; alter database open; archive log list;
Recovery catalog for RMAN
Creating the Recovery Catalog Owner Start by creating a database schema (usually called rman). Assign an appropriate tablespace to it and grant it the recovery_catalog_owner role. Look at this example:
% sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
Creating the Recovery Catalog
% rman catalog rman/rman@ORCL
Registering the target database
% rman TARGET / CATALOG rman/rman@ORCL
Reference : Note:452529.1 Reference : RMAN: How to Query the RMAN Recovery Catalog ( Note:98342.1 )
Example Source Listener.ora
SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc) (ORACLE_HOME = /newpart//product/10.2.0/) (PROGRAM = extproc) ) (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = ORCL) (ORACLE_HOME = /newpart//product/10.2.0) (SID_NAME = ORCL) ) (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = AUX) (ORACLE_HOME = /newpart//product/10.2.0) (SID_NAME = AUX) ) )
Example Source tnsnames.ora
Note : Make use of netca and netmgr to configure listener and tnsnames
# Find Production Database Files:
SQL> select name from v$datafile; Create the Auxiliary Database directories needed cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs create parameter file initAUX.ora
db_file_name_convert = ('/old/path1', '/new/path1', '/old/path2', '/new/path2', '/old/path3', '/new/path3')
log_file_name_convert = ('/old/path1', '/new/path1', '/old/path2', '/new/path2', '/old/path3', '/new/path3')
db_name = aux db_block_size = 8192 compatible = remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive control_files = ('/newpart SQL> startup nomount pfile=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initAUX.ora SQL> exit Start the Duplication ORACLE_SID=AUX; export ORACLE_SID # ksh sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected to an idle instance SQL> startup nomount pfile=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initAUX.ora SQL> exit
# Set your SID back to the TARGET for duplication.
> rman trace.log
Recovery Manager: Release - Production Copyright (c) Oracle. All rights reserved.
RMAN> connect target connected to target database: V10GREL4 (DBID=2510891965)
RMAN>backup database;
RMAN>sql 'alter system switch logfile';
RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/pwd@AUX connected to auxiliary database: AUX (not mounted)
RMAN> duplicate target database to AUX device type disk; Once this is done, login to duplicate database with alter database open resetlogs. |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 10:44 AM   |
Creating a Duplicate Database on a New Host Using RMAN |
For reference: ----------------
Primary Database SID: ORCL Duplicate Database SID: AUX RMAN Catalog SID: RMAN
Backup of the primary database.
Host A (Target)
# rman target=/ catalog=rman/rman@ORCL
RMAN> run { allocate channel d1 type disk; backup format '/backups/PROD/df_t%t_s%s_p%p' database; sql 'alter system archive log current'; backup format '/backups/PROD/al_t%t_s%s_p%p' archivelog all; release channel d1; } This command will perform a full database backup including archivelogs and the current controlfile.
Host B (Aux)
Making the backup available for the duplicate process.
If your backup resides on disk you will need to copy this back up from host A to host B. Ensure you place it in the same directory as where it was created. RMAN> list backup;
Create same directory of host b and give appropriate permissions for the oracle user
Create the pfile [initAUX.ora] parameter file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory for the auxiliary database. --------------------------------------------------------------- db_name = aux db_block_size = 8192 compatible = remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive control_files = ('/d02/oradata/aux/control01.ctl') db_file_name_convert = ('/newpart/oradata/orcl', '/d02/oradata/aux') log_file_name_convert = ('/newpart/oradata/orcl', '/d02/oradata/aux') *.undo_management='AUTO' *.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Following the creation of the initAUX.ora startup nomount the auxiliary instance. export ORACLE_SID=AUX
sqlplus '/as sysdba'
startup nomount;
Ensuring SQL*NET connections to primary database and RMAN catalog are working.
Host B(AUX)
sqlplus ‘sys/oracle@PROD as sysdba’
sqlplus rman/rman@PROD (not mandatory) Add tnsnames.ora entry – Eg: ORCL = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = test.oneapps.com)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ORCL) ) ) Prepare RMAN duplicate script.
run { allocate auxiliary channel C1 device type disk; duplicate target database to AUX; } Save it as dup.sql Execute the RMAN script
Start RMAN, connect to the production target, the catalog instance and also the auxiliary clone. Run the RMAN duplicate script as shown below. Before doing this ensure that the Oracle SID environment variable is set to the duplicate clone database. # export ORACLE_SID=AUX
# rman target sys/pwd@ORCL catalog rman/rman@ORCL auxiliary /
RMAN> @dup.sql After this, login to aux database and alter database open with resetlogs option. |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 10:32 AM   |
Database Cloning |
Database Cloning --------------------
1. Ensure that your database is recoverable back to original location and state by backing it up before executing this procedure:
Database in NON-ARCHIVE LOG MODE - take an off-line database backup. Database in ARCHIVELOG MODE - take an on-line or off-line database backup.
2. Connect to sql*plus as the user ‘SYS AS SYSDBA’ and ensure that all users have logged off the system by executing the following command.
SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected. SQL> select username from v$session; SQL> select username from v$session; USERNAME
SYS 8 rows selected. SQL>
You should see several fields returning with no username (these are internal oracle logins and the will not affect your operations) and one SYS login (this is you).
3. Place the system in restricted mode:
SQL> alter system enable restricted session;
System altered.
4. Connect as SYS with SYSDBA privileges and execute the following SQL command:
SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected. SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace; SQL>
The [alter database backup controlfile to trace;] command will generate a SQL script that can be used to regenerate the database.
5. Execute the sql*plus command show parameter to find your user dump directory.
SQL> show parameter user_dump_dest NAME TYPE VALUE -------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------ user_dump_dest string /opt/app/oracle/product/admin/orcl/udump
6. Exit to the OS layer and move to the user_dump_dest directory. Trace file names are generated by oracle in the following format [instance_name]+[oracle generated number].trc, so use the timestamp to locate the last trace file generated. Open the file in a text editor and remove everything above the ‘STARTUP NOMOUNT ..' statement. Alter the ‘CREATE CONTROLFILE’ statement for the following uses:
7. Edit the rest of this file to reference the correct locations of you log files, datafiles and temp files.
8. Move the trace file to an appropriate location and name to recreate_db.sql.
9. Connect as SYS with SYSDBA privileges and shutdown the database in immediate mode: SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected. SQL> shutdown immediate
10. Move the following files to there corresponding locations in updated recreate_db.sql file. DATAFILES Log files
11. Restore or copy the backup and the archived logs (if any) to the new machine.
12. Move your INIT$ORACLE_SID.ORA file to its new location. Ensure your controlfile and archive destinations in INIT are set properly to the new locations.
13. Connect to SQLPLUS on your new machine as SYS AS SYSDBA and run create_db.sql script as follows:
SQL> @[directory_location]/create_db.sql
14. Change the global database name if you renamed your database as follows:
15. Perform full system backup and store in a safe location. |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 10:24 AM   |
11g top new features |
Oracle Database 11g Top New Features ===============================
1) Automatic Diagnostic Repository [ADR]
2) Database Replay
3) Automatic Memory Tuning
4) Case sensitive password
5) Virtual columns and indexes
6) Interval Partition and System Partition
7) The Result Cache
8) ADDM RAC Enhancements
9) SQL Plan Management and SQL Plan Baselines
10) SQL Access Advisor & Partition Advisor
11) SQL Query Repair Advisor
12) SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) New
13) DBMS_STATS Enhancements
14) The Result Cache
15) Total Recall (Flashback Data Archive)
Note: The above are only top new features, there are other features as well introduced in 11g which will be included subsequently
Oracle 11g Database DBA New Features with brief explanation ==========================================
# Database Capture/replay database workloads : This allows the total database workload to be captured, transferred to a test database create from a backup or standby database, then replayed to test the affects of an upgrade or system change. Currently, these are working to a capture performance overhead of 5%, so this will capture real production workloads
# Automatic Memory Tuning:
Automatic PGA tuning was introduced in Oracle 9i. Automatic SGA tuning was already introduced in Oracle 10g. But In 11g, all memory can be tuned automatically by setting one parameter. We can literally tell Oracle how much memory it has and it determines how much to use for PGA, SGA and OS Processes. Maximum and minimum thresholds can be set
# Interval partitioning for tables :
Interval partitions are extensions to range partitioning. These provide automation for equi-sized range partitions. Partitions are created as metadata and only the start partition is made persistent. The additional segments are allocated as the data arrives. The additional partitions and local indexes are automatically created.
# Feature Based Patching:
All one-off patches will be classified as to which feature they affect. This allows you to easily identify which patches are necessary for the features you are using. EM will allow you to subscribe to a feature based patching service, so EM automatically scans for available patches for the features you are using
# RMAN UNDO bypass :
Rman backup can bypass undo. Undo tablespaces are getting huge, but contain lots of useless information. Now rman can bypass those types of tablespace. Great for exporting a tablespace from backup.
# Virtual columns/indexes :
User can create Virtual index on table. This Virtual index is not visible to optimizer, so it will not affect performance, Developer can user HINT and see is Index is useful or not.Invisible Indexesprevent premature use of newly created indexes
# New default audit settings :
Oracle database where general database auditing was "off" by default, logging is intended to be enabled by default with the Oracle Database 11g beta secure configuration. Notable performance improvements are planned to be introduced to reduce the performance degradation typically associated with auditing.
# Case sensitive password :
Passwords are expected to also become case sensitive This and other changes should result in better protection against password guessing scenarios. For example, in addition to limiting the number of failed login attempts to 10 (default configuration in 10gR2), Oracle 11g beta’s planned default settings should expire passwords every 180 days, and limit to seven the number of times a user can login with an expired password before disabling access.
# Faster DML triggers : Create a disabled trigger; specify trigger firing order
# Fine grained access control for Utl_TCP:
in 10g all port are available, now it is controlled.
# Data Guard supports "Flashback Standby"
# New Trigger features
# Partitioning by logical object and automated partition creation.
# LOB's - New high-performance LOB features.
# New Oracle11g Advisors
# Enhanced Read only tables
# Table trigger firing order
# Enhanced Index rebuild online : - Online index build with NO pause to DML.
# No recompilation of dependent objects:- When
A) Columns added to tables B) Procedures added to packages
# Improved optimizer statistics collection speed
# Online index build with NO pause to DML
# Read only table :-
alter table t read only
alter table t read write
Oracle 11g Database SQL/PL-SQL New Features ----------------------------------------------
Fine Grained Dependency Tracking:
In 11g we track dependencies at the level of element within unit. so that these changes have no consequence
• Transparent performance improvement •Unnecessary recompilation certainly consumes CPU
create table t(a number)
create view v as select a from t
alter table t add(Unheard_Of number)
select status from User_Objectswhere Object_Name = 'V' - ----- VALID
No recompilation of dependent objects when Columns added to tables OR Procedures added to packages
> Named and Mixed Notation from SQL:
select fun(P4=>10) from DUAL
In 10g not possible to call function in select statment by passing 4th parameter, but in 11g it is possible
> PL/SQL "continue" keyword - It is same as we read in c/c++ loop
> Support for “super”: It is same "super" in Java.
> Powerfull Regular Expression:
Now we can access data between TAGS like data between tags .........
The new built-in REGEXP_COUNT returns the number of times the pattern is matched in the input string.
> New table Data Type "simple_integer"
> SQL Performance Analyzer(SPA) :
It is same as Database replay except it not capture all transaction.The SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) leverages existing Oracle Database 10g SQL tuning components. The SPA provides the ability to capture a specific SQL workload in a SQL Tuning Set, take a performance baseline before a major database or system change, make the desired change to the system, and then replay the SQL workload against the modified database or configuration. The before and after performance of the SQL workload can then be compared with just a few clicks of the mouse. The DBA only needs to isolate any SQL statements that are now performing poorly and tune them via the SQL Tuning Advisor
> Caching The Results with /*+ result_cache */ :
select /*+ result_cache */ * from my_table, New for Oracle 11g, the result_cache hint caches the result set of a select statement. This is similar to alter table table_name cache,but as you can adding predicates makes /*+ result_cache */ considerably more powerful by caching a subset of larger tables and common queries.
select /*+ result_cache */ col1, col2, col3 from my_table where colA = :B1
> The compound trigger :
A compound trigger lets you implement actions for each of the table DML timing points in a single trigger
> PL/SQL unit source can exceeds 32k characters
> Easier to execute table DDL operations online:
Option to wait for active DML operations instead of aborting
> Fast add column with default value:
Does not need to updateall rows to default value.
Oracle 11g Database Backup & Recovery New Features ------------------------------------------------
* Enhanced configuration of archive deletion policies Archive can be deleted , if it is not need DG , Streams Flashback etc When you CONFIGURE an archived log deletion policy applies to all archiving destinations, including the flash recovery area. BACKUP ... DELETE INPUT and DELETE... ARCHIVELOG use this configuration, as does the flash recovery area. When we back up the recovery area, RMAN can fail over to other archived redo log destinations if the flash recovery area is inaccessible.
* Configuring backup compression:
In 11g can use CONFIGURE command to choose between the BZIP2 and ZLIB compression algorithms for RMAN backups.
* Active Database Duplication:
Now DUPLICATE command is network aware i.e.we can create a duplicate or standby database over the network without taking backup or using old backup.
* Parallel backup and restore for very large files:
RMAN Backups of large data files now use multiple parallel server processes to efficiently distribute theworkload for each file. This features improves the performance of backups.
* Improved block media recovery performance:
RECOVER command can recover individual data blocks. RMAN take older, uncorrupted blocks from flashback and the RMAN can use these blocks, thereby speeding up block media recovery.
* Fast incremental backups on physical standby database:
11g has included new feature of enable block change tracking on a physical standby database (ALTER DATABASE ENABLE/DISABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING SQL statement). This new 11g feature enables faster incremental backups on a physical standby database than in previous releases.because RMAN identifywe the changed blocks sincethe last incremental backup.
11g ASM New Features -----------------------
The new features in Automatic Storage Management (ASM) extend the storage management automation, improve scalability, and further simplify management for Oracle Database files.
■ ASM Fast Mirror Resync
A new SQL statement, ALTER DISKGROUP ... DISK ONLINE, can be executed after a failed disk has been repaired. The command first brings the disk online for writes so that no new writes are missed. Subsequently, it initiates a copy of all extents marked as stale on a disk from their redundant copies. This feature significantly reduces the time it takes to repair a failed diskgroup, potentially from hours to minutes. The repair time is proportional to the number of extents that have been written to or modified since the failure.
■ ASM Manageability Enhancements
The new storage administration features for ASM manageability include the following:
■ New attributes for disk group compatibility To enable some of the new ASM features, you can use two new disk group compatibility attributes, compatible.rdbms and compatible.asm. These attributes specify the minimum software version that is required to use disk groups for the database and for ASM, respectively. This feature enables heterogeneous environments with disk groups from both Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Database 11g. By default, both attributes are set to 10.1. You must advance these attributes to take advantage of the new features.
■ New ASM command-line utility (ASMCMD) commands and options
ASMCMD allows ASM disk identification, disk bad block repair, and backup and restore operations in your ASM environment for faster recovery.
■ ASM fast rebalance
Rebalance operations that occur while a disk group is in RESTRICTED mode eliminate the lock and unlock extent map messaging between ASM instances in Oracle RAC environments, thus improving overall rebalance throughput. This collection of ASM management features simplifies and automates storage management for Oracle databases.
■ ASM Preferred Mirror Read
When ASM failure groups are defined, ASM can now read from the extent that is closest to it, rather than always reading the primary copy. A new initialization parameter, ASM_PREFERRED_READ_FAILURE_GROUPS, lets the ASM administrator specify a list of failure group names that contain the preferred read disks for each node in a cluster.
In an extended cluster configuration, reading from a local copy provides a great performance advantage. Every node can read from its local diskgroup (failure group), resulting in higher efficiency and performance and reduced network traffic.
■ ASM Rolling Upgrade
Rolling upgrade is the ability of clustered software to function when one or more of the nodes in the cluster are at different software versions. The various versions of the software can still communicate with each other and provide a single system image. The rolling upgrade capability will be available when upgrading from Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1).
This feature allows independent nodes of an ASM cluster to be migrated or patched without affecting the availability of the database. Rolling upgrade provides higher uptime and graceful migration to new releases.
■ ASM Scalability and Performance Enhancements
This feature increases the maximum data file size that Oracle can support to 128 TB. ASM supports file sizes greater than 128 TB in any redundancy mode. This provides near unlimited capacity for future growth. The ASM file size limits are:
■ External redundancy - 140 PB ■ Normal redundancy - 42 PB ■ High redundancy - 15 PB
Customers can also increase the allocation unit size for a disk group in powers of 2 up to 64 MB.
■ Convert Single-Instance ASM to Clustered ASM
This feature provides support within Enterprise Manager to convert a non-clustered ASM database to a clustered ASM database by implicitly configuring ASM on all nodes. It also extends the single-instance to Oracle RAC conversion utility to support standby databases.
Simplifying the conversion makes it easier for customers to migrate their databases and achieve the benefits of scalability and high availability provided by Oracle RAC.
■ New SYSASM Privilege for ASM Administration
This feature introduces the new SYSASM privilege to allow for separation of database management and storage management responsibilities. The SYSASM privilege allows an administrator to manage the disk groups that can be shared by multiple databases. The SYSASM privilege provides a clear separation of duties from the SYSDBA privilege.
For complete list of 11g ASM New Feature, You can refer the following
Note 551205.1 11g ASM New Features Technical White Paper http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/oracle-database-11g-top-features/11g-asm.html
For Complete list of 11g New Features, You can refer to the following link
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 9:49 AM   |
Indian localization patch |
$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/afopp002.sql ( FND_CP_GSM_OPP_AQ Queue is Invalidated )
6491231 -------
perl install.pl appspwd=apps japwd=ja
5498551 ----------
select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'
exec sys.utl_recomp.recomp_parallel(8)
select object_name, object_type from all_objects where object_name = 'DBMS_SUPPORT' and object_type like 'PACKAGE%' ;
sqlplus apps/apps @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmssupp.sql
sqlplus apps/apps @ja_chk_stat.sql
Note:382829.1 Usage of DFF in India Localization
select owner, table_name from all_tables where table_name = 'JA_IN_INSTALL_CHECK_INFO_D' and owner = 'APPS' ;
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=5498551.drv fnd_patchset=H appspwd=apps japwd=ja systempwd=manager
perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps
sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_match_lines_v.sql
sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_po_lines_tax_update_trg.sql
sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_tds_temp_after_insert_trg.sql
create index ja_in_rcv_shipment_headers_n1 on rcv_shipment_headers(receipt_num); create index ja_in_rcv_transactions_n1 on rcv_transactions (rma_reference);
create index ja_in_ra_customer_trx_all_n1 on ra_customer_trx_all(interface_header_attribute1, interface_header_attribute6);
create index ja_in_mtl_transactions_n1 on mtl_material_transactions(rcv_transaction_id);
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct patch/115/import/US/AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_E.ldt
cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll
f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY
- Go to "Application Developer" Responsibility - Open View -> Requests - Click on "Submit New Request" - Click on "Single Request" - Enter "Generate Messages" in Name field - Enter the following parameters Language : US Application : Asia/Pacific Localizations Mode : DB_TO_RUNTIME - Click Ok and then Submit the request, ensure that request completes successfully
Use "adadmin" utility to compile the menus
6167056 ----------
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6167056.drv fnd_patchset=H appspwd=apps japwd=ja systempwd=manager
cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll
f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY
6079063 --------
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6079063.drv fnd_patchset=H
6410725 ------ cp $JA_TOP/6410725/patch/115/import/*.lct $JA_TOP/patch/115/import
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410725.drv fnd_patchset=H
cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll
f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY
Attach "India Local Project Billing" responsibility to application user
6410766 --------
perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410766.drv fnd_patchset=H
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct patch/115/import/US/RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS_2_E.ldt - CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE
i. To add the Custom responsibility: --------------------------------- a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > Responsibility > Define. b. Enter the following values. Responsibility Name : XXXXXXXXXX Application : iSupplier Portal Responsbility Key : XXXXXXXXXX Description : XXXXXXXXXX
Available form(Radio button): Select the following (X) "Oracle Self Service Web Applications"
Data Group: Name : Standard Application : iSupplier Portal
Menu : "ILS iSupplier Portal New Application Menu" (Please note that this menu contains personalized IL functions)
c. Apply Securing Attributes to Custom Responsibility
There are three securing attributes that can be used to control access. These attributes are all seeded with the pre-defined Oracle iSupplier Portal responsibilities that are released with the product: (Please refer iSupplier implementation guide for details)
? ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID - Identifier for the supplier. ? ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID - Identifier for the supplier site. ? ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID - Identifier for the supplier contact.
1. Select Securing Attributes region in Responsibility form, search for the three securing attributes that have to be applied to this responsibility. 2. When you have identified all the attributes to apply to this responsibility, select ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID > click Values button and give ?9999, select ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID > Click Values button and give -9999.
d. Click Save.
ii. Assign Responsibilities to Users ----------------------------------------- a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > User > Define. b. Enter the name of the user to whom you wish to grant the responsibility. c. In the Direct Responsibilities section, enter the custom responsibility in the Responsibility text box. d. Click Save.
6410797 -------- perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410797.drv fnd_patchset=H
i. To add the Custom responsibility: --------------------------------- a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > Responsibility > Define. b. Enter the following values. Responsibility Name : XXXXXXXXXX Application : Self-Service Web Applications Responsbility Key : XXXXXXXXXX Description : XXXXXXXXXX
Available form(Radio button): Select the following (X) "Oracle Self Service Web Applications"
Data Group: Name : Standard Application : Self-Service Web Applications
Menu : "India Local Procurement home" (Please note that this menu contains personalized IL functions)
d. Click Save.
ii. Assign Responsibilities to Users -------------------------------- a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > User > Define. b. Enter the name of the user to whom you wish to grant the responsibility. c. In the Direct Responsibilities section, enter the custom responsibility in the Responsibility text box. d. Click Save.
iii.Assign User Authorisations -------------------------- Two new Profiles specific to iProcurement for IL Support are added to System Profile Values to restrict tax modification and entry: a. ?IL: Access iProcurement Tax information? - Authority to modify IL taxes in iProcurement b. ?IL: Allow iProcurement RTV CENVAT Process? - Authority to claim CENVAT during iProcurement Return to Vendor transactions. c. Default values for these profiles are set to ?NO? implying No authorization.System Administrators should set the profile values to each iProcurement users with appropriate values to ensure the proper user authorization levels.
6372361 --------
6053828 6030861
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6372361.drv fnd_patchset=H
Labels: Apps 11i |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 9:36 AM   |
New background processes in 10g |
New background processes in 10g ---------------------------------------
Memory Manager (MMAN) coordinates the sizing of different memory components within SGA. MMAN keeps a track of sizes of components and allocates/de-allocates memory based on their usage. This process is used only when you enable Automatic Shared Memory Management.
Process responsible for writing flashback logs which stores pre-image of data-blocks.
These logs can be used to flash back database to past point in time. It proves very handy specially in situation of logical data corruptions like an accidental drop/truncate of a table or commit of an unwanted transaction.
Change Tracking Writer (CTWR) Process introduced in 10g to track changes to block to assist fast RMAN incremental backups.
The Memory Monitor Light (MMNL) process introduced in 10g is responsible for writing out statistics buffer to disk as needed. It works with Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
The memory monitor (MMON) process was introduced in 10g is responsible for gathering statistics for Automatic Workload Repository. This helps Oracle doing automatic problem detection and self tuning.
MMON background slave (m000) processes.
RBAL (Re-balancer) is the ASM related process that performs rebalancing of disk resources controlled by ASM.
These processes are managed by the RBAL process and are used to do the actual rebalancing of ASM controlled disk resources. The number of ARBx processes invoked is directly influenced by the asm_power_limit parameter.
The ASMB process is used to provide information to and from the Cluster Synchronization Services used by ASM to manage the disk resources. It is also used to update statistics and provide a heartbeat mechanism. |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 9:28 AM   |
R12.AD.A.DELTA.4 Patch |
--Instructions For Applying This Patch
Execute the following command to generate your instance specific installation instructions
1. Source the Applications environment file 2. Run the Patch Application Assistant by entering "admsi.pl".
--Preparation Tasks
The tasks in this section can be completed without taking any Applications services or users offline.
--Pre-install Tasks
You must shut down all Application tier services before performing the tasks in this section.
AD.A Grants
Run the adgrants.sql script as a user that can connect as SYSDBA to grant privileges to selected SYS objects and create PL/SQL profiler objects.
1. Create $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin on the database server.
2. Copy adgrants.sql (UNIX) from this patch directory to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin. Or, copy adgrants_nt.sql (Windows) from this patch directory to %ORACLE_HOME%\appsutil\admin.
3. Set the environment to point to ORACLE_HOME on the database server.
4. Use SQL*Plus to run the script:
UNIX: $ sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect / as sysdba SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql
Windows: C:\> sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect / as sysdba SQL> @%ORACLE_HOME%\appsutil\admin\adgrants_nt.sql
--Apply patch
You must apply critical patch 6767273 before applying the AD Mini pack. This patch can not be merged with the AD Mini pack and must be applied separately.
Note: If you have not installed an off-cycle product, you may skip this step. To determine if your environment has an off cycle product, verify the following.
* Check for prod.txt files located under the $APPL_TOP/admin directory.
* For the products found in the directory, make sure there is an entry in the applprod.txt file located under the $APPL_TOP/admin directory
* You must apply patch 6767273 if you have products not listed in the applprod.txt file.
--Apply The Patch
his patch contains the following unified driver file to be applied with AutoPatch: u6510214.drv (This is the unified driver)
--Post-install Tasks
You must complete the tasks in this section before starting up Application tier services. |
posted by Senthil Kumaran @ 9:12 AM   |
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Name: Senthil Kumaran
Home: Oslo, Oslo, Norway
About Me: I'm working as a oracle applications dba(Apps DBA OCP) and fusion middleware.This views are my own only and not neccessary to match with others
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